let me see if i can make this simple .question #1, turn xbox on with chip disabled 3 lights still on chip are on . question #2 turn xbox on chip enabled no controller plugged in . sometimes after bootup when controller gets plugged in blue x3 goes purple .
ok that didnt make sense . question #1 . when i turn the xbox on with the x3 disabled the 3 lights on the modchip are still on . is it still safe for xbox live ? question #2 . sometimes when i turn the xbox on with the x3 enabled with no controller plugged in and then plug in a controller the blue x3 light on the front panel turns purple . i always reboot the xbox when it does that . i hope this makes more sense and i am sorry .
I think you have some sort of wiring problem or a bit of a duff chip.. IIRC purple is flash mode.. redX is off.. blueX is on.. little blue led (bright little sod too) is hdd activity and red is LAN. You aren't safe on live unless your box is 100% stock.. if you have changed the HDD since modding and/or making your live account then the mobo/hdd serial numbers won't match the details in M$ database. I know how to change a hdd serial.. but I'm not going to explain it again.. I poted it about 3 years ago and got about 50,000 n00bs who couldn't follow instructions with bricked drives.
That explains what the lights mean but I already knew that, my question was why does the X3ce do that with the controller? I have been able to get on xbox live with a soft modded box. Do you have a link to your tutorial? I understand that you have been modding for quite sometime, however, so have I and I do know how to do quite a few things I just prefer to get a second opinion before I just jump into doing any type of modding that could possibly corrupt my box...Thank you for your help but the sarcasm should stay at home.
And also with this xbox that i am asking about , i have never created a live account . Yes i did change the hardrive with a stock 10gb model . Can i still create a live account and be ok ? Thanks .
Sorry.. IF you have been modding for some time all and good.. BUT.. you haven't been site admin of llamma forums unlike me, so the sarcasm has a point. You keep on and on jumping from one thing to another.. I notice none of the other xbox team have answered you.. c4rn1 and chunks have stayed silent.. I know why, it's bacause your questions are either pointless or show a complete lack of understanding of the problems, and a failure to google, read and learn. EVERYTHING it is possible to know about the xbox has been posted over and over and over during the last 6 years. It is all there to be found. I retired from the xbox tinkering scene a year or so ago when I made this new account. I will be honest.. I don't care now. I just play devils advocate as a very senior member of the xbox community when things seem to get stalled or bad advice is given. That is my role.. I have more important things to do than worry about somebody's very cheap toy which doesn't want to play.. because they are being far too complicated and looking far too deeply at something they don't have a proper grasp of. When we started you obviously knew next to nothing, and certainly hadn't read very much. I hope now you know some more. With some more research (be quick.. it's all going as the console is 3 years obsolete and following the ps1 into obscurity) you will find answers to your questions.. If there is an answer to some of them. I have tried to help.. I really have.. I have even been nice (check some of my other posts and you will see that I am a real monster to people I consider to be idiots) but the time has come for me to draw the line and go back to my devils advocate role Start a new thread with your latest question.. Try to be as complete and concise about the problem as you can. ONE problem per topic instead of 3000.. and see if another of the team will help. PP
ban me i really dont care . all i wanted was my answers questioned . apparently you guys are incapeable of helping me . i think i need a real proffesional . like my main men dx say i got 2 words 4 ya SUCK IT
That's a shame really.. because he started off sounding like a bright intelligent guy.. I even told him so. The inability to learn and read is such a shame. I hope he manages to get a life and realise there is more to the world than messing about with obsolete toys There you are.. I'm a master at destroying preconceived truths. Like being the N00binator.. "and your specialist subject is".....