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Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by junjun2, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. JStat

    JStat Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Hi guys,

    All of this stuff was a lot of help, but I am also trying to backup the Madagascar dvd, and while running VOB Blanker (from the DVD decrypter file) I am getting an error at the 14% mark that "Error reading input VOB: Unsynchronized" Has anyone ever seen this error, or does anyone know what to do about it? Thanks.
  2. yromashin

    yromashin Guest

    Hello JStat,
    I have got a few problems with the files on my PC after Decryptor. Even when Rlanker did a job as usual, I was not able to burn it. That is why when I have any doubt, I use a quick check with DVD Shrink (takes a minute or two). If it works, then I will further investigate. If it does not, then the Movie got corrupted during Decryptor stage.
    Have you tried to put your files through Shrink to see if it is OK? You can also use NERO for this test.
  3. MaxBurn

    MaxBurn Regular member

    Sep 9, 2005
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  4. yromashin

    yromashin Guest

    Hello MaxBurn,

    Thank you so much! Great link, very useful information. Though I have already figured it out, the info provided in the link would bring me to a better level. I have done finished with images now, but I have to do one step forward (I know how) and write a couple of guides.


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