Anyway... Am I the only one who felt that this movie was a little trite and played out? It had some neat plot devices and kickin' action scenes, but I didn't get pulled into this particular dystopian society. It felt cookie-cutter "Rah! Government BAD! Fight the man, etc.!" and lacked some depth in my opinion; though V himself is a pretty neat character. And I've heard from friends that've read the graphic novel say it's been altered, though very few adaptation movies aren't. But yeah if you like this type of stuff there's TONS of books and other media out there. Scroll down for lists of various dystopian medias. Oh and can't forget this: Natalie Portman, hot. =P
lmao @ darthnip ...... Anyway, I saw a sneak preview of V For Vendetta just before it came out and I absolutely loved it...I was in awe the entire time..... ...also, is Natalie Portman not the sexiest woman alive (even with no hair!) ??? ---SPOILER__DO NOT READ PAST HERE IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN V FOR VENDETTA--- ...Did anybody else like the fact that they didnt show V's face at all? I thought it was genius...most movies always show the man behind the mask at the end...sure, there's that one scene where he's on fire, but they never show a close-up of his face...anyway, what do you guys think?
Im sorry tma but i disagree with you. I just saw the movie and it would great. But you must realize that this isn't a movie. This is reality. Yes the movie had a few actions scenes but that wasn't what the directors and writers want to be the focus of that movie. If yiy gace ever watched farenheit 911 then you kno that this is very similar to the bush regime. I found the movie to be everything a movie should be. V spoke the truth. And the one line that has stuck with me all night was something to the effect of, the government uses lies to hide the truth, while artists use lies to show the truth. That is very true. FOUR THUMBS UP FROM ME(toes included)
Yes i too must give this movie a GRRRRREEEEEAAAAAAAATE rating Ha five thumbs u count the toes and the tail
LOL glad everyone else seems to like it too...this is one of those movies that is great on the big screen....espeically the ending finale.
V For Very Good sums this movie well. The eloquent language and art of this movie is the entertainment. It never seems to amaze me how the liberal undertones provide political ammunition to a biased group of hate breeders. I mean come on, watch cnn AND fox, THEN draw YOUR OWN conclusions from ALL the info given. to comform to either side so strongly is to be masked and biased. This movie was very good, lets leave the drab political opinions and manipulation strategies to the weak minded.