Today I got my 320gb hard drive. My xbox is softmodded and I tried upgrading the HD and after following the instructions on using the xboxhdm I now get error 6 if I lock it and error 5 wehn i have it unlocked. Does any one know what iam doing wrong? Everything went sucessful with the xboxhdm. Is there any way to get the upgraded HD like the stock one and reapply the softmod ??? I posted this in another fourm but it was kinda dead sorry. Also when i put my stock xbox in it runs perfect and everything i had on that one is still there just in case something messes or I delete the eeprom by accident i can go back and recover it. But any help would be appreciated and I only have 1 xbox
Also befor any one says this yes the hard drive is compatible
read here
No help i studied those pages tho. I went to Xbrowser and everything on the CD and the HD was there. Am I suppose to use config magic to back it up because I used evox System Configuration > Backup and went to the e/backup and got the eeprom from there. Should i get the eeprom from config magic???
update I used config magic and Iam still having the same problem Error 6 . What does that mean??? I believe my PC can lock it and unlock it through xboxhdm because when its unlocked I can build hd from scratch and everything else but when i lock it lockhd -a and reboot command and hit enter it says iam limited to doing blah blah blah because the hard drive is locked and when I type in xboxhd just about the whole list is disabled from leting me do anything because I locked it .... And I still get error 6 !!!!!!I followed every step btw do I have to use an older version of xboxhdm if my XBox is older ?? Purchased it in 2002
xodome I am having exactly the same problem as you please can you tell me how you fixed it!! I can't find an eeprom.bin in UDATA. There is however an eeprom.bin and a eeprom_backup.bin in TDATA. Will that one work? Thanks.
Yeah it should just use that eeprom in xboxhdm and make sure your hard drive your using is unlocked and lock it with the eeprom in Udata/tdata folder