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Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by deezp1, Apr 12, 2005.

  1. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  2. dlc2000

    dlc2000 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    very good i must say so myself . its about time .
  3. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    So were sposed to let a n00b punch us in the mouth, and just wipe off the blood, and report it?
    If thats what they are asking,thats B.S.
    The ganging up is not necessary,(guilty as charged)but if somebody attacks me for no reason,I'd like to be able to attack back....human nature...........
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2005
  4. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    I have to agree with Jim too, I will not sit here & let anyone (does not matter who it is) chew someones' arse off for no reason! I am guilty of gang warfare, & I will continue to do so.

  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i think it has more to do with searches than personal attacks as we've had personal attacks since i started last october
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2005
  6. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    When I see a friend, or any member, for that matter get flamed, for what appears to be no reason,Im jumping in and helping.Im thinking thats what was meant by that word vigilantism.
  7. ashroy01

    ashroy01 Regular member

    Dec 23, 2004
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    I think people should be free to ask whatever they want.
    If no one answers their question it falls off the radar.
    I could see where someone bugged and bugged with the same dumb question, but if they really needed it, they'd search.
    If they're just causing a fuss, and that's not what this forum was made for.
    If someone does answer it they've helped that member.
    I don't think people mind answering questions, especially us younger members who feel the need to contribute.
    Why's it so hard, if it's like shooting fish in a barrel, anyway?
    Then you have members that want to take their frustration out on people who don't follow the rules, also not what this forum is about, at least that's what I thought.
    Afterdawn's efficiency for getting questions answered through their forum is why people come here.
    I don't care, I'll answer anything I can if I'm bored enough
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2005
  8. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    I have made so many friends in the time I have been here. I have only ever asked 3 maybe 4 questions since I joined over 17 months ago!

    I get a real buzz out of helping someone. It is great when you get a thanks. some have even PM'd to express their gratitude! That really does make it worthwhile. I really enjoy the banter we have, even the hard hitting stuff! It makes for an interesting night in. All these people from all over the world, one goal, usually getting there too!

    I can get annoyed when I see the dreaded Bourne Supremacy, RE Apocalypse, Spanglish.. etc etc questions that crop up. Most probs are easy to solve. Just a little stimulation of the old grey matter is required. I have a thing about giving things a go, nothing ventured, nothing gained is a good maxim. Some give up without really trying. Info can help, it can be somewhat lacking at times.
    Hey ho, these things are here to try us & it beats being in the local hostelry all night spending a fortune.
    Sometimes I can be a bit hard on people. It is only if they are not putting the same effort as I have in to the task.

  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    drd's message is about newbies & not when a newbie or a member attacks another member [bold]quote" What I mean by this is that when a newbie makes a mistake, violates our forum rules, etc, that thread gets about gazillion posts typically with rather sarcastic and sometimes even offensive (yes, in instance when there's blatant spam attempts, etc sarcasm and even few nicely selected words are appropriate, IMO, but not in case when a n00b asks a question without understanding our rules about piracy, etc) tone. unquote"[/bold]
  10. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    Hey all,

    Been reading everyone's posts on this subject and I think there is one thing to agree.

    [bold]Your damned if you do, your damned if you don't.[/bold]

    So you can help alot, but then too much help gets taxing and you start to feel frustrated and annoyed. Even worse, there have been posts where several REALLY educated members who have help new users were pretty much given a rude response because the original poster didn't like the answers that were given and wanted them to walk them through it. Humans are generally helpful in nature and will help anyone out if they can or would like to, so it is only fitting that people will constantly answer repeatitive questions, but at the same time, it kinda gets old for some, while others tend to just do it because they still want to help those who can't help themselves or know that they will just post somewhere else and just to answer them and be done with it.

    There are people who just come on here and just ask a question, get a response, then take off.

    Then there are those, who ask constant repeatitive questions, because they don't know how to do a search or don't want to be bothered because they know that someone will answer them.

    Then there are those who do a search and ask good questions.

    Then there are those who spam multiple forums in trying to get a question answered.

    And lastly, there are those who kinda "act stupid" and really don't understand the language of following instructions, and want people to give them STEP by STEP instructions.

    So, when you first get here, I can understand that...we were all new once, and we all did asked questions, until we learned better, hopefully that is. Well, there are some who take the time to research what they are looking for and those who don't care and know that there will be those who will answer no matter how inane the question might be. See it around constantly. Now, everyone here has GREAT opinions, even the new users, but the fact remains, you either want to answer it or not. This is pretty much the bottom line. Jizmak and I discussed this in the posts that was mentioned on the first page, and then there is my little rant on about the use of the search button.

    But whether you are old, new, addict, newbie, senior, or just browsing this site before you even sign up. The truth is, is that there are very simple ways to helping people, but those that help themselves will value the information that they receive. Take for instance my post on the thread I did about the joining of the .avi's. Now, I COULD have asked a question, and did get alittle frustrated because I didn't have the right codec, but I took the time and looked up the info, only reason because I knew what I searched and I checked out the guides every so often to see if I can learn something new.

    But that is the point really. Whether you want to learn or you want to have someone tell you. I can guarantee that the longer you are here, you start to search for your answers. I seriously don't think that some users like pulsar, jim_dandy, ddp, drd, neph, jizmak, scubabud, mr. del, Rotary, andmerr, djscoop, quadratic, squizzle (sorry if I left anyone out and I know I have, hehe), would ask a question like this now:

    I wonder how do I burn a dvd?
    What are the best sites to d/l games/movies/shows from?
    What is the best P2P out there?
    How do I convert my cd over to mp3?

    But truthfully, it all comes down whether or not we want to help, or anyone for that matter. If you want to help, great...good for you. If not, then all you can do is move on to another post and dish out your knowledge there. Simple as that really. We all feel strongly about the use of the search button and whether or not we want to give a smart @ss comment, or answer a repeatitive question, hell, I've SO wanted to do that before. But you just kinda go with the flow.

    Google is a GREAT tool! You can find ANYTHING on there, and the internet, well hell man, IF you know what to look for, you can find ANYTHING online for free. So, you do kinda "evolve" with your searching techniques and mostly, if you know what you are looking you don't need to ask a question. But hey, if you do, then just go ahead and ask. No harm, no foul. And those users who are tired of the repeatitive q's, might as well leave them to other new members to answer, because eventually, they and you, will either get tired of it, or answer it.


    BTW...in reference to the attacks on whomever for no personal reason, that is just ridiculous. Take for instance, this post:


    Now, honestly, was that REALLY necessary what Salem said. That was just ASKING for a hit back. I don't see why, if you are engaged in a debate, you would NEED to single out ONE person because of something that you said and put there name in your reply back, can't you just same user? I mean hell, would you appreciate it if someone pointed you out in a post for no reason only because they wanted to get a rise out of you? Think before you act. Because what comes around, goes around. Why do you think some REALLY good users decided not to post anymore?

    Last edited: Apr 14, 2005
  11. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    YOu left me out man but i guess that was intentional and payback for all those memorex jibes (LOL)

    In a nutshell that is it.[bold]WE ARE HERE TO HELP[/bold], even though people have there own method of posting.Fair enough its not the way we would like them to do it but at least we are getting people here who are askiung questions and ultimately getting answers to there questions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2005
  12. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    Wow, Im gone for a few days and this thread blew up in replies. Im glad there is debate on this and A LOT OF GOOD POINTS!

    Bottom line Im getting from this thread is that everyone here does want to help, but would just like repetitive questions to stop or at least slow down.

    I was thinking and at first I thought telling someone to "just do a search" was good, but then I put myself in a n00bs shoes and I would probably just put my head between my legs and maybe do a half-hearted search or just maybe move on to a another forum. Although I do think they should of known better and have done that search in the first place, but remembers, THATS WHY THEY ARE NOOBS.

    So how do we help them more than already do without scaring them away from afterdawn by telling them to "just do a search" or just ignoring them. Both can turn them away from here quick!

    I think it should just start from the top. I have been on other forums that before you post a new thread there is a prompt they asks, "To avoid repeat questions, we highly suggest you do a search before you before adding a new topic. Have you done a search before making this post?" And then if you click to proceed to make the new post, it asks you again, "Are you sure you done a search before making a new post," then if you select yes, it lets you make your post. Now, to me, this seems very polite and straight foward that the forum means business in keeping their forum clean and it doesn't come off mean or empty.

    Also, aD has been expanding their tuts a lot, but seem very limited as far a xbox/ps2 goes. I know there are some tuts on the top of some pages, but maybe expanding those or even when someone wants to post a new topic in particular forum page, have tutorials links for that particular topic listed right above the "Your Nick" part of the create page. These are just some suggestions that could reduce the repeat threads.

    BTW, you can't really do anything about flaming except ignore people that do (I admit I do it sometimes too). I also know it is human nature to talk back we someone flames, but i have seen too many threads go WAY off topic when members turn a thread into a Raging Forest Fire that just burns up the topic and changes into a bitchfest and sometimes leaves the person who originally asked the question more lost then when they first asked a question.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2005
  13. zenarrrow

    zenarrrow Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    I kinda hate when peoples posts are just too damn long!!!
    How do you ever expect anyone to read all of this? I want an answer now!!!I don't have time to read all of this!!!

  14. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    Well zen, that's all nice and well, but I don't really care if you want to read it all or not, I didn't ask you.


    If you want to read it fine, knowone is stopping you.

    BTW, you know what I hate, I hate when people point out one particular person instead of just answering the question and topic at hand.

    Honestly, did you just become a member like yesterday or something? This thread isn't about what members hate, it is about members telling new users about the search function, you are like a week to late buddy. So, let's try and stick to the thread topic.

    Oh yeah, and lastly...if you want a answer now...here it is:

    google.com, all the answers you could ever want
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2005
  15. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    zenarrrow, must have read it to post it so must have the time to read it so what are you complaining about than???
  16. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    BTW, expanding on ddp post, this is not a chat room, this is a message forum. There is a difference, chat rooms are for short quick talk, where message boards like this are for long percise Q & A. Thats what makes them so helpful
  17. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    What is with all the flaming thats been happening here in the safety valve lately?This is where your supposed to be able to vent, without repercussions.
    Rather I agree, or disagree, with what venom is saying, is besides the point.I will,like many others in here,defend his right to say it.

    zenarrrow,we expect this kind of thing out of the newbies, that dont know how to behave,but not from an established member.
    It's really not venoms fault, your attention span is nonexistent.

    The link venom gave on his post, was a thread dealing with this same thing..."singling people out of a crowd",and as you can see, if you can find the time to read it(<---bigtime sarcasm inserted here)I was the target of the attack,Venom was one of the first to help me out.So I take exception to this kind of attack.
    If you want short, meaningless conversations,do like deezp1 says,and hang out in yahoo or msn,you can chat with all the bots, that infest those places.
    *end of rant*
  18. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    here, here!!!!
  19. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

    Not to be so offensive but dont you think this thread is not needed???
  20. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    its not offensive that comment.

    Have noticed of late that the safety value seems to be spilling over into every other forum with off beat humor ,off topic posts and maybe that would explain for you zenmarrow why people are leaving.Might also be the flaming, lack of respect for each other as well

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