Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by teleman, Feb 26, 2005.

  1. teleman

    teleman Guest

    mmm,I'm back again.I tried to use my win tv 2000 as the capture card this time.I had to change the audio input since the card uses a different audio seting,instead of using the front jacks on the sound audigy card(which was the AUX. input.I made a couple of errors and need to know what I did wrong.I got the video and audio to my PC through the first step(known as Capture.) ok but on the 2nd. step(Create), something went wrong,I couldn't add chapters for one thing,and the other thing I think that might have caused this is I sent it directly to the DVD to save some 2 hours of time.OK,so now I have a DVD with video and audio,no chapters and the audio is running a little toooooo fast.How do I fix it so this won't happen the next time?Thank you,Hope to hear from you soon. Ray teleman@ids.net
  2. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    You may think you've saved time, but you've created far more work.
    Now you need to get the thing off the dvd, onto your hard drive, then separate audio from video, then adjust the audio, then reauthor to dvd.
    That's at least 3 hours, or more.
    Recapture to your hard drive, either in the highest quality avi (using Picvideo, or Morgan, mjpeg codec, at highest quality (20)), or directly into mpeg-2 format, at 720x480, 29.97fps, using at least 4000kbps bitrate.
    The mjpeg codec avi you can then edit easily in virtualdub, and frameserve to an encoder, then author to dvd.
    The mpeg will be directly editable and authored/burned, with no re-encoding.
    Use a different capture program. Virtualdub is GREAT for avi captures, and it rarely drops frames, or causes audio sync issues. Use mp3 for audio compression (Fraunhoffer has a free download, or even LAME mp3 will work).
    If you can't capture at 720x480, then capture avi at 352x240 or 320x240 using the YUV2 colorspace.
    This will be an extremely high quality avi, which you can then edit and encode at any bitrate you want, to fit on dvdr.
    You could also try something like Stoik video, or VirtualVCR (both free).
  3. teleman

    teleman Guest

    ok will try.
    I'd like to know what is speeding up the video and audio though so it doesn't happen again.Is it the software I'm using that is the cause of this??
    Also:write speed.I have: 1x,2x,4x,6x,8x,12x,16x,20x,24x,and max.My sony DRU 530 is 4x.So I set the write speed to 4x.Is this correct? Thank you again.I'll try a different software this time.Ray teleman@ids.net
  4. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    Audio sync is a capture issue. Different software captures differently. Some are MUCH better than others.
    eg. Even with the audio offset in Stoik, the audio is always out (on my system).
    With VirtualVCR, it's always perfect.
    With WinDVR capture to mpeg-2 it's out, with NVE3, it's good.
    You have to try all sorts of different stuff to find what works on YOUR system.
  5. teleman

    teleman Guest

    OK,I've downloaded the virtual dub,started my vcr,got the sound and video to come up.mmm,How do I get this to the hardrive?? teleman@ids.net
    I clicked on capture and got a still picture.HEE!HEE!
  6. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    In virtualdub, click File, Capture avi.
    This will open up a different window.
    You can now set all your options, first look in Video, Source, and select the source.
    Next do Video, format, select 320x240 YUY2.
    Next do Capture, settings, tick Capture audio, set the framerate, leave the other stuff, click OK.
    Next do Capture, Preferences, set the default capture driver, the path and filename for the saved cap, click OK.
    Next click Video, Compression, choose your codec. Configure it.
    Now hit F6.
    Right click the mouse to stop the capture.
    Test the file.
    If you can't see the video before capture, click Video, Preview, instead of Video, Overlay.
    The picture may be jerky, or fuzzy, but don't worry, that's just what you see on the screen, NOT what the actual capture will look like.
  7. teleman

    teleman Guest

    I also downloaded the virtual vcr but twice my pc said it recovered from a serious crash.It was when I messed around the program and clicked on oscilloscope??It changed my pc to 4 bit instaed of 32,and I had to reboot to correct the problem.It also through my desktop icons all over the place.What's with that? teleman@ids.net
  8. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    You have other issues with your computer.
    VirtualVCR just works. It doesn't mess with your desktop video settings, unless you try a fullscreen output, using the wrong colorspace.
    I would probably reformat the computer, and start fresh. Sounds like you've got driver conflicts, possibly a ton of extra junk floating around in the registry, etc.
    When was the last time you emptied the temp folder?
    Have you defragged lately?
    Have you checked the disk for errors?
    How many icons do you have by the clock?
    Are you running Norton crashguard/antivirus/firewall/protected recyclebin/thewholestupidpackageofbloatware?
    Did you disable any of this stuff when you tried installing?
  9. teleman

    teleman Guest

    I don't know about all that.I have done all the antivirus stuff and defrag and ad aware and registry cleanup ect. ect.It's just that program that messed me up.Maybe I got a bad download or something?I'll download it again preferably from another source.teleman@ids.net
  10. teleman

    teleman Guest

    OK,I followed the instructions you gave me to record from my vhs.I did all the settings.Questions:
    set framerate-Just click on round to the nearest milisecond?
    set default capture driver-Is C:\Capture.AVI correct?
    It doesn't save the video to my video files?But I was able to make a test and play back the video,however I don't get any sound on playback?? teleman@ids.net
    Is there instructions that come with this program?
  11. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    Set framerate to 29.97fps for NTSC, or 25fps for PAL.
    Click on the config button, and tell it where to save the avi. Something in there allows for keeping audio as well, I know there's something.
    Unfortunately, my cap card quit, and I've removed virtualvcr, sorry.
  12. teleman

    teleman Guest

    Sorry,I'm still using virtual dub,not the virtual vcr.teleman@ids.net
  13. teleman

    teleman Guest

    Hi again,
    Somehow I couldn't record audio from the capture card input,so I put it in the aux of my audigy card and now I have both picture and audio.Now how do I get the video to my DVD?You know this thing by heart,where can I find a manual for virtual dub??teleman@ids.net
  14. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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  15. teleman

    teleman Guest

    ok,getting there and saving all your notes.
    How do I encode to mpeg-2 and author and burn?teleman@ids.net
    (The software I got with the other capture card didn't work well but the instructions were good)I find this one difficult,but with all your help,I'll get it down.Thank you again.
  16. OKIE

    OKIE Regular member

    Nov 22, 2004
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    can anyone tell me is virtual dub or, i should ask is in your opion is virtual dub any better than pinniacle studio 9. to capture with, other than its free,i like the way it edits that is studio but anything else not so good thanks.
  17. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    Okie, try it and see how you like it.

    Teleman, you need an encoder. You should have something like Sonic MyDVD, Pinnacle Studio, Vegas, NeroVision Express, something, anything that will take the avi, allow you to edit it, and encode it, then author it. The software that came with your other card should do it too.
    If not, get a standalone encoder such as Mainconcept, Canopus Procoder Express, CCE, or tmpgenc.
    Then you'll need to author it (make the mpeg into dvd format). I use DVDLab, but there are others. Some of the stuff I mentioned above will encode, author and burn, all in one application.
    What software DO you have, that you think might work?
    I can then give you some specific pointers for it.
  18. teleman

    teleman Guest

    ok sonic my dvd came with the dvd I have.I never used it but have it ready.teleman@ids.net
  19. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    Great! Open Sonic, load your file, and make a movie.
    It's a very simple to use, basic interface, but it works (hey, it's by Sony!)
    According to the Sonic page, it will accept avi's or mpegs as input.
  20. teleman

    teleman Guest

    OK start my DVD or create dvd? teleman@ids.net

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