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Where Did All The Old Timers Go, A Public Meeting Place For Open Discussion

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 26, 2006.

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  1. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Eeeak, scared of that pig! Give me the Mountian lions and the wolves ANY day.

    ^ ^
  2. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Lord Almighty; I NEED A LOBOTOMY!!Anyone have a can opener? O.k, a bit of a rant: I can't believe I've been at this job over fifteen years. What do I do? I work with the unemployed, determine the "why" of their lack of employment and I approve educational grants to those folks who would be adding to the national tax base if an investment were made into providing this person with skills. As you can imagine, I am very popular with those I approved and seriously despised by those to whom I must say "no". Sounds like a productive, helping sort of profession that is rewarding ... which it can be. But, in a large city like Philly anyway, the reasons for which people are either underemployed or chronically unemployed deviate severly from good ol' "mainstream America" and its those deviations from the norm that create the employment problem. We use the umbrella term "Life Skills Problems". About 30 of every hundred people I see are legitimate, workable candidates....the others are murders, junkies, rapists, child molesters, trannys, crossdressers and the whole list of psychiatric disorders....schizophrenics, personality disorders, paranoid delusionals, arsonists, various flavors of sociopaths etc. I've had guys with aluminum foil hats to keep their thoughts from being read, guys who escape their bodies and levitate above the himalayas for recreation, relatives of presidents, victims of the CIA with microphones in their fillings and a couple of weeks ago, I even had an undercover CIA operative looking for me to send him to school so he could monitor student activities LOL! Seriously now, boys and girls, I don't make this stuff up. Naturally, given the nature of my job, I've got to be politically correct and polite at all times so when someone like this guy/girl comes in saying that he /she wants to go to school because they just can't seem to hold down a job, what can I tell this guy/girl ...whatever:


    Remember now, you must be polite and politically correct ... so what does one say to this baritone in a dress? ...and all the other "unemployed" murders and serial rapists and child molesters about why they can't find a job. They SERIOUSLY believe its because they're unskilled and need to go to school. Will the he/she in the pic be any more employable if I approve training dollars? ...maybe with massage therapy. Ah well, forgive the rant!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2007
  3. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Luckily the pigs don't like people and usually head in the other direction. They can't see too well, but have a keen sense of smell. I hear they can smell a human at about a 1/4 mile. LOL Deodorant doesn't help.

  4. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Pac...I hear they're nasty critters. I wonder why; I though pigs were supposed to have nice dispositions .... do pigs even have disposition? Well, I live in the ol big city; I've met some pretty nice pigs.
  5. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Growing up in the country, I've met a few pigs along the way. The domestic barnyard variety are usually friendly and are usually smarter than "rover". They do tend to have an eating disorder and on hot days they like to wallow to keep the temps down. Those cute little potbellies are cute, not allowed to overeat or eat the wrong things, and don't get to play in the mud. The wild boar is a whole different critter. Sorta like housecats and wildcats, which would you rather pet?
  6. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Afternoon all!

    Neph,I sold both those 22-250s,last rifle-savage 110 heavy barrel, I sold back to the guy I bought it from.

    Both my 22-250 rifles loved those 52 gr speer Hollowpoints. Not no little dinky HP,but a pretty good sized hole. Those 50 gr hornady softpoints and sxsp had some very tight groupings.

    I can't remember the exact amount of powder,but somewhere around 42-43 grs of IMR 4320.Some were same amount of grains,but with IMR 4064. That IMR powder is getting harder to find around my way.

    CCI primers-some of the best!

    Avg around 3300-3500 fps on the chronograph. That savage 110 heavy barrel would shoot anything I slapped in her-different bullets/powders-and always had a pattern the size of a quarter.

    Speer Hollowpoints:

    1 little hole going in,no exit hole,and total chaos inside the body of those little varmints.

    I still have my Remington 700 classic in the 220 swift.

    Now with my 220 swift,basically I'd have to fill the entire casing with IMR 4350,Plug the hole and tap powder down to get more into it and then seat the 52 gr speer HP. I got those going over 4000 fps on the chronograph.

    I'd love to go on one of those prairie dog hunts. My bro-in law,who happened to live in phoenix for years,is always telling stories of coyote,prairie dog,and antelope hunts.
  7. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    They have antelope in Arizona?

    Well, must sign off folks. Pity in a way: the office is crawling with these yuppified young lawyers sent by their firms to assist the peasantry and the poor with their income taxes and their 1040EZs LOL! THey all look terrified like they're going to get mugged or catch some disease from the peasants LOL! Good laugh with which to leave the office!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2007
  8. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I agree with you, the 4320 is probably the best powder IMR has for the 22-250. The Hodgden Benchmark delivers about 400 ft/s higher velocity using a 50GR bullet.
  9. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    gerry, tell them to take another number.
  10. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @garmoon.... I guess its all a sort of professional humor. In cities like NY, Philly, Chicgo, LA and I'm sure New Orleans, cops and social workers both develop this odd sense of humor LOL! You live, for the most part, in one world but you work nine hours a day in a world that is 50% depravity. With the exception of what one sees on TV, these two worlds are so far apart that they seldom meet and they are so totally opposite that forcing the one to test the reaction on the other is just too irresistable to ignore and then we become like adolescent high school pranksters having a silly laugh. I don't know how to describe it: imagine going to Mayberry, hiding in bushes and sending a muscular 6'5, 230lb yet full breasted transsexual to ask directions from Barnie Fife and Aunt Bea LOL! Its just that the shock factor is irresistable. Medicine .... ER and EMS workers also have a similar humor. .. you know, a bit "twisted" LOL! Social workers and cops work together all the time and we're much alike. Its also fun to meet other social workers or cops from the rest of the state because they think we're as nuts as the public we work with..."Jaded" is the word, I guess.
  11. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    gerry1, tell the dude to get some makeup tips from Adriana lol
  12. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I don't think rolling Bubba in the sand will make a babe out of him.
  13. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    lol no chance
  14. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Morning all. With all the melting snow in the last 2 days,we are on our second straight morning of FREEZING FOG! WTF!

    Anywho happen to ever hear of that meteorological term before?

    This freezing fog is some very nasty stuff.My car was covered by a cloudy glaze of ice. All parking lots,and roads with little traffic were solid black ice. Then you had the pea soup fog,which couldn't see past 25'. The fog didn't lift yesterday till 1 pm.

    The news was full of accidents, a 17 car pile-up in my county,and 2 semi's hit head-on. Very nasty stuff indeed.
  15. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @aabbccdd...pics laying there at the beach covered in sand can be very erotic as can a moonlit night on the beach but that's where it ends because that damned sand gets into the damndest places and can really ruin an evening!

    Addition: Someone had an appointment with me an hour ago and he wasn't in the office for twenty seconds when I threw him our because he smelled so bad. A real stinkeroo ... the secretaries and everyone are still going around with spray cans. Glad I didn't shake hands; some tiny livestock might have jumped over to me for a cleaner home and environment.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2007
  16. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    gerry1, your going to have to write a book about all the misfits you deal with on a daily bases lol
  17. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @aabbccdd ... oh, we do have our fun though LOL! Its the PC of it thats a pain in the a$$ when your not in the mood for it! Its a decent job and you get to do some awesome things that get people working again etc. but roughly 70 out of every 100 people are "misfits" and even if you educated them till the cows came home, they'd never get a job anywhere but one can lose his job if he says "You're a nutcase ... get the f... out of here and get a shrink" LOL!
  18. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Sounds like you need to install a couch at your desk or maybe a trap door! Or maybe both.
  19. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @garmoon....LOL! Like the ejector seat in James Bond's car?
  20. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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