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What went wrong?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by vaaris, Aug 12, 2006.

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    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Cheese and rice man, give it a break.
  2. vaaris

    vaaris Guest

    @ireland, I saw your post but to be honest I coudn't ever think you will brought that up. You well know yourself that not even a dot of your story is true.

    "I seen the large hole in the ground from the plane crash..with in 45 min of the crash" <- not even official 911-story tell that kind of bullshit. Have you even red the book? There is actual book out there in case you didn't know. I have red it and do I still have to remind you that I'm Finnish? And you are? Must to be asked because of his asks?


    "Would you believe a eye witness,me!" Would be honour to talk with one but you are just a fake and dishonor the clory of the real patriots.

    Shame on you.
  3. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    vaaris you are starting to piss me off.They closed your other thread and still you persist in whining about it.Why do you have to keep going on about it.

    Maybe i wish i could speeak finnish .Dont you understand the political climate and the way that this subject is just going to cause grief to one and all or do you really think that freedom of speech is paramount and you have the right on a tech forum to persist with this topic

    I know lets invite aabbccdd to add his thoughts and then you will know the consequences of such a discussion.

    So leave it be

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Just who do you think you are?

    How do you know who was where, you asked the question and you got the answer. If you are going to discount the truths of the posters here who are kind enough to humor your repeated attempts to keep this thread going, even though you've been told otherwise, I doubt you will get much more response. ireland is a respected member of this site and I completely believe what he has said.
  5. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    yeah lets jump on the bandwagon: irelands the man.How can you call ireland a liar you little smacktard, you say your 29 but realistically we dont want to know either your mental age or shoe size

    Which part of 'its a tech forum' dontr you get.

    Well o' great one can you close this loser topic down before it goes any further
  6. vaaris

    vaaris Guest

    guyrus (Senior Member) 12. August 2006 @ 21:54
    yeah lets jump on the bandwagon: irelands the man.How can you call ireland a liar you little smacktard, you say your 29 but realistically we dont want to know either your mental age or shoe size


    Instead of shouting at me -> how about you try google.com. What kind of evidence you need that we are dealing with the most evil government known to man. Use your brain please. Do you really believe all what Blair is telling you? That's fancy about the propaganda. You think is true. Really? What do you need that you understant that the lates events in London are the the same as you believe the official truth about 911?

    In case you did not notice we never had a real change to talk with real US people what is going on in th US. Just as yourself, please. Most of the american do not believe 911-story as it told to us.

    Think about that, before take a swipe at me. Use your brains. Use Google.com. It is free for all and it opens the gates you never seen before. Just one word: 911.
  7. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    my god its aabbccdd evil twin from the other side.I'm a bloody fairdinkum aussie , so G'd ay mate, how dare you lump me in with those whinny poms like lethal_b, creaky, herbsman, wilkes, gurnard, rav009, pulsar.Our PM is howard, you crank.

    The way i see it all you are really doing is trying to stir the kettle black with all this shit.You dont want to know because you already have your opinions in check and anyone that counters you , you basically call them a moron.

    Why not go check google out your self , actually you got it wrong as well

    this is my 3rd reincarnation thanks to the lovely folk at admin, i've been here about 4 years to long

    o'h and ive unsubscribed from this thread due to all the crassness on your part.

    (time you gave me another 4 week holiday DDP)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2006
  8. vaaris

    vaaris Guest

    guyrus, do you have some kind of problem to discuss with real issues? Or do you always have to go behind those Donald Duck -stories?

    Let me start in case you havent't noticed. What hit the Pentagon? And remember that our US readers will like to hear this. Give me a video. Give me at least one web site in the whole internet that the people are not going to laugh at. Just one. Just one.

    After you find the evidence you can tell me what caused WTC7 to collapse. That's the question all the americans whant to know. Give me some video clip or what ever evidence you can imagine. I and the people in the US will be the judge, ok?

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Tech forum?
  10. vaaris

    vaaris Guest

    Locoeng, please let us talk. I need to know what these people are thinking. Now they are agaist the wall and they cannot say anything real. Dont you are interested to hear this?

    Check this: next thing these guys can say is that go Vaaris hell or so. No technical evidence or anytning that normal person can use. They have whole Google and still nothing... that is one thing that we need to think of. I mean it. Pleae use your brains.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2006
  11. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Hmmmm....I've been waiting for lightning to strike big time. Imagine calling Ireland a liar! I tried sticking up for this guy but now I want to borrow someone's ban button!
  12. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    [bold]this ones REPORTED!!!!!![/BOLD]
  13. vaaris

    vaaris Guest

    @gerry1, what's the big deal? I ask you, what part of irelands's story you believe?? Tell me!!

    Here let me refresh your memory:
    "ireland, I saw your post but to be honest I coudn't ever think you will brought that up. You well know yourself that not even a dot of your story is true."

    "I seen the large hole in the ground from the plane crash..with in 45 min of the crash" <- not even official 911-story tell that kind of bullshit. Have you even red the book? There is actual book out there in case you didn't know. I have red it and do I still have to remind you that I'm Finnish? And you are? Must to be asked because of his asks?


    "Would you believe a eye witness,me!" Would be honour to talk with one but you are just a fake and dishonor the clory of the real patriots.

    Shame on you.

    Who is this "ireland" dude? Do you always believe what he is saying? I remind you that I'm from Finland and I just have red the official 911-book. It is just a book... just like Harry Potter and you believe it? Is this ireland dude some kind of truth teller??

    Ireland! I challenge you! Please tell me and all our disciples what is going on in the world. Dont you forget to mention Pentagon and WTC7. If you don't mention these I will bust your ass!! So please dont make my day.
  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @vaaris ... what the devil is wrong with you? You come to this site, call one our most respected members a liar and you expect to be treated with a respect which you fail to show us?

    Conspiracy theories are just that..."theories" ... mere conjecture. Because we are from the United States we should know the "truth" from the "lies" if indeed there are any? I live fairly close to new york and went to see it for myself as did so many others. That makes us experts? Why should we know any more about this than you do?
  15. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    Vaaris i concurr with every one else.

    This is a techie forum, not some political soap box where you can see how many people you can irratate with some crap about 911.

    Why cant you leave it and on your way out i'd apologise to the forum especially ireland for calling him a liar

    Ireland may be many things liar aint one of them.We havent seen eye to eye recently but i can honestly say he's one of the good guys where as your a bit dubious to the extreme.

    Hey you have only been here 5 mins and i already hate you and thats a compliment.

    Debates like yours only cause grief and as you can see flaming.The admin wont allow it and very shortly they will get off the proverbial fence and come and ban some of us or at the very lease use those words of wisdom that they are very profound with.

    Very big words which we probably wont know the meaning off but wise to say the least.So i guess i will be saying goodbye to you now as i can see a trip in both our futures or at least yours and proberly but definitely mine...................
  16. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    vaaris, maybe this will get your attention, lightning struck!!! remember also the us constitution applies to americans & not the rest of the world as they are governed by their own governments & people. thread closed
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