Quit smoking what? I'm on Facebook too, but largely to keep in touch with family and childhood friends. Life has posed a number of unexpected events over the last few years, but for me they've been good. I'm building an adventure bike (bicycle) to explore and bikepack North American, and if that goes well, tour Europe and perhaps Australia as well. The only backside is I can't figure out how to pack a guitar with me.
I've looked at all the options but I don't have lot of room for anymore guitars. I have 14 already of which two are electric, so I also have 4 Amplifiers of which two are fairly large. I've been thinking of getting rid of some of my lesser played guitars so perhaps then I can invest in a decent portable of some kind. Once I get my bike finished I'll know more about what I'm able to pack with me.
You could just get a backpacker guitar... https://www.amazon.com/Martin-String-Backpacker-Travel-Guitar/dp/B000P63U74
I've played one and in a pinch it might do, but with the bike that I'm building a small foldable although more expensive might offer better tone. Remember, when I'm at home I'm playing a Martin OM-42, 000-28VS, D-18VS, Larrivee L-07 and other decent top tier guitars. I also want to get something that can project so that grizzly bears won't have to work too hard to find me.
I'll have you know that I'm really quite good, and that they've already heard me in Canada since I was a professional out of Canada.
I'm from the old school of musicians, but I used to know Bob McBride and some other members of Lighthouse.
Keith is from the old school of musicians & originally from alberta. he was 1 of the dj's on the radio pirate ship "the caroline" back in the mid late 60's & had his on music show on cbc in the 70"s. https://www.google.ca/?gws_rd=ssl#q=Keith+Hampshire
I was living in Alberta in the 70s' but in those days I never had a TV or radio, and never really wanted either. In 1973 we went to RAT (Room at the top) at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, to meet some friends and got talked into doing an impromptu performance. It's possible that I knew of him and have forgotten?
It was nice to connect with you guys again! I figure most of the "old skool" pass by from time to time, lurk while reading some of the posts, and then drift on. I figure Praetor probably forgot his password!
Hell, if that is all he forgot, he is doing well. I remember you here, when I joined a long long time ago. It is good to see you drop in again.
Long time. I saw this thread and decided to post. First of all, the site format changed and it wasn't appealing anymore. PM Inbox were removed for some reason, ive been away for so long that I usually roam the main page checking up on software and articles. I think for most of us after DAX disappeared it was the end of an era. The original xbox and PS2 ended their run, I just couldn't get back into the flow of things. I got stuck and decided to be one of the masses and became only just a user. The original xbox was all the rave for me as I joined other forums and picked it up there like team-xecuter and ps3hax. We grew up, got jobs and life happened.