I need a PCI Video capture card. I need it to be able to hook it up to my 360 so I can use it to record tv...etc. I have a 200$ budget. Any suggestions or adivice would be great. Thank you.
I bought a Hauppauge 250 MCE and love it. I have connected both a VCR (via red/yellow/white cables) to copy VHS tapes as well as I have a coax line run to it so I can capture from live TV (and recorded Dish TV programs). I love it. Well under your budget, too. Check it out at http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16815116616 or http://www.buy.com/prod/WINTV_PVR_2..._W_MPEG2_AND_FM_RADIO/q/loc/101/10369469.html
rberger is exactly right and well under your budget, with accompaning software. ebay for about $100 US