He has resurfaced..check this out http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/2/44 Be afraid, be very afraid!
I'd prefer one from Gwendolin, but if your willing Gear...I'll take one from you too, you hunka hunka burnin pipe wrench you.
omg, i think i am gonna be sick !! i can't give you a hug, but when i get home, i can send you a virtual kick in the a$$........ (i think you have seen that .gif before i posted once)
thats ok on the bag............ but as promised..... don't take it seriously..... it's just a gag !! lol
haha, thats funny........... what i do at my job, sometimes i get bruises in weird places....... they even look funny, my wife always gets suspicious. 'where'd that come from?' kinda look !!
Welcome back gwendolin...see if you can help this guy find some good blanks, he is an aussie too. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/285264