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Where to buy HD DVDs in Chicago

Discussion in 'HD DVD discussion' started by grimm2005, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. grimm2005

    grimm2005 Member

    Jul 22, 2008
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    Hey all,

    I'm headin off to Chicago next week on holiday (live in Ireland) and was hoping to pick up a bunch of hd dvd bargains while over there for my 360 hd dvd addon that i picked up very cheaply (€10) not too long ago. I've already bought about 10 or so titles from play.com for €5.49 each but i know a lot more titles were released in the states than europe before the format went defunct so im hoping to pick up a good few while im over there (being region free and all as well as the fact that the exchange rate is great for people goin to the US).

    What i wanted to ask is can people recommend places to buy them? Also as a side question what titles do people think are most benefit the jump from dvd to hd dvd?

    Thanks in advan
  2. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    Take a look at the link below. That is a really good picture quality and audio quality reference thread for HD DVD.

    The HD DVD User's PQ & AQ Reference Thread!

    Here are some more reviews from the people at High-Def Digest.

    Disc Reviews: HD DVD
  3. djkrishna

    djkrishna Regular member

    Oct 13, 2007
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    check the store called fry's electronics
    u will find in the bin
  4. grimm2005

    grimm2005 Member

    Jul 22, 2008
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    Thanks for the replies guys. I've seen some of HD digests reviews and they are very good. the other link you gave also seems very good to gauage picture quality on a bunch of titles.

    As for where to buy them, im not sure exactly where in Chicago im going to be (gonna be stayin with brother who's there for the summer) but i was there last year and was about a 15 - 20min ride out on the train to town. apparently this year i'll be right in the heart of the city which should be handy. last year the shops i remember being at and that were quite easy to get to were virgin (who were having a closing down sale at the time), fye, circuit city, best buy, borders and target.

    Would any of these shops still be selling HD-DVDs? And if theres anywhere else around downtown or a short trip on a cta train that would be easy enough to travel to i'd love to hear recommendations :)
  5. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    Not too sure exactly. I know that Best Buy here in my town had to send all their HD DVDs back. I don't remember seeing any HD DVDs at Circuit City, but it's been a month or so since I've been in there. The only place here in the states that I've heard still carries and is selling HD DVD, is Fry's. So you might want to give them a try, other then that I'm not too sure. I've been ordering mine off the web since Deep Discount started cutting prices by 50 percent or more these past few months.
  6. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Fry's has them on sale. They have 8 titles or so for $5.99 and another 20 titles or so for $7.99. Other than that, maybe amazon? Not reallya Chicago exclusive, but they should be 1/2 price or less from there if they still have any. Haven't seen too many stores anywhere that carry HD DVD any more.

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