So far all of the video streaming providers like netflix and amazon offer very poor value for money - what we need is a service that carries ALL major Films and TV series which has a monthly subscription with no added extras. I am not necessarily talking budget subscriptions like netfix and prime - What for example would it cost to give unlimited access to Amazon UK's entire video streaming collection? Why dont they offer a range of subscription prices based on similar lines to the old video service X number of films or TV shows per month with a sliding scale of fees up to one for Unlimited viewing on a single device at any one time. I joined amazon prime but am really disappointed that most of the films/TV series that I would want to watch are not included in the subscription and need to be purchased. They didn't have these distinctions when Love Film was a dvd service even though this cost more to run and DVDs were easy to rip and copy if people were so minded. Streaming should have made life easier and cheaper for consumers and yet the opposite seems to have happened. We are now stuck with limited choice or individual pay for view. I realise that we are never going to get this kind of service for £6.99 a month, I don't expect that. However £20 - £25 a month for an unlimited choice would be something that I and a lot of people would pay - especially as people latch on to the new trend of binge watching TV series which is virtually unaffordable at current individual prices of £15 - £20 a series. So how about it Amazon/Blinkbox/someone? A full catalogue of films and TV series for say £20 a month - login restricted to one device at a time to prevent sharing and maybe a monthly limit on the total number of hours viewable if necessary
i know in uk and usa they have paid tv subscriptions and you can use a box to record live tv.That might be a better option and just record what you want to watch so you can watch it later.