Hmmmm... Your machine is not quick!! When it has completed, The bottom entry of the top pane should be highlighted. The bottom pane will have loads of stuff in it. Click Get VTS sectors, click YES or OK, then quit. Then RENAME D:\TEST\S1 to read D:\TEST\VIDEO_TS (uppercase) Run WinDVD, and select playing DVD from hard-drive, browse to D:\TEST\VIDEO_TS and select VIDEO_TS.IFO then play it. Try skipping chapters (forward & back).
OK, OK, The Petester is in the House - OK, glad you guys are getting along, I see he's run through IFOEdit and has all of his files now, He already made his folder, 10,000 years ago, before we found out he goofed the tiniest bit in his rip - Whats ya think there, Pard-"O"-mine ya think he can be sent back to page one and finish up this silly project - ?
Welcome back, Pete. Yeah, we getting there... Probably to the point where Shrink is needed, just checking sizes now.
Ok, Pete, can you take him through Shrink for me?? His data is in D:\TEST\VIDEO_TS, it is a perfect DVD structure.
Hmm, opened it in Shrink. Analyzing... you can just outline what I need to do in one post, no need to do it slowly. Thanks, drchips!! And you, ScubaPete!
Don't be sad about the reduction in size, you have just got rid of un-needed audio and subtitles, that is the saving. That also means that LESS compression is needed to fit onto a DVD-R (less compression == better quality) The Doc knows, ya know!!!
Go back to page one - Shrink will have you right as rain in no time - Did I ever mention, DON'T USE SMARTRIPPER - Next time just use Shrink from the beginning Thanks Mr. Doc, the Wife says it's time she put me to bed - I'll try to get that phone going so we can chat this week G'nite all, an Doc ? Thanks Buddy "P"
SmartRipper is Very Powerful, and can be a bit much for a Newbie. Use Shrink wherever possible. When Shrink fails to rip, use DVD Decrypter. If it is a COMPLICATED rip, then use SmartRipper. I use the latter 2 methods (prefer the control)