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Discussion in 'All other topics' started by vgaddict8, Apr 19, 2006.

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  1. FM_synth

    FM_synth Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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  2. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    ireland.......I HATE you and all of the other rich BASTA*DS!!!!!! Stop leeching off of your parents and trying living by yourself alone in your own apartment and having your only set of tv dying on you.......... Honesntly everyone here needs to stop living with their mommies. And yes if you don't have a tv then you are retarded!!!!!!!!! I can see why tv is borring for all you people because you need to stop watching all that nickalodian and cartoon crap.....as well as all the CNN crap and wildlife channel crap. You need to start watching ESPN and WWE!!!!!!!!!
  3. Jizmak

    Jizmak Regular member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    To live is to suffer...
    To survive thats to find meaning in the suffering.

    I have been hospitalized for the last 3 days and my wife,
    Fractured her leg last week, (14,000$ + in hospitial bills)

    Your bitching about a freaking TV?
    Grow up and grow some testicles (or maybe they just need to drop)
    Try this it may help.

    Last edited: Sep 8, 2006
  4. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    vgaddict8: oh, you stupid prick. you know nothing of Ireland's life whatsoever, do you. i'll leave it at he is most certainly not dependent on his mom for a damn thing. he is to be respected; what he has attained, [bold]he has attained himself[/bold]. you need a good ass-kickin', boy.
  5. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Jizmak...sorry to hear about both you and your wife; when it rains it pours, I guess. I hope things go better for both of you soon and that you both feel better soon.

    @vgaddict...I have no idea if Ireland is rich or not but, since he's a grandad, I doubt that he still lives with his mommie! Most of us start out in the same boat you're in. I've spent pleny of friggin time eating plain pasta or oatmeal and washing my clothes in the damned bathtub because I didn't have the coins for the laundry.

    You're a smart guy, start putting that grey matter to use and make a plan ...get a roommate, whatever .... but stop calling people names because they're better off than you; you've got no idea what other people have been through or, for that matter, what they're presently going through. Jizmac and his wife are going through crap; when I was in my twenties, I got into an accident, had a spinal cord injury, spinal surgery five times, had to learn to walk and to use my left arm all over again and have spent the last twenty five years on morphine 24/7. You're the one who needs to get his act together here kiddo!
  6. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Wolfboy....love your post Aus! You've the younger and more limber of this crowd I strongly suspect....go kick his ass! LOL!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2006
  7. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    jizmak: i wish you and yours the best, friend. keep us updated; you're in our prayers.

    gerry: what do you think i work out all the time for now? it's not just to look good. ^.^ Columbia is a violent and dangerous town, amigo. i don't normally support violent measures (wait, yeah i do...), but we'll have to see how things go.
  8. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    " Stop leeching off of your parents and trying living by yourself alone in your own apartment and having your only set of tv dying on you.......... Honesntly everyone here needs to stop living with their mommies "

    I am sorry.......this part here wasn't directed at Ireland...or any "Afterdawn addict" members........

    I really have to stop taking so much crack and go easy on the booze..........

    I am just about to lose my sanity because my $400 dollar 32 inch flat screen tv , that I worked my a*s off carry furnitures and what not at work to get, is dead!!!! I AM SO DEPRESSED!!!!! AND SAD!!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2006
  9. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    that all runs together, vg. there's no slice-and-dice ass-saving now. you were angry; we understand. that's simple human emotion. just apologize and learn a bit--the world will be a better place.

    well, i see you've apologized...
    ...maybe you've learned a bit, too. ^.^
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2006
  10. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    MY LIFE IS SAD!!!!!!! AND I AM AN IDOIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    LIFE IS RETARDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because you are never certain of anything........How the h*ll are you suppose to be sure about yourself or confident about yourself....when each day passes by....you start to realized that you are becoming more and more stupid...and that you don't really know anything. When you have so many options....it's really hard to choose one or the "right one"......... Everyone is really just "stupid" then because no one really knows anything for sure!!!!!!!
  11. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    you sound very much like a teenager. :p

    there are no absolutes; to make it worse, everything is relative. but you have to march forward. if you are not going forward, you are going back. find something, anything, and work towards it--that's a guiding principle on the path to salvation, in some form or another.

    you have proven that you have work ethic. you have determination. as with the tv, you had a goal and you worked towards it until you succeeded. this not only shows you have potential but also the mental faculties to use your potential and succeed. you simply need to start using these abilities on a...grander scale.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2006
  12. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    all that hair and wisdom too!
  13. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i do my best; i've had many great teachers, from Henry David Thoreau and Nathaniel Hawthorne to David, Dan, and yes, you, Gerry :) life is as much about learning and growing as anything else; by sharing what we've learned, we grow a bit more.
  14. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    As I move forward....I start to realized that I am onlying moving backwards....or in a "circular" motion. You can't give up things in the past but yet....when you move forward....you only realized that the only thing that changes in the world is really just "YOU"!!! Once you realized that Life is overrated.......and once you realized that your health starts to deteroirate around the age of 20....... then it's all downhill...............

    LIFE IS RETARDED because you are always giving up something.....and nothing stays......... Technically...the past and the future doesn't exist... Only the "present moment" really exists!!!!!!

    HOW IN GOD"S name are you suppose to be optimistic and see the glass half full.....!!!!!!!! There is no such thing as a "good man"........if there is not a "bad" one........
  15. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    and here is the part where i sigh. you need to get the right mindset, my friend. the body is able but the mind is not willing. you require the proper motivation.

    if i could recommend some reading, you might try Booker T. Washington's autobiography Up From Slavery. it would do some good. i might recommend other things as they come to me.
  16. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Life is a big joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in my 4th year in college......and I still haven't learned anything. Even with half a brain and being retarded you could still pass college because the stuff you learn is a big joke!!!!! Honesntly....would anyone really tell you in real life what's good for you or what you really need to know? Life.....is simplify...about making money........ You have to give up about 20 years of your life....... to learn stupid crap....so you can work at a retarded job...doing mindless things to make money....... HOW SAD!!!!!! IF THIS doens't define the word "CRAZY".....I don't know what does?

    As for readings....................it's all bullsh*t written to make money!!!!! I have taking philosophy class....and they are the biggest joke ever.... Socrates...Henry David Thoreau...Nitschize....and all that crap is stupid........they tell you stuff anyone on the street already knows...........

    THE TRUTH HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2006
  17. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    it would be easy enough to reject life and all the materialism in it. live on the streets, or in the hills. forget society and live as a lone wolf would. but i doubt that would make you any happier. until you get over this phase and get yourself in the right state of mind, you will be miserable.
  18. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Auslander..............AH!!!!! I HATE YOU AUSLANDER!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SOUND LIKE MY MOM!!!! How come you are so positive? Being positive doesn't give you anything? Society is pissimistic....so why even bother "trying"......if you can't beat them...join them...right? Good guys never win......and they usually end up on the streets preaching useless crap....no one gives a sh*t about.......

    People that try to dress to "appear" good are not necessary good....they just try to cover up their true intentions.......when infact... they are really a evil person inside. While a person that goes against society's norms my be appear to look radical....but can still be nice.

    SOCIETY IS TO BLAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Society wants everyone to behave in a way that will hide the truth.....because "society" which includes governments and large corportions don't want people to know about their deceiveful ways of making money and what not.

    SOCIETY IS GAY!!!! because they simply overcharge in money for everything.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2006
  19. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i've had my heart shattered, i've had dear friends die in my arms, i've had things i've worked for until i neared a dying breath spit on and destroyed while i was forced to stand by. these experiences have given me a higher understanding of existence.

    i don't live for optimism or pessimism. i've moved beyond that. i live for a purpose and for that purpose i live in whatever way best harbors my further pursuing this purpose.

    good guy, bad guy...bah. semantics. you have to learn to live before you can do anything.

    read The Stranger.

    such is the nature of existence, vg. we all have faces. we are all actors. part of the fun is using your god-given intelligence to sort the truth from the falsehood.

    placing blame gets us nowhere. we can only work to improve the situation, as individuals and as groups. change starts in the heart.

    society isn't gay; if it was, things might be more peaceful.
    however, that doesn't relate to overcharging. companies get away with charging more than something is worth because that's the way it works: supply and demand. they charge as much as they can without costing sales and lowering demand. prices would drop if people would stop buying for awhile. however, this would have an adverse effect on the economy, costing jobs, raising the unemployment rate and proportionally making everything more expensive versus just a few products.

    however, your use of "gay" was as a connotative insult. use it in such a way again and i [bold]will[/bold] track you down and kick your ass. i won't stand for such ignorant treatment.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2006
  20. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Auslander...are you like 80 years old? I hate "smart" people!!!!! Why can't I be young and wise at the same time? I don't like the idea of giving up body for mind. Why must "young" people always be "retarded"? Why must I wait till I am like 90 years old to be wise or smart? Why aren't old farts telling "young guns" the things they need to know so they don't make same mistakes and in turn hopefully make better decisions. "Knowledge" is retarded!!!! because just knowing something doesn't really mean anything.....you have to "walk" threw the door to really find out for yourself.

    You don't have controll of your life........because "time" controlls everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Everything in life is relative to "time"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN LIFE....ALL YOU REALLY HAVE IS JUST "TIME"!!!!!!!!!!
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