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What areas of the site need further development?

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by dRD, Mar 29, 2001.

  1. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    What do you think guys, what features we should add to AfterDawn.com?

    More software areas -- maybe some net tools? More long articles about DVD ripping, Napster trial, ... ? Chat? Net radio?

    C'mon, it's really up to you, our users, what do you want to have in this site. Feel absolutely free to express your thoughts and ideas.
  2. Wood

    Wood Guest

    I think you should add more searching abilities.
  3. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    What type of searching abilities are you looking for? I'm definately willing to implement good ideas.
  4. Wood

    Wood Guest

    Well, a search that will enable people to follow diffrent threads or problems. For example, in my last thread in dvd burners. There is a person that has the same type of burner I have. I would like to find out his outcome. But, there is know way to track his post. If you do nt understand what I am saying, then view my post under dvd burner.
  5. fdklana

    fdklana Member

    May 10, 2002
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    Oh yes that is a great idea...tracking a post. I am sure that could be done.

    Well the more aricles that you have the better attenion you will receive from the viewers. I can't really think of any amazing articles for the site right now. You have a lot of funtionality already in the site....so not sure at the moment sorry.
  6. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    It's been a long time since AD sent me anykind of reminders or what's happening I use to get at least one a week I finally got one this morning using my phone, I've noticed so many forums with so many last response dates back in early 2021 even 2020 which was surprising, it's true it's been several years since I've posted or replied to anything mainly because my emails from AD stopped.

    Anyway I've noticed I could get a free app using AD till I saw comes with ads, bad move I'll never install anything that comes with ads made that mistake with my older phones years ago, I'm disappointed, I'd rather it not be free I'll pay for adles apps anytime.
  7. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I think AD could also find alternative methods of account recovery for people who no longer have the original email they signed on with, because how many people still have the same email address after 5 or 10 or more years? Some people will open n new account and announce themselves, but I suspect many will go away and never return.
    Last edited: May 8, 2022
  8. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Maybe you should cut back on your lord of the rings viewing & come back to the real world for a bit as it's messing with your mind :p
    i assume you get the reference i.e elves leaving forever never to return
  9. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Cut back! Hell no, I think I'm going to watch the entire series next week. Thanks for the reminder!:D
  10. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    people still use email?.. I think I still have the same one from 10+ years ago.
  11. Yashichi

    Yashichi Member

    Mar 18, 2006
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    That bit about the email accounts caught my attention, as well.

    Quite seriously; yes, people still use email accounts. Or was that rhetorical?

    As for what is above that which seems to imply people dump email accounts after 5 or 10 years - - - well, that is news to me. I have some accounts that must be at least 20 years or so since started (Well, maybe. Not so sure about that 20 years. Might be less. But not by much.) and I keep all properly logged into using a special chart, just in case I don't use one for a bit. Used to be AOL was every 90 days, but after they bought Yahoo I think my two AOL accounts (One is AIM.) are longer than a 90-day logging in requirement. Funny, though, I still follow my 90-day schedule with those two.

    All others I follow the 6-month rule - - - if for some reason I haven't logged in after 6 months, I log in and put it on my chart. Hard copy chart, by the way. I think Microsoft was the 6-month deadline. Maybe Yahoo, too.

    Now I feel like I am cheating here because this thread isn't about this topic, but that post is still there and also the one just above this one, so I hope the Admin/Mod Staff won't delete this. Or, if they don't like it here, move it to a new thread along with those above, if you want to clean up this thread. I'll thank you for that.
  12. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    I think it was a year or two ago when AOL set a limit to one user on an account.
  13. Yashichi

    Yashichi Member

    Mar 18, 2006
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    Please excuse me, wither 1, but I didn't refer to any numbers related to how many accounts I had some years ago as a reference to any AOL company policy regarding number of accounts per person; or even since then, because I haven't closed any of the accounts I had/have with AOL. Not sure if it makes any difference to your point about an individual and how many accounts that individual may have with that company, but one I had many years ago, and still have, is listed as an "AIM" account. Whether "AIM" still exists as a commercial entity, I have no idea. I did make a reference in my post above to that AIM account.

    But, again, I had no idea that AOL had any limits to how many accounts an individual may have, and made no reference to that point in the post above yours. I was only referring to time between logging into a given account. As I wrote, it used to be that it was 90 days one had to log into either an AOL account or an AIM account, and if one didn't there could be trouble.

    What that time limit is now, I have no idea, because I've never checked. I am still following that 90-day deadline with my chart I use.

    BUT, your point about AOL only allowing only one account per individual may not even have anything to do with my post above/before yours, so if that is the case, please accept my apology for that very long explanation in this post just above.

    AND, on your post; how in the heck can AOL know a particular individual has more than one account, UNLESS they are using some sort of software to do some really invasive tracking of everyone doing business with them? And by "doing business" I mean such things as opening an account with them. That makes us a customer and if they are using super hardcore means to be tracking what I do on the Net, - - - well, I sure would like to know more about that, because that gets very close to violating the heck out of some sort of rights I think I have as a human on the surface of this planet and a human on this NET.

    And I think we have really gone off-topic now, haven't we?

    Could a staff member tell me if I should start a new thread? I can do it myself, if you want me to. It would be better if I did it, instead of you. I have experience with that experience.

    I sure hope I don't find out AOL is tracking the heck out of us, because now they own Yahoo. And they may not know it, but they don't want me going after them because I'll tear them into little pieces before I die. That is fact. I have experience with that experience, too.

    By the way, that dying reference is no joke, I just got over a relapse of lymphoma and am at Grade 3B, so I am on borrowed time, in a manner of phrasing it. No big deal, though. I am already lucky to be alive. Enough of that.
  14. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I'm sorry to hear that. I too recently had a close brush with death. I had a deep tissue brain abscess that was discovered as a result of a seizure that at first was thought to be a tumor. The doctors called it a zebra because the infection was rare and unidentifiable. I had brain surgery and then spent a total of 47 days in the hospital being bombarded with an array of antibiotics. I was released on May 3rd, 2022. So if you feel a need to talk about it, then I will support it.
  15. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Glad to see you back.
  16. Yashichi

    Yashichi Member

    Mar 18, 2006
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    I tried to start a new thread in the proper sub-forum and used the title "The Miracles of Modern Medicine" and then was shown this message:

    AND what I was trying to post in that new thread is the following:

    ***** I need an admin to help me! ***** I can't copy/paste the original thread starting post (OP) and it ain't got no SPAM or bad language in it and I am seriously unhappy and that is using POLITE language.

    If this were to happen to a new community member you would have lost her/him. So how about we get this fixed!?
    Last edited: May 11, 2022
  17. Yashichi

    Yashichi Member

    Mar 18, 2006
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    I was trying to respond to this, Sophocles.

    I'm sure an admin can get this fixed, because what I wrote was not in any way words that deserve being blocked by some software that is incorrectly judging my words to be inappropriate. As I wrote above, we need an admin in here pronto. It just ain't right to have this happen. And I have all the necessary screenshots and copies of text. AND I AM MORE THAN JUST UNHAPPY!
  18. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    welcome to my world.
  19. Yashichi

    Yashichi Member

    Mar 18, 2006
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    I am not sure what that post by a Staff Member is supposed to offer me as an answer to what I view as a very disgusting situation, but I am seriously close to feeling insulted by that. Let me see, how long have I been a member of this community? Do I have a reputation here for causing trouble? Have I ever been banned?

    Well, I'm doing my homework, as witnessed by the post just before this one and this now goes into the research files and how history views this aspect of my research I haven't a clue, but it may not be so favorable.

    My goodness. What a surprise. And what an educational experience.

    But definitely a good chance at working on my anger management skills, as noted to Sophocles a bit ago..
  20. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    your problem is the same as mine as unable to connect to site admin.

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