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Which DVDs

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Bestmiler, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. foxpaws

    foxpaws Guest

    i was asking how to use pictures on my hard drive but i found out.
    thnxs for trying to help though ^_^
  2. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    @Bestmiller, good to see you passing on some good advise re sigs, you obviously got that to work also. Well done.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    The compression ratio is right here as seen above my pointer...


    Note the compression is actually backwards...the movie shown in my screenshot is not compressed 100%, but 0%. When the guide says compression is at 80%, it actually means you are compressing 20% and etc.
  4. Bestmiler

    Bestmiler Guest

    I noticed that after I backed up 2 movies,I had less space available on my C drive (79.1gb to 52.0gb). Im assuming its because the movies and the files are saved onto my harddrive. Do you guys just erase these files right after you back up the dvd?
  5. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    If you are satisfied with your final result(burn) then yes, thats what I do, just delete them from H/D

    @LocoEng, I stand corrected on the compression question. I check it out butbefore I actually had inserted disc. Cheers.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2005
  6. Bestmiler

    Bestmiler Guest

    ok ive been searching through the site and asked a few questions on different forums but I never got an exact answer. I want to try and back up a pc game. Is it the same process as backing up a DVD? All I have right now is dvd decrypter and dvd shrink.

    Also, gwendowlin. I don't know if you want to disclose this information but do you have AIM or AOL so that I can contact you quicker? If not, thats ok
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2005
  7. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    oh oh..... thats how stalking begins.

    backing up a pc game should be identical, but you do not need shrink or decrypter for most, unless its one of the more popular games with key codes.
    shrink if the game has large files, but most are not. but then again, i don't back up pc games, nor play them much, but from what i read, its that way.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    As gwendolin stated, once you get a copy that you are happy with just erase the files for the movie. You will also get more help on one of the other forums with the PC backups...most of the people in this forum are more into movies.


    What did I correct you on?
  9. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    @LOCOENG, it wasnt a correction, its just that i gave bestmiller wrong info on compression(about4 postsup)

    @Bestmiller, sorry a LADY doesnt divulge that type of info.
  10. Bestmiler

    Bestmiler Guest

    In dvd shrink, when im compressing the movie and removing audio, should i keep "AC3 2ch English - Director's Comment"? or is it unneccessary?
  11. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    keep what you want, ditch what you don't.... its your back up.
    but if i recall, it seems like you're needing your hand held again... the guides tell you this.... or have you not read them fully?
    all back up is the movie....
    now common sense here..... will you sit there and watch director's comments or not?
    what you save and re-author is what you get burned.
  12. Bestmiler

    Bestmiler Guest

    calm down gear and yes ive been reading the guides but the guide im using doesn't mention anything about what i asked previously? i wouldnt have asked if i didnt know or see it.
  13. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    hmmmmmm, i opened this link...........
    im using a guide (http://bbmayo.home.comcast.net/BACKUP%20WITH%20SHRINK.pdf) but im confused.
    the one you have in your reply, and it seems to me, step # 7 says, remove what you want, keep what you like (not exactly that) but anyone can understand that...
    and to add this link.... http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=49051
    from LOCOENG's sig.... i found several pages of what to do, remove what you want, keep this, settings....

    i do believe i am done with this thread.
    it's like teaching my 2 year old not to do #2 in his diaper..
  14. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    @Bestmiller, it seems you have lost another supporter. I have noticed you have other threads going in other forums. It appears as I said earlier you are all over the place and not trying to solve one problem at a time.
    You are trying to do too much too quickly and therefore you are becoming confused with the quantity of information coming at you.
    You need to relax, take a deep breath, solve one problem and then tackle the next...try yourself and if you fail then call for assistance. Good luck.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Mine's 17 mos. old, so I may ask for your advice soon. LOL


    Remove all audio except AC3 5.1, also remove any/all subtitles that you dont want or need. If you want the entire movie including the menues and special features, you'll want to apply maximum compression to everything except the main movie. To do this highlight menu on the left side of DVD Shirnk...then in the drop down menu on the right choose custom, and move the slider bar all the way to the left. Do the same for everything except the Main Movie. This will apply minimal compression to the feature film resulting in better quality.
  16. Bestmiler

    Bestmiler Guest

    thanks Locoeng
  17. dz50

    dz50 Guest

    are compatibility issues only with older dvd players? if i have a dvd player that is new (like came out this year), do i even have to worry about whether i have dvd-r, dvd+r, or dvd-rom?
  18. StanH1000

    StanH1000 Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    Probably not. In fact the cheapest Chinese or taiwan made players seem to be compatible with most everything. I have had the most difficulty with an expensive Sony player.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Your welcome...keep plugging away.


    The best way to avoid compatability issues is to booktype DVD+R to DVD-Rom, if this is done there should be no issue. And as stanH1000 stated, the cheaper the better. A $30 cyberhome from wally world will read just about anything you throw at it.
  20. Bestmiler

    Bestmiler Guest

    what do u mean when u say "booktype"?

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