the reason i DONT take my kids to the bank is because they know exactly what the bank is for, and then they aren't to interested in candy, they want the cash.
Kinza you could just do like my daughters do. Go to the mall and spend all day there with your friends. Now what she spends her money on I have no idea, but she always comes home broke and usualy nothing to show for it. SHe says she buys her friends lunch, goes to se a movie and plays DDR the rest of the day what ever DDR is? Some sort of dancing game. LOL Anyway just go out and blow it all have a blast with it your young and you only live once!! Happy Late B-Day
Yeah I have to agree with you man,everytime I go to the bank the only thing I can think of is the lolly pop .Other than that nothing special normally drawing money to pay for gas or pay bills etc...the usual stuff from day to day,kids these days I wouldn't know.I don't have them bro,glad I am still free at the moment.Hey Darth tell your kids to look for the money tree bro hahahahah lol.I always got that answer when I asked for money from my Pops other than that I always got stuck mowing grass for people or washing cars something like that to get money.Getting an allowance or anything given to me was out of the question,if I wanted money I had to earn it on my own.You can never have enough money including everyone I know.
l-burna,we get free lollipops at our bank too! bbmayo, before i can go spend all my money at the mall i need someone to drive me there. my parents just bought another business so there kind of busy. thanks for birthday wish! auslander, gonna have to check the site a little later.
nahh, might as well wait for xbox 360, besides my gaming urges are dying down. im starting to buy games for pc now.
yeah, i was thinking about getting an external mouse and keyboard. i like gta series, any other good games i would like.
Mafia can be fun. the Hitman series is good. Halo for PC was pretty cool, too. Doom 3 (if you can run it) is also rather entertaining.
i dont like gory stuff so doom 3 is out. i tried a demo of hitman for ps2 and he walks so slow, it could have been an old one. ive always wanted to try mafia, is it exactly like gta?
the hitman may walk slow, but there's a run button that speeds him along. Hitman contracts was even better than H2, and they both rock on the pc! Mafia is kind of like GTA, but set in the 30s. read some reviews and a synopsis or two. it's a really interesting game, but you have to have a little patience as it's a long game and the cars are slow. still fun, though XD
My daughter has this really cool game ( I don't know the name of it) It uses a little camera (I thinks called an eye toy) anyway she stands there on like a hover board and has to move her body and arms as if she really were on the board it is actually pretty cool I can't believe how advanced these games are. Hell I remember getting excited about pong for Atari when I was a kid. LOL
yeah, eyetoy is pretty cool when you have all the gear for it. im kinda out of console gaming now, pc all the way!
UT2004 ALL THE WAY !! / Far Cry/ Half Life 2 plus a decent graphics card for your pc, the Z Gaming Keyboard, hm... gadgets gotta think .... TV Tuner for PC if you dont have TV in your room, erm a Joystick for PC erm did I mention UT2004 ?