we're god's version of a soap opera...we're his entertainment. so, while he weeds out the ones he doesn't want in his place after life, he gets a few good laughs. you'd do the same thing ;-)
So seamonkey, I'm not sure you got an adequate answer; did you? I appreciate the one about the grass. My Dad died earlier this year and now I cut both my lawn and my moms; no complaint, but it does seem to keep growing <wink> If you are looking for something to complain about, it's not taxes... that's reality, it's not the price of gas - if it is, better check the price of gatorade as sold by the oz. What is perturbing is no spell check <haha> Ok seriously though (not), think about Caine, you know Kung Fu?? When he plucked the pea from his masters hand he was told it was time to go... maybe he didn't want to leave, ever think about that? In closing, a mentor of mine, a dear friend, told me what life was all about... ready? "Chocolate Cookies and Milk" There you have it, plain and simple. I know that had to have helped a little, or made someone hungry for sweets. Don't go kicking your dog though if this response pissed you off! Have a nice evening. R
to answer the question in the title of this thread, i believe the answer is "nacho cheese and spaghetti."
Hi all,id just like to say,i aint no ape,or animal of any kind for that matter,I was made in the image of my Father in heaven,and so were all of you ... man kind was put here to sort the chaf from the hay,the path to distruction is wide,the path to salvation is narrow,much harder to stay on,but,can be done,keep your eye's set on the prize at the end,and keep going straight,i hope to see many of you in my Father's Kingdom when the time comes,(which is at hand,so repent your sins and ask for Gods forgivness) He is the way and the light. Amen. peace and hapiness to you all. . .
I'm seeing more problems recently wrong with the world.I can't seem to sleep proper anymore and this is why i'm seeing more. Utd are not going to win the league this season.If that aint bad enough i have a bunch of yobs living near by who think the world was made for them to try and wreck others lives.Could be needing a lend of one of your guns there Nelph will just show them as this will be enough to scare them away. I say we should all live in peace have fun get drunk now and again and in my case as much as possible.Life was meant for having fun not causing problems for others.If the idea of fun is causing grief to others has some think there the world is coming to an end.Either way as long as there is a barrel load of beer and a pc for me to sit at in heaven i'm in. Have fun guys things could be worse we could be facing relegation but things never get that bad.
hi guys im new to this site and I would like to add to the topic "what fusks wrong with the world?..." i was eating a bran muffin and when i got up brush the crumbs away i noticed that there are starving people out there in this world so being a good citizen that i am, i gave my crumbs to the guy who pesters me for drug money everyday, and guess what he does...he throws the crumbs i gave him at me and ask's for money, so i would like to say >> [bold]"what fusks wrong with the world?..." [/bold]
You should: 1) End his pitiful life. 2) Smack some sense into him. 3) Try to reason drugs out of his life. 4) Direct him to your local drug dealer, and then waste them both or give them the rough side of your hands. 5) Direct him to your local drughelping community friends.
[bold]john179[/bold] You are a football fan who drinks beer by the barrel and you complain about other people being yobs. Behave. Lol [bold]Norm_au[/bold] Do you know if Elvis is releasing any new albums this year? [bold]Auslander[/bold] You need therapy. hehehe and lastly, does anyone know where I can get a free ipod? hehehe.
i need therapy just cuz i have a fascination with pringles and high-explosives? maybe...anywho, you wanted and ipod so i call on Pop_Smith's BIG GUN POWERS to blast the livin' fusk outta you! duck, bitch! lol!
Hi again all,well im not to sure Brother agent_k,but i will let you know if i hear any thing about Elvis,but im sure nothing will be known untill end times . . . Be Well all ... peace and happiness to you all
auslander, didn't you watch mythbusters, ice bullets don't work, you'll just get the person wet & maybe kill by heart attack when they hear .50 cal go off
Don't force him to give up his secrets. This world is a fucked up place to live. When I was younger, kids would walk the streets without the fear of getting "jumped". I live in Canada, and most of the teenagers I know carry self defense weapons because they can't walk around by themselves, unarmed. It's pitiful if you ask me. Hunter007
i lived in toronto for almost 16 years 2 of that at the south end of york university between keele & jane & steeles & finche. i've heard plenty of gunfire while there in those 2 years