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What will give the best quality?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mccoy5, Jun 20, 2004.

  1. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Big O,
    From your previous post, what is "[bold]it[/bold]"?

    Just so no one thinks I'm hitting on background decrypters. These programs are excellent replacements for the programs that don't have a ripper or had the ripper removed due to legal issues. Case in point is the 321 software. The RF Express is meant for on the fly recording, but without a ripper is useless for DVD movie backup. AnyDVD or similar program is excellent in this type of case. So, ripper-less software meant for recording on the fly benefits to no end from background decrypters.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2004
  2. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    The same "it" you referred to in the following post. heh heh- on the fly with anydvd. I do know what you mean as far as writing to the HD first, and by no means do I do it on the fly all the time. When I only had 80g's it was a must situation because of free space constraints. As you know I have taken care of that problem. I still think it's faster, I know you don't. I do agree you can check your work before the burn and it probably extends the life of your dvd-rom drive. It mainly depends on the situation, just like our propensity to use different software for various situations, when really one or two would suffice. I am mainly curious to see if it will work, just like I'm curious to see if dvdremake will work with a lot of these programs. I've discovered that remake with IC8 is a beautiful combo as IC8 is crappy at re-authoring, but does a wonderful job of compressing and burning. Put the 2 together and "voila" my no.2 back-up method. And finally, it's just plain fun to "discuss" it with ya brobear, know what I mean Verne?
  3. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Got that one Verne, BR549. We were writing those posts about the same time, so you can look at the second one off as replies. Kick my silly britches. I just saw why my internal speeds may be faster than yours. Twice the RAM. That much should give me a little edge with large files off the HD. On that Recode2, are you using the burn once default option? I'm unchecking Burn Once and using the 'advanced' analysis like you do. Think I'll try checking it (Burn Once) to see if it makes a quality difference or adds any speed.

    Ran into an interesting problem this evening. I was using my DVDXCopy Platinum. I was backing up Lion King 1 1/2. With the Platinum, as soon as it started the encoding process, it would lock up. The only movie this has happened with so far. I recorded another movie just to make sure I wasn't having serious problems. Did a great job on the other movie. (I like the DVDXCopy because it is fast and does a good job with the movie only with scene selection.) Just a problem with that one movie and the XCopy. No problem though, fed the same file to Recode2 and it burned the movie without a stutter.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2004
  4. mccoy5

    mccoy5 Member

    Jun 5, 2004
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    Hi guys, just to let you know that I haven't quite given up on cce-rebuilder just yet. If it dosen't work this time I think I will settle for dvd decrypter & nero recode2. Until somthing better comes along or I sort out the rebuilder problems.

    Thanks for all the help so far anyway.
  5. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Well, I gotta say, just did IVdvdcopy2, damn, if it ain't nothing else, it's fast, blazing fast. Set up 1-2 min. That's for a 1st time user.
    decrypter-7 min.
    IVDVDcopy2 16min.
    total-25 min. unreal
    gonna try a long one now,MMMMWorld-2hrs.40min. w/special features, let's see how it re-authors and compresses [bold]mccoy[/bold], hang in there. [bold] brobear[/bold]don't tell sophocles, I'm sure he'll say told ya so.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small][​IMG] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2004
  6. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    brobear, gotta love recode, it was my first love affair, guess that's why I have such a special affinity for the little sucker, without a "stutter".
  7. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I have anydvd and it works great with DVDcopy2 and as you've already noticed its great for quick backups. If you use anyDVD then you'll have to uncheck safe mode in anyDVD to get it to work. It's still my weapon of choice for sub-7 gig films. I know the price at 79.00 is high and you've got to know that I went back and forth between it and instant copy. It took a lot befor I was convinced to spend an extra $50 over the other.

    [bold]brobear don't tell sophocles, I'm sure he'll say told ya so.[/bold] What is this a preemptive "I told you so." I won't do that because now it all seems hollow and empty.

    "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2004
  8. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    OK OK OK enuff already, what condiments best go with words you wish to eat? I gotta admit it does a good (alright very good, alright excellent) job. Damn I can't get over the speed, used it on the fly with anydvd, and to the HD then to disc. Both were amazingly fast and damn, the quality was well hell, I said it once didn't I? Ease of operation, a 3-yr. old child could do it,well maybe 6. No pixelation, Brian, do you hear me? I don't know why it's giving you fits but I swear it worked fine for me. I wish I could help. Sophocles, you can go to he....oops, thanks.
  9. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Glad you see it in a new light, what I couldn't get over was how well it backed LOR III. I did another bckup on Nero recode and it skipped after about 20 minutes into the movie. I then did it with rebuilder/CCE and the color was definantly better with CCE but I know longer use DVD2one, DVD Shrink, or recode for backups.

    I think that the best condiment would have to include a little foot with just a hint of crow.
  10. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Sophecles, I wear a size 12, should be plenty on it's own, unfortunately there is a shortage of crow as farmers around here shoot em'. I still think recode is an excellent program, especially for a beginner because so much comes with the package, which I still use. Not sure why it skipped, I've truly never had a problem with it, It still outranks shrink in my book, of course so much has changed over the last 2 weeks, I now have a plethora of video software of which the likes have never been seen here in East Tennessee. Now that I have the trial version of Intervideo, you don't think I'm going to let it go idle after only 3 days, do you? Oh ye of little faith. So many choices, so little time.
  11. b5mac

    b5mac Member

    Jun 21, 2004
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    I see you guys are using intervideo dvd copy 2 and i'm wondering if you could help me. I am unable to select my burner in the target prompt. any ideas? i am able to burn perfectly using shrink then decrypter, so I know my burner works. thanks in advance.
  12. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    b5mac, look in the other thread and get back to me.
  13. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I agree with everything you said and when I run into a newbie the first thing I do is forget my prefernces and turn them on to shrink. I've spent a small fortune on software in the last couple of weeks. I seem to have plenty of time since I don't return to work until July 27. I suspect that part of the skipping I had using recode was caused by my burning it at 8X. Gotta tame my Px-712A a little.
  14. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    To the right of the target prompt is a button, click it and navigate to your drive and select it.
  15. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Tsk,Tsk,Tsk, you know better than that. 2.4 or 4x max. Already told him that in the other thread, tee hee.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small][​IMG] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2004
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Yes but that's with your PX-708 mine is a PX-712 and to it 8X is a slower speed. I also have the ability to do a Q-check for P1/P0 errors and so far they've been really low. The PX-712A has 8 megs of on board buffer which also results in fewer errors. I've set my burns to 6X and I should be alright.
  17. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Tanslation, I like speed. LOL
  18. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Ah, but you like quality over speed, thus the reason we use rebuilder/CCE. (hey, were you dissing my burner?, It ain't exactly a model T ya know.)
  19. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    You have a great burner almost bought it instead of the 712 just to save a few bucks (heard that right Nephilium?}, all I was saying is that the rule of thumb is to choose a burning speed that is less than your maximum. You're right about the quality, that's my number 1 priority. Well going to spend some time around my pool cya later.
  20. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You will have to give Sophocles his due BigO. DVDCopy2 gives luxurious color and definition. It worked well on LOTR-Return of the King, and that was quite a compression load. Have to say Recode2 did well with the same movie. I was running a comparison. Used HD files in ISO with an emulator, same file for both burns.

    I have the old Model T burner, so I run it to the max at 4X. Old and slow, but she does a good job. I'm saving my bucks to see what comes up in the next months. 8X isn't that much faster, and 12X, I'm not so familiar with. I do know that most of the media is at 4X, even if it can be burnt at higher speeds. As Sophocles said, some jobs are best done at lower speeds.

    [bold]Edited for content on comparison of Recode2 and IV DVDCopy2.[/bold]

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2004

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