I use firefox 1.0.2 as I like the extra security, tabbed browsing, and most of all its not an M$ product.
Opera for me. Always the first to come out with innovations that the others copy, like tabbed browsing, mouse gestures, popup blocking, etc. It is also the fastest rendering browser and uses less memory footprint than the others. I find it has a lot more customizable options. Some are turned off by the fact that it is not free, however they do have a free version that puts a small advert in a corner of the window, much smaller than the banner ads or other adverts you see on most websites these days so it shouldn't be any more noticeable than those. I paid for it to support them so I don't get the ads. I think it was one piece of software well worth supporting.
Heard about that. But I was wondering...how come it isn't getting as much exposure as Firefox? I heard it was good, so what's the deal? Unless you like read computer mags and keep up to date with it, usually there is no mention of it. I got the PC World issue, where it mentioned the browser wars, and it was mentioned in it, but in the next issue, everyone was putting all the emphasis on Firefox.
Fire Fox all the way. BTW, if anyone using the links for Fire Fox, please take not that it is for FF 1.0.1. Go to the "Software HomePage" to actually download V1.0.2. Also, consider adding "SpoofStick" from the security section to your toolbar. It's nice to see what website you are actually on. No "Phishing" for me. TC
Oh yeah, just for giggles & grins. Go to http://reviews.cnet.com/7004-7254_7-0.html?tag=cnetfd.dir Use Fire Fox & check your speed. Then use IE & check your speed. Last time I checked IE was a tad faster. Just goes to show how bloated IE is when it comes to rendering pages. TC
I was just wondering if I use my isp for web browsing and by the way my Isp is AOL is that ok or should i use firefox and what would the difference be??
Sure, there is nothing wrong with it...except, why would you use AOL's Browser, no offense. Definately! IE is still full of holes, but some people prefer it. I just heard some REALLY good info on OPERA, so that is a pretty good choice as well. ALOT! Download it...and see for yourself. You will notice a big difference. I know when I had AOL, I was using there online browser, then started using IE, that was a big difference, but now, I have sworn off IE except to do MICROSOFT updates or need it for an emergency. Try it out and see if you like it.
venomX05 has a point, I use Firefox (at work and home)and firefox is better then IE6 but you do need IE to do all your windows updates as windows refuses to update with Firefox. Other that for updates I don’t use IE.