[/quote] apparently bird poo is suppose to be good luck so i'd imagine ghost poo is even luckier.[/quote] That's the spirit!
Since the ghost joke got all this stirred up......... Let's see what this does: What does a snail say when he's riding a turtle?
snail riding a turtle?.. "slow down man, I mean we want to get there, but I would rather it be alive !!" earlier question about past times mods.. Herbs and Loco are still alive and thriving.. got em both on FB .. the others.. hell knows because I don't... which reminds me.. I need to log on the irc before the 30 days is up and I need to register the channels again.. personal license came in the mail this morning.. next step.. my own bar irc logged in and up.. if anybody fancies a chat I'm online for a while tonite
The very thing.. and as landlady I would hope they do all know my name,(it will be over the door after all) or at least that I'm a badass if I'm crossed.. heh heh heh
good on you.oddly enough i just switched careers from automechanic to bartender/cook.loving it so far and clean hands too.lol
Wow, quite the collection of the old school crowd in here. A big hi to everyone. Glad to see so many familiar people in and out of this thread. It's like a stroll down amnesia lane. ;-) @Aldan...i wish i could get out of this business mate. So congratulations to ya on getting out of the auto business alive. Lol.
aldan You won't regret it i never have,cut a long story short made redundant too many times due to change of ownership or just gone belly up,was lucky enough to get a job at local lawnmower repair shop,it was a refreshing change from working on cars some of which were just junk ,tho i did enjoy working on the odd muscle car or any other ford,chev etc v8 vehicle apart from other later model vehicles,did mower repairs for 4 years & eventually wound up being self employed mowing lawns been doing that for 14 years,it's been great,doesn't mean it hasn't been a struggle at times with having a mortgage & bills along with economy down turns,that aside i'm almost there,mortgage will be paid off next year in April & right now things are going well,better than expected being able to do my own repairs since i have most of the equipment required including welders,the mowers are kept going far beyond what they would do normally,tho admittedly my main mower is a purpose built 24" steel base self propelled mulch/sidethrow & doesn't wear much & will outlast me..lol..yeah anyway i get paid to exercise which isn't a bad thing when i consider some customers who have been with me a number of years have extended around their middle
yeah,know what you mean about paying the bills.took a hell of a cut in pay to do what i do now,but,like you our mortgage has a little more than a year to run so meh,its all good.