What am i goin to get? Your joke or on a german boat? Hehe xD Meh, off to bed now - it's 22.47 and I'm tired >.<
nothing but punishment for you, jack. whips and chains! XD *edit* i took enough spanish in high school to hate the language, garmoon. and i'm sure we'll close our borders soon enough.
I personally would consider you "well informed" Gerry. Keep up the positive input guys. And to Auslander, you say it's an "old english" saying.... this is true, but has changed for whatever reason on your side of the pond to "beating" rather than the original "Flogging".
onya: that's cuz we 'Mericans dun can't speak no proppa engrish. garmoon: i'd rather study a living language. and what language is more alive than the one you fluently scream as you read signs flying down the Autobahn at 200 mph? *big grin*
*double checks what he wrote* a double-negative to cancel itself out, and then another negative.... well, yeah, that is the reason...but that's due to our rebellious nature and horrid public school system with an emphasis on sports over books.
We were originally a "penal colony settlement" so I guess rebellion runs through all our viens....well and truly. I know this is all off topic, but I got the idea that the emphasis on sports had changed?