Which Transcoding Tools Produce The Best Picture Quality.

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by Sophocles, Jun 5, 2004.

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  1. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Shrink definitely has my curiosity aroused.
  2. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Wonder why he won't say if he has anything to do with recode? Rumor has it that is where he is going and this is it for shrink. Wonder if that's why he won't put menu retention in shrink? It's all so very mysterious. Who knows, if he is going to Nero to be paid big bucks, he deserves it. Kinda sad that this is the end of shrink, but at least for now it should go out in a blaze of glory if all the reports are true. We'll see.
  3. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Shrink keeps a low profile. I think we said more about the pirating of his program than he did. Wonder who does the R&D for DVDCloner now? Haven't heard too much from the Cloner thread since the news got dropped on them. Seems a lot of folks may be upset with DVDCloner. Guess I wasn't paying attention, our fellow member ddlooping does Shrink guides, so will probably correct our Shrink grammar.

    You are theeee ddlooping, aren't you?
  4. ddlooping

    ddlooping Active member

    Apr 29, 2003
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  5. TMcCallie

    TMcCallie Regular member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    All my fellow forum members,
    I have posted this under another thread and maybe all of you are not watching it, since I have not had many replies.
    I will go over it again to see if any of you can give me a clue.
    I have been PMing with Brobear and Bigorange about it already.
    Let's do it on the forum, Thanks

    I have attempted twice to backup 3 movies from my library - Big Fish, S.W.A.T, and Once Upon a Time in Mexico. (useing 3 programs that I have Decrypter to file and Shrink/nero to encode and burn......Instant Copy 8...... and Recode2..
    I used ANYDvd on all three to decode the copy protection....
    All the backups would play up to the screen that says "This is for home entertainment only. The views are the views of the speaker and not the views etc..."
    At this point it would leave this screen and immediately come back to it. In other words that is as far as the movie would play.

    I cleaned everything that I knew how to clean and tried it again.

    I might add that Nero Recode was the first program that I used to try to back it up.

    I could never get a backup of these 3 movies.
    When I would insert recode2 to try agian it would not re-analyze it but go to the rearthur screen.
    This told me that the registry was holding the broken code keys in the registry.

    I double check this in ANYDVD , settings, CSS and it shows all the movies that you have run through ANYDvd. I clicked on the 3 movies and deleted them and it was suppose to delete the keys from the registry but evidently it did not because it still did not allow me to re-analyze it.

    NOW comes the kicker.....I have DVDFab 1.8 which I dont use. Reinstalled it and low and behold it backs up the movie (Big Fish).

    Now this tells me there is nothing wrong with my computer or burner - but probably with the code keys in ANYDvd.

    Does anyone know how to wipe out the encrypted codes ANYDvd put in the registry? Maybe that will let me go back and reanalyze the movies and get a good encypted code in the registry.

    I know this is lengthy but I have worked a long time on this problem.

    Any help you can give would be appreciated.

    I might add that all three of these moves are by Columbia Tri Star and I have backed up my other movies from Columbia Tri Star without any problem.

    One more thing I have noticed. A few times when I went into ANYDvd, settings, program the Safe Mode option was rechecked. I did not recheck. Why do you think the program rechecked it........I didn't do it.

  6. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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  7. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    someone got a hold of the new shrink, here's a little

    excerpt, this is better than a soap opera:

    [bold]I tried it last night on a disc of South Park season 4, so not the most typical material, but I thought it did a very nice job at about 65%. I enabled all the quality settings (deep analysis, Compress B-pictures more, and Compress P-pictures with adaptive error correction). I don't think the "Compress edges" option is actually working yet, so I haven't tried it. It took 1:48 to run from a mounted .ISO on my 1700+, so its kind of in OPV range.

    Subjectively, the result seems better with less pulsing than previous versions. I really need to do some direct comparison with more typical material, though.[/bold]

    [bold]Noah, where the hell did you get the password from? [/bold]

    Edit: this question was asked before Noah edited his post and removed the link and password.

    To which Mr. Shrink repied,
    ddlooping, if you're lurking, i gave MR. Shrink his due.

    It was also stated Mr. Shrink definitely did recode to which he responded and neither denied or confirmed.

  8. TMcCallie

    TMcCallie Regular member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    What do you use to clean registry with.
    I have used everything I know to use and no results.

    Nortons 1 button check up
    Be Clean

    What program do you suggest.

  9. TMcCallie

    TMcCallie Regular member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Sorry about that reply, Guess I had better open my eyes because you put the hyperlink in your reply.

    I have downloaded it and will run it.

  10. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    No prob I should've pointed it a]out and not assumed.
  11. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    To all

    I’ve been receiving PM’s lately regarding why some people are reporting problems with CCE 2.69, and reverting back to CCE 2.67. While it’s true that I did go back to CCE 2.67, I did it because CCE 2.69 is not compatible with a different authoring system I’ve been experimenting with, DVD2DVD-R.

    I personally have had no provable flaws that have been caused by CCE 2.69 and the ones I did have I was editing with DVDremake. When I look for flaws in software I almost always look at who made it and what is the author’s reputation. If you’ve had problems with a backup and you’ve used DVDremake, perhaps you made a change to your movie that made it buggy, unworkable, but let’s not blame CCE.

    Vurbal has reminded us on more than one occasion that DVDrebuilder is still beta software. Since hearing the reports of these problems I’ve researched it over and over again on the net and we seem to be the only pocket of people reporting these problem. This method is the best of all the affordable methods of backing up those long and large movies and that we all agree on, so let’s share it.

    If you were a newbie and you surfed through our threads and read this information, wouldn’t this turn you away? If this method doesn’t get positive and accurate support from us, then how long do you thing its authors will continue to improve it? We need to report bugs but if we’ve added an unexplained variable to our reports such as having edited the movie with another application but we fail to give it weight in our reports, thus making our reports pointless.

    My instincts tell me that a company that makes a $25,000 and $2000 software didn’t screw-up on their $58 software. Let’s keep it accurate and include anything that we did that might have caused our movies to be less than they could be but let’s not jump to conclusions and confuse those who came to us seeking help only to find us in disarray. Who wants to get tied up in a mess that will cost them $58?
  12. ddlooping

    ddlooping Active member

    Apr 29, 2003
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  13. brobear

    brobear Guest

    It would be a lot easier with your game if you had the material out in the open, instead of us having to download the files.
  14. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    lol ... I was going to try. But I don't have/use DVD2ONE or IC8 :)
  15. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Did you do as I asked and try turning off some of the programs? Close/exit AnyDVD, [bold]I mean off[/bold], and use DVD Decrypter or Smartripper and put a decrypted file to HD. Then use the software to transcode the files with AnyDVD still off. Turning if off should be enough to take AnyDVD out of the loop. If you want overkill, use msconfig and take out the AnyDVD. With all your software, you should have had the AnyDVD set to come on only on demand.

    When AnyDVD is on, you should make sure Safe Mode is unchecked. That is a troubleshooting mode and not meant for normal operation. Plus, your InstantCopy will not work in Safe nor will others like the InterVideo. You can right click on Safe Mode in settings and you will get a message box with the complete warning message.

    You will need to follow Sophocles instructions as well. Clean your registry. If all else fails, you might want to reinstall AnyDVD. Remember to go through Add Remove in the control panel and reboot before installing.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2004
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I checked it out and downloaded the first set of compilations. I quickly noted that their file sizes varied and one can reasonably assume that the video with larges file size is going to have less compression and potentially a better picture.
  17. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Are you saying it is an unfair comparison of files? I noticed the different file sizes on the question thread but didn't care about downloading to do the trial.
  18. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I'm saying that I could easily screw with the results and post them. One file size was almost 50 percent larger, I hope that was the original.
  19. brobear

    brobear Guest

    A skewed guessing game, guess I don't wanna play.
  20. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    They should ALL have the same compression to be fair. I'm finishing up "Butterfly Effect" in rebuilder/cce, then I was gonna take the test. Guess after what soph said I'll have to look at it now.(pretty astute observation there sophocles)
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