er um i thougt this thread was on LOCO's or somethin' ?? LOCO Motives El Polo LOCO LOCO Diets Kid LOCO Tamale LOCO Going LOCO Dr. LOCO's Rockin' Jalapeno Band LOCO BLOCO
you all don't pay too much attention to what i write, do you? LOCO Diets ?? ok guys and gals... it was supposed to be LO CAL DIETS GOSH!
Sí, puedo hablar español, pero estoy muy mohoso. ¿Y usted? But back on topic, I should have picked a better user name. Ah well, stuck with it now! LOL
Ok, so how long did you take spanish? I only took 5 years. I still feel that I talk as a child does... OH WELL!!!
Me llamo oilejor... me casa same age as me, foundation poured on the day of me birth. me casa special. me special.
I finally figured it out.... JXP2307's signature graphic reminds me of the USPS logo. I kept feeling like there was postage due or something <g>
That'll be 38 cents... lol @Kinza, I am an old man. Just turned 24. Is that old? Got a wife and 2 kids... This is the best time of your life. ENJOY IT!!!
yeah, i really don't care that much about school anymore, i was absent on friday for no apparent reason. that doesn't mean i don't get a's