Only if your writing a resume! Oh yeah the topic, biggest fear-unemployement (mine) life sux when your broke!
When people don't spell or use grammar correctly it makes it very difficult to read & comprehend. I just think it is plain lazy. I just think that it is REALLY bad for our language. I think that if you are lazy in your language, it reflects on ones' attitude to life in general. Yes it does matter, to me anyway. I guess it is because I am 40, & I have standards that younger people don't seem to have. I am really proud of our language & I despise how it is being bastardised at every opportunity. I guess if you are younger it does not matter, only because you are not old enough to appreciate how wonderful language really is. Once you have a few years under your belt you will realise that I am correct, & you will understand where I am coming from.
oh ok sorry mate ill correct it all, love my language too, but if you take it as a insult, i dnt mind....just to make you happy No hard feelings :BoMbAyBoY:
Didn't really take it as an insult. No hard feelings either! My worst fear is never finding out what A & R means, in the music business that is. I have looked on Google for ages, no luck! Nobody seems to know, anywhere! [bold]AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!![/bold]
@lecsiy...I'm wondering what made you say that. I'm not looking to get into a political discussion but I was wondering if all the news attention on Iran now was having that effect on people.
Recently visited belgium and saw all the graves. pretty sad. Just scared that one day wel be one of them.
Either that was a Early childhood Truamitization or your just plain Eww! But personaly my worst fear is fear its self.
I fear that american is changing (all the shooting in school and drive thu). I feel that world war 3 is going to start soon since we're already in war with iraq and north korea has a nuke bomb. But I fear that i'm going to get shot by some idiot person.
i can't wait for WWIII, personally. then it will be okay for the psycho in me to be released as i fight a guerilla war against everyone and take off to my secret bunker.
to be completely honest, i'm a survivalist nut. i've got enough gear and gas in my car (here at my campus alone) to make it to canada, or any godless and zero-populated region i chose. i know how to find food, both by hunting and scavenging, build shelter, camouflage myself, and defend myself in a variety of ways. no, i'm not a marine or anything, but i'm far better prepared than the average schmuck. personally, i would love to see something similar to Red Dawn. i would be king in a situation like that. *edit* i very much believe in being a great jack-of-all-trades and one hard nutter to kill. that's why i've worked hard and taught myself so much, from school to construction to taking people down with my bare hands. ^.^
it started with parents that always taught me to do the best i could and make myself indispensible to whatever organization/group/company i join up with (way of ensuring my continued existence), next toss in the boy scouts (with an ex-navy seal as one of the scout masters), and then add the various life experiences i've had with literally thousands of...unusual people. and you get an Auslander, solitary lone wolf that can turn off his emotions and feel nothing to ensure his survival or otherwise meet an objective. lmao, i'm sure if i was actually honest on a psychological evaluation, i wouldn't be allowed out in public alone.