I can see it. I just copied what people put up. I can see all of the userbars in my sig. Maybe you have a problem loading that specific image or something.
no it just wasnt there the first time then it appeared when i reloaded the page maybe the server "hiccuped"
I guess. It's always been visible to me. The caching in your browser must have missed it the first time.
Svar, Right click on the layer and go up to blending options. You will find Stroke there Heres the xbox one i found floating around. Enjoy!
@Rikoshay.. glad you liked the utorrent one buddy.. here's some xbox ones.. take a pick.. if i make anymore i'll just add it.. or just make a new post.. lemme know how you like it figured i would do these too.. hope you like those... if anybody wants to use them.. you are more than welcome to them. the only thing i ask.. is that you host them yourself.. i may end up switching them around..
sorry.. one two many clicks *edit* now i'm adding the same thing as before.. but now with the game controllers from the systems themselves.. you got me thinking about the video games.. i've gone off on some wild tangent.. hope you enjoy if i come up with anymore.. i'll add em
is there anyway to have a new forum for user bars added? or new section to the site added for these? i know there are quite a few sites for these.. but at least this way.. these are all afterdawn user submitted?
thanx for xbox ones... anyone seen any limewire ones hanging around? or could someone please make one?