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Discussion in 'All other topics' started by vgaddict8, Apr 19, 2006.

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  1. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i'm 19.

    i know what i know because i've been observant enough to know how to live life. and thus, i've felt much pain and hardship, balanced by equal joy and prosperity.

    elders *do* tell youth what they need to know. youth simply ignores it. i can't begin to tell you the hells my parents have faced, and until i faced a few myself, i never listened. now i do, and now i realize how wise they are.

    control, too, is relative. a person cannot control time, but a person does have the ability to control everything else, or at least fight for that control. some people are happy being drones, others fight to the death for something more. normally they fail.

    i'd rather die fighting for my freedom than live in slavery.

    no, you see, we don't have time. it's fleeting. we die a little more each day. it's what you do with your time that matters....when you're gone, you're gone.

    imagine a dinosaur. when the dinosaur died, it dropped where it was. earth covered it, and the critter rotted away. but left in the rock that formed was an impression of the animal, the fossil.

    when we're gone, all we have left is our mark. it can still be there, generations later, if you work for it.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2006
  2. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    SORRY!!!!!!! Auslander....I grew up in the early 90's when the word "Gay" meant "dull" or "borring". That's the meaning....I associate with that word!!!.....although...I am clearly aware that it has other meanins which my be offensive to other people! I will try to not use that word again....although...I use it alot to mean "borring" or "stupid" or "dull".

    19?......you are only 19? That's why you are so optismitic...... You haven't reached the point where..... it's all downhill.. That usually happens around 20. That's when you health starts to slow down...and your caloric intake decrease....along with exercising and whatnot. No wonder you were so optisimtic.... I was just like you when I was 19. Happy...happy...optismitic person........ just wait till you realize it's all bullsh*t and what not? You are probably in high school and still living with your parents? Wait till you go to college!!!!! You will learn that it's really all bullsh*t!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2006
  3. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    thank you; try speaking literally, then. your points will be much stronger. should you choose to express yourself metaphorically, do so theatrically and on a more meaningful scale. again, with that strategy, your points will be much stronger.

    no, i've already been downhill, to the bottom of the barrel. on all levels, i've had the shit kicked out of me. and then i saw the light. since then, i've worked my way back up.

    i'm currently living in a dorm at the University of Missouri-Columbia. i'm a physics and math major. i work out daily, both mentally and physically.

    as i said ealier, i'm beyond optimism and pessimism. i'm living for my purpose, and picking one or the other doesn't serve me in any way.

    yes, life is mostly bullshit. but again, the fun is sorting the truth from the lies.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2006
  4. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Young people are so optismtic....because their bodies are still growning so they have lots of energy and they think that they can do anything and their whole life is ahead of them......but once your body stops growing and what not......everything is downhill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This my friend....adults will not tell you....because they envy you!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    The best way to be achieve anything in life is to be pessimitic because that's how society operates.................Society won't give a sh*t if you are a nice person.......... There are millions and millions of people in the world.....Why would any care about just one person.........? Everyone's life is practically meaniless........ from a govenment and society's point of view.......... Why even bother to try in life then?
  6. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    do people ever tell you that talking to you is like talking to a brick wall? you're continually arriving at the same points, pressing your means of living on me. i'm playing the role of Lucifer, bearing light for you, as you pull the sheet back over your head.

    i've been 5'7" for 3 years...the only growing i'm going to do is in inches around the chest.

    physical development is a minute note on the way through life. if you're not going to try to dig your way out of your hole, then why am i bothering to motivate you?

    society is not perfect. that's why we continually develop. evolution ring a bell?

    if you feel life is pointless, i recommend you end your own so that those who want to suck the marrow from life may do so with a little more elbow room.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2006

    ZCONCEPT Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    MESSAGE FOR vgaddict8

    Back on page 3 of this thread you said:
    " I really have to stop taking so much crack and go easy on the booze..."

    Your statement reveals deep understanding of your present state of mind. YOU know what needs to be done to pull yourself out of YOUR depression and the extremely negative attitude toward life. I see
    lots of hope for you ( because most people never want to face their own truth ).

    It's not going to be easy for YOU, or anyone else for that matter, to attain the goal of being crack free and alcohol free. I feel your pain and my heart goes out to you. When I decided to stop all drugs and alcohol 25 years ago it was the best thing I ever did for myself.
    All you need to do now is make a firm commitment to stop both. Then you will be able to move on and begin to love yourself and project a positive attitude toward others. Hating yourself and constantly being negative toward life and other people is NOT working for you. I admire you for coming to this conclusion and knowing in your heart the need for change. Since you show insight I expect you to show courage. DO IT !!.........STOP THE DRUGS AND ALCOHOL NOW !!

    Signed: Robert Singletary__Friday September 8, 2006__3:47 P.M.
    (eastern standard time) USA
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2006
  8. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    The only way to get ahead of life is to cheat, steal, and lie.. because that is what everyone else is doing....... That is society!!! Actually.....I don't think I need any help!!!! I just think that this is society and life in it's most real form. Because society has programmed you to view this opionion as a negative view.....you may view it that way.. but I view my opionins as the truth and real!!!
    If you saw something that is real...but against social norms and you refuse to accept it because of what society has told you....then you are what I call a "phonie". The truth hurts!! Everyone knows the "truth" is against social norms......but they simply won't talk about it!!!!! THE TRUTH HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE COMES A TIME WHEN YOU MUST ACCEPTED IT!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    amen, z.

    you know nothing of me or my perception of the truth, vg, or you'd have never made those statements. i hold no prejudice.

    how does that rant of yours pertain to lying, stealing, cheating, etc? that's not how one gets ahead, only how one degrades oneself. though money is not equivalent to happiness, an honest dollar can still be made these days. have some morals.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2006
  10. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    ZCONCEPTS.....YOU IDOIT!!! I was just joking for god's sake!!!!!!! Anyone dumn enough to take drugs and drink should just do themselves in.......because that's what they are doing in the long run!!!!!
  11. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    you realize that truth; can you save yourself again?
  12. barfmaul

    barfmaul Regular member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    @vgaddict8, calm down. There are a lot of things in life that are brilliant, so please don't carry on this endless line of how society sucks.
  13. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    "Phonies" are people who just tell you what they think you like to hear? LORD Auslander..............I will be a "phonie" and act as what society views as "acceptable" and be a "good guy". Although.... this is taking away from the "TRUTH"....which was the point of what I was after!!!!! SO again........the reality is that "truth" cannot be found in "society"!!!!!!!!!!
  14. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    The reality is that people don't want to face the truth and just want to be "phonies"...acting acording to social norms!!!! NO WONDER WE ARE ALL LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT......THERE WILL COME A TIME WHEN YOU MUST FACE THE TRUTH!!!!!!!
  15. barfmaul

    barfmaul Regular member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    OK, you REALLY need to calm down.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2006
  16. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    Auslander.....everyone just pretends to have moral and be rightousness....but in reality...everyone is a evil man!!!!!!!!!!! Of course.... no one will ever talk about it... or admit to others about it!!!! because you will be a "bad" man then according to social norms!!!!!!
  17. vgaddict8

    vgaddict8 Guest

    NO WONDER EVERYTHING IS SO FU*KED UP!!!!! WE ARE ALL FU*KING IT UP AND NOT EVEN WANTING TO ADMIT THAT WE ARE DOING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! APOLYCALASE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. barfmaul

    barfmaul Regular member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I'm really starting to believe you are exaggerating now, I think you need to get some help.
  19. brokenjet

    brokenjet Member

    Sep 8, 2006
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    the meaning of life is to glorify God not a god but the God ya know For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. i know its the last thing you wanted to hear and the first thing you though of in the back of your mind when you saw this forum
  20. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @vgaddict8....that's the first thing you've said makes any sense. "Truth" cannot be found in society but only deep inside.

    One of those philosophers whom you dislike said the one and only thing I've ever heard in my life that I could consider to be a universal truth:

    "Joy or dejection is ALWAYS proportionately equal to the good or evil from which they issue".

    If you're a senior in college, you smart enough to understand what that means and the very self-evidence of its message....if something is makeing you feel like sh*t ... identify and fix. If something makes you feel great and happy ... harbor, savor and improve. SOMETHING is causing something bad here ... FIX IT!! You're no fool...figure out what it is and fix it. Cause and effect boy. Fix it. If it truly is crack and booze....then you have your answer. YOu can't reach a destination without taking the steps to get there.
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