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Where Did All The Old Timers Go, A Public Meeting Place For Open Discussion

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 26, 2006.

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  1. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Ahaha. SOrry im in stitches here, you crack me up gerry! Seriously!

    @Greensman. Hahaha @ the KKK reference thing, nicely done ;)
  2. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Well, I am back for a few days, and thought I'd check up on the replies and drop by. So, I did, and was greeted with a new PM from Alphabet Man in reference to this..

    The Reply:

    I'm going to reply here aabbccdd, cos frankly, I don't give a rat's arse.

    Well, firstly, I don't care, I like getting your back up 'cos it's sooo easy.
    Secondly, I don't know what you're into but I've certainly never heard of a "Kiddieland Klan" - did you set that up? And FYI, I'm 15, not 14, jeez.
    If people leave, that's just dandy - most of the older members that "get sick" of aD just walce off to Hounds anyway, so it's not like you'll never communicate again.
    And sure, why not, let's sh!t-can the SV! I v. much doubt anyone would bother sticking around to help if there wasn't any kind of community spirit here.

    RE your PM, I don't do 'sucking up and taking it'.

    Anyhow, [near] where I live is flooded..


    Woop woop. That's no-nicey; lucky I'm not affected.

    On a lighter note, I'm going away again in a few days for another week and then won't be around much for the duration of the summer - s'all good.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2007
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest


    @ aabbccdd and Ripper, I frequently get a kick out of your posts but what you stated above is a BIG part of the problem. Don't you see, when you pull that sh**, you're perhaps getting satisfaction for the come back but you're also making it bad and creating a nasty atmosphere for all of us and that is something you SHOULD care about. You may have a right for retort but not in a public forum where the price of it is paid by everyone BUT you! Things have been really great lately albeit a bit slow. Let's not screw it up for everyone.

    Ripper, I've seen the flooding in England on the news, I hope that you, billyboy and our other british friends are spared from this disaster. (Actually, you too aabbccdd, don't you live in Texas?)
  4. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    I see your point Gerry, and I'm aware of the situation. I've gone over this with Alphabet Man before in the same PM. However, the above is not strictly true, as ddp could just give us both the boot and that'd be that I suppose. I'm not editing what I posted unless asked directly by ddp (or any other mod) though, as I stand by it.

    And yeh, the flooding is nasty. I'm not hit at all and the areas near me that are (less than a 10/15 min walk away) not too bad compared to some areas of the UK.

  5. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    It appears the posting bug still exists then...

  6. onya

    onya Guest

    @Gerry, Not a truer word has been said with regards to the "behaviour" Time to call it quits for all concerned as you say. As a loyal AfterDawner like many, it displeases me and us ALL to witness such events. Settle the diff or move on fellas.
  7. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    gerry1 I think that aabbccdd would love to live in TEXAS but I think he lives in Ohio. LOL. That's somewhere close to Texas isn't it?? hehehe. ;P


    Good morning all...... :D
  8. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    now as much as i would love to have aabbccdd as my neighbor, man that would be trouble for the locals...lol, but he is in indiana. home of the current Super Bowl champ Indy Colts. which i guess he is still within a few hour drive so we are neighbors...maybe this up comeing AFC championship game i will have him over here for the game, seeing the bengals will have home feild for the game...lol

    man what am i smokin?????

    sorry all i know this is way off topic, just trying to litten the mood, ya know what i mean..

    but i still cant get over that 600+ yard par 4 thing.. whats wrong with these people.....lmao... rotflmao
  9. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Just what does that mean any-hoo?
  10. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    par 4 is the amount of shots allowed for you to get the ball into the hole

    600 yards is the length you have to hit the ball to get it to said hole

  11. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    correct ripper. and it just aint right being 600+yard away and a 4 shot limit. we all aint tiger woods...lol heck if i golfed it would take me like 12 strokes to reach 600 yards... unless i could use my louisville slugger...lol
  12. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    "Golfs for people who have wierd pants and a fat ass"
    Good ole happy gilmore ;)

  13. onya

    onya Guest

    Gwendolin does not have a fat ARSE! No comment otherwise with regard to her pants. Heheheheheh.
  14. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    hummm i get four weeks off for a clean desktop pic

    and the younger members contuine to act like this to me and it all flys. when they started it in the first place. so i guess they rule this place lol

  15. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Just out of interest, what's desktop pics got to do with this?

    Yeh maybe so, but IMHO, it's a case of six of one, half a dozen of another. However, why should age have anything to do with this? You're what.. I dunno how old, but if we're being honest with each other, what makes you better than me in this situation? After all, I haven't broken any rules, have I?

    And please, if we're going to have a 'heated debate', will you refrain from using excuses, etc, like "they started it in the first place." - I may be younger than you but I'm not a 6 yr old.

  16. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @aabbccdd...for us, its not a matter of who starts what; its a matter of it shouldn't have been done at all. People need to behave in a civilized manner and not rain all over everyone's parade; it's mere common courtesy. Whether online or in person, in school or in the workplace, there will always be people who don't like each other; that is simply human nature. In person, at work or whatever, people who don't like each other generally just avoid each other rather than raise a stink that destroys or inhibits the welfare of everyone around them. I don't know if its because these are mere words on a screen but it seems that, online, people are much more "in your face" about it. On the whole, most people don't care who started it and who is speaking in retaliation; two people get into a pissing match and piss all over us in the process. People who initiate it are just plain inconsiderate of the rest of us; the person who was insulted should just be the better man of the two and not let themselves get suckered into a fight which is always the intention of the first. What's best for the site and its members should be the first concern on both side of that fence.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2007
  17. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Oh I'm deffinately one to rain all over someone's parade!

    Anyway, whatever, as far as I was concerned aabbccdd and I had settled this ages ago via PM; apparently not.

  18. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    KNOCK IT OFF, EVERYBODY!!!! i'm trying to read so i don't need this bs!!
  19. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    /me nods and goes back to looking at cornets.
  20. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Now gerry, you motha f&5king, SOC, castard, ashhole... now would just sit by idly and turn the other arse cheek? No When people are easily riled-it's just too tempting to run one by them to get a rise. I just like stirring the pot to see what cooks up. And to all, gerry knows I am only being facetious. Yeah, when they close the safety valve I'm outta here too. If you can't have a little fun at a place, why would you want to haunt it. And my bitch of the day is it's stopped raining every afternoon here, and it's hotter than Hades. oops wrong thread!


    So now the BITCH thread has been closed -I-understand why- but a new one should be opened. What say you Ireland or ddp?
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2007
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