Well I do not know what happend but I lost everything. It wouldn't load past the windows prompt, and wouldn't load under safe mode. I had to run the back-up disk and reinstall all my driver,etc. I have the machine up and running again but all info is lost. I backed up The Cavern by Sony that I just bought and Bam end game. I have heard that sony has developed something that crashes your computer if you try to back them up. Is there any truth in this?
i dont think that is true, i have done all of the new sony movies and have not had one problem, as many other people here at AD have not had any issues with sony crashing a PC were it wont load up. However to do a backup of a new sony movie u cant use dvd decrypter by itself BC it cant handle the protection, so u have to use DVDFab decrypter to rip to HDD than use VobBlanker if u get errors in shrink. Or u can use a program called Ripit4Me that uses dvd decrypter with help from othe programs
I wonder what caused it to crash? Everyhting is up now after a little head scratching, I just lost all of my ipod music. I started again and downloaded imgburn, dvd shrink and anydvd. I backed-up shaggy dog and it worked great.
sorry to hear your PC crashed, glad u r up and running again. forgot u had ANYdvd too. Another good thing to do is backup all ur important files on a DVD, as i have all my MP3 music files on two DVDs just in case.
Yep I don't think it was a Sony movie either that did the crash like 300bowler said. If Sony had that power w/ DVD's I'd be sol and reformatting all the time Are you doing regular maintenance on the the laptop? Like running anitvirus, spyware, have a firewall running while online? Do the virus/spyware scans regularly? How about disc cleanups and defrags? You might also want to do a chkdsc/scandisc to check & fix the hard drive. Laptops don't have the best airflow - and can overheat easier. Shrink is pretty cpu intensive also. No mutlitasking and shut down any unnecessary processes when doing the dvd burning thing. Using a cooling pad can help too.
I have a good anti virus(norton system works) I just did a defrag and complete system scan. It could have been an overheating problem. Its just I was talking to a freind of mine who was telling me about the sony thing and the first movie I did that was sony.......it crashed.......go figure the luck. Like I said I am learning all this and when I am told something like that and then it happens I start thinking what have I done. Either way I have been wanting to buy a new laptop and now I will. I am going to dedicate this one for strictly backing up. What is a good laptop for gaming,and surfing?
Hmmm I would get a PC for backups - the drives in laptops ain't that great. For pc's you can get much better ones. Then there's the overheating/airflow bit. Plus a pc w/ better specs is cheaper than a lappy. I use my laptop for surfing and sometimes burning. My pc's do most of my burning. I have more flexible having 2 drives in the pc's for burning. Just my 2 cents. A lappy for gaming - might want to look at Dell - last time I looked (almost a year though) they had one geared more towards gaming. I'm not much of a gamer - I have an HP - I think I drove the guy at best buy nuts doing all the comparisons on the different models