I know, it makes me sad too. I have been itching to bring out one of those M-107s that I oiled and readjusted the sights on yesterday. Didn't get a chance to fire it, but it felt good to shine it up. It will be a while, but I had a feeling while I was cleaning one of the brand-new M-4s that something like the iPod spammers will come into light and let us open up our arsenal once again. Lets hope so! Peace
I fear making the wrong decision. I work at a job in a major factory in skilled trades, no bragging but it bought a house and it pays the bills for my wife and 1 year old daughter. I am 15 years through a job that pays full retirement after 30. I could be retired before my 50 birthday and travel and live while I'm still young. That is my day personality. At night I put on makeup and play drums in a band who opens for national acts and have recieved interest from record labels, although not the kind of deals or money incentives that would make one quit their job like that. WHEN (not if, its been postponed 2x already) it is time to do a 2 month tour opening for national acts to get our name out more than MySpace can, and I only have 3 weeks vacation for the year, do I stay and be secure or regret missing my dream of music?
Possibly, if I go to the right doctors and act crazy enough... For me it shouldnt be that hard then yer right LOL.
*shrugs* honestly, i think you should be able to take an unpaid leave for several months. not sure, though. i hope it works out.
I appreciate the understanding for my position. There is a clause in my contract book that deals with unpaid leave, while being out of the country which allows you time off. Maybe its a sign to go try and hit it big with our weird brand in the European market to allow the time off to come home either rich enough to quit or able to continue my job if we act like Spinal Tap.
BIRDS I hate birds, they are filthy discusting creatures especialy pigeons, as the Mayor of London once said "Pigeons are rats with wings" Birds realy scare the life out of me, I had one fly in through my window once, and as a genuine person who has a bird phoebia it scared the crap out of me. What made it worse was that there were like five of them in the other room all were little babies screeching and one adult, and I was alone in the house. I ran out in fear, fear for my life, I swear I could have had an heart attack, and I was only thirteen at the time. When my Nan came home I told her there are birds in the house, after she came back, and she did not beleive me, we went to search for the bird, and found nothing, my Nan, who thought I was lyeing, said it probably flew out again. I was terrified, and had to sleep in a house with about, six wild birds inside, in the morning, we found one dead in the bathroom. And then my Nan believed me, we then found another five baby birds fluttering stuck to the curtain net in the spare bedroom. My Nan grabbed them and let them go outside the window. The experience still sends a shiver down my spines, and when ever I think of it I have to check some potential bird pirching places in the room to check whether I am safe. About two years later, I was sitting at my computer, and a bird flew in AGAIN through the window, I left the computer and ran, for the love of God, into the next room, and once again I was home alone, not knowing what to do and unwilling to be kicked out of my own home by a damn bird, I rang my Mum who's phone was conveniently engaged. I called my Nan on her mobile, she never picked up for some unknown reason, so I shut the living room door locked myself in. I then panicking called my aunt, who was at work and I knew she could not help me, but I called for emmotional support, at my wits end panicking, I call my friend, who tells me to give the bird food. After about six minutes of hair pulling stress and frustration I called my next door neighbour, she came over and grabbed the bird gently and took it outside and released it. Whew I was relieved, I gave many thanks to that neighbour. I shut the window, and very rarely open it now. And thats my fear of birds, I HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!. I just wish Foamy or something would kill 'em with nuts.
My fear is if this korea thing screws things up with international trade or something I won't get my PS3! That is my biggest fear being so close to having a PS3 and never getting to play it.
i fear the intolerance of those that try to force their views on others. *edit* hypocracy. i fear that a lot, too.
If yours is truely a God of peace and tolerance, then fear is not necessery. If your God tells you to smite those who dont think the same as you, I will say a silent prayer to the Gods of Kharma for you. _Edit_ speelling
i disagree; fear is part of respect. as a child, no matter how much you love your dad and he loves you, you will always fear his wrath on some level. fearing your god is part of paying dues to the creator and not wanting to cross his will...it's the driving force motivating redemption.
Auslander- I agree with your counterpoint to a certain extent. Without turning this thread religious and shut down instantly, I will say that true peace within isnt achieved through fear, yet strength through times of fear. The analogy of the fathers respect I can understand, at the same time, once I reached my late teens (or early 20's) it wasnt fear as motivation for he's just a guy too. Respect was not wanting to disappoint him for all the work he'd done trying to keep me straight and narrow and finally realizing everything I didnt want to listen to when I was a teen that knew it all, he was right about.
yes, but at that point you had grown to be equal to your father. as for people, we're always childrent to god, and still hold that innocent fear when faithful to him.
If we were all made in the Image, then It resides inside us. If truley children of, then we are all God. With that logic, it must extend that we choose to be Godlike or not, to choose the moral path of rightousness. Conversely, the choice to be against that is the Anti-God. We choose to bring good or evil into our lives. On topic, I fear I have helped contribute getting this thread off track. A different fear than making the wrong choice of career for my family, is watching harm to those I love and being helpless to do anything about it.
yes, but that would require one growing up into god; as permanent children, this would not happen. whatever decision you make, you're strong enough to pull you and your family through. ^.^