Last night I found spindles of 100 Verbatim DataLifePlus 48x CDR's for $25.00 in Sam's Club. I checked the labels and found some spindles said "Made in Tawain", which I presume to be CMC discs; and some said "Made in Mexico". Who manufactures discs in Mexico??? Or is this another re-packaging trick? Thanks for any help...
I did not post the ATIP info. because I did not buy the spindle. I don't have the discs. I'm sorry... I guess I didn't make that clear in my post. I was just trying to see if anyone had any knowledge of these CDR's before I laid out the cash for them. I am definitely aware that accurate evaluation can not be made without the ATIP info. I was just hoping to not have to spend the money only to find out I got stuck with junk discs.
There is plenty of Verbatim talk here, use the search. I beleiva that DataLife Plus is made by Mitsubishi and therefore very good.
I DID search the forum messages before posting. There IS plenty of Verbatim talk... some of which has said that Verbatim has started using CMC for some of their manufacturing. I want to AVOID buying CMC discs. Also, there was NO MENTION in the messages of Verbatim, or ANY OTHER BRAND, being made in Mexico. Otherwise I also am lead to believe that the DataLifePlus are made by Mitsubishi. Maybe this is a better question... Does Mitsubishi have plants in Tawain? or Mexico? Maybe I just have to take my chances and buy the spindle...
I don't use Verbatim much - it is not very popular in here. My understanding is that the *PLUS* would mean premium quality. Perhaps they are just packaged in Mexico.
They're both made by mitsubishi. The Taiwan-made ones are made on a production line that used to belong to CMC Magnetics before being bought by Mitsubishi, and the Mexico-made ones are made on a factory that used to belong to Kodak Japan Ltd. The taiwan ones are supposed to be better.
Verbatim Datalife Plus is made by Mitsubishi Chemicals, Taiwan. They also have a Singapore plant but so far only CDRWs are manufactured. Besides the Datalife PLUS label, also look out for the formulation Metal Azo / Super Azo. If it doesn't have this, then its CMC. Here's an example : Verbatim GOLD DIAMOND : ATIP: 97m 26s 66f Disc Manufacturer: CMC Magnetics Corp. Reflective layer: Dye (Short strategy; e.g. Phthalocyanine) Media type: CD-Recordable Recording Speeds: min. unknown - max. unknown nominal Capacity: 702.82MB (79m 59s 71f / LBA: 359846)
Compare the Verbatim Blue Diamond. It doesn't say Datalife PLUS on the package, but it does say Blue Azo : [Verbatim Blue Diamond] ATIP: 97m 34s 22f Disc Manufacturer: Mitsubishi Chemicals Corp. Reflective layer: Dye (Long strategy; e.g. Cyanine, Azo etc.) Media type: CD-Recordable Recording Speeds: min. unknown - max. unknown nominal Capacity: 702.83MB (79m 59s 74f / LBA: 359849)