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Which Transcoding Tools Produce The Best Picture Quality.

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by Sophocles, Jun 5, 2004.

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  1. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    teerytj, DVDCopy 2 trial is something like 3 days or 2 weeks, etc. It does give you the full version so you can see if you like it. I have several Intervideo products including windvd creator 2 and windvd6(the best software player there is period) and all are quality products.

    Let me say one thing about RB/CCE- it is one of the easiest apps to use once you set it up. The set up can seem daunting at first, but with vurbal's guide it is not all that difficult. Please do not use trial versions of CCE, if you decide to try it buy CCE basic for 58.00, problems abound using the TRIAL versions.

    The quality is the best, 50% compression looks as good as the original, not kidding! Time is a drawback, if you think IC 8(btw,one of my top 3 apps) is slow, it's a horserace compared to RB/CCE, that's why most of us set it at nite before we go to bed and in the AM all you have to do is burn, about 10 minutes with Nero.

    Speaking of Nero, don't know why your buddy doesn't like it, you'll find most in this forum have nothing but good to say about it or own it. Ultra 6 is the best all around package you can buy. Not trying to confuse you, but wanted to clear that up.

    Good luck however you go, it's refreshing to see some one actually read the threads before posting questions willy nilly and do a little research.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small][​IMG] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SO[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2004
  2. terrytj

    terrytj Member

    Aug 17, 2004
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    bigorange: Thank you, between you and the other guys I think I've got the picture:

    RB/CCE...a great program at a good price; not too difficult to use once set up; gives arguably the best quality output; does it in the slowest time.

    DVDCopy2...a good program at a reasonable price; easy to set up and use; gives good quality output (esp for newer movies); does it in good time.

    12.30AM, time for beddies.

    Nice talking to you guys

  3. terrytj

    terrytj Member

    Aug 17, 2004
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    bigorange: Forgot about Nero. I'll talk to my IT friend when he's back from holidays and ask him more about his views on Nero.

    Also, I had a quick peek on some stuff about AnyDVD, and will get back to this forum about it.
  4. 64026402

    64026402 Active member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    As for direct comments on your choices I think they are a good starting point to back up DVDs. Adding DVDdecrypter for free is also a good pick.

    AnyDVD isn't free but it would be ideal to make DVDcopy2 a one click operation. It is free for 30 days. Use it and I think you'll eventually buy it.

    If you wish to go up a level later CCE/rebuilder is neither expensive or that difficult.
    I was afraid of it being a steep learning curve but the instructions are good and once setup it is one of the easiest programs to use.
    We make it sound hard because we like to push the limits an play with things.

    I have one machine setup for a lazy rebuild. I stick in the DVD, open the program and hit transcode. I don't even change the directories or locate the DVD.
    Then I burn with nero.
  5. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I'm with Bigorange on the Nero, if you want one good suite, that's it. The free DVD Decrypter is one of my favorite rippers and works good anytime you want a HDD file to work with. I also use the AnyDVD as my choice for a driver type Decrypter.

    I have used the DVDCopy2 for quite a while and have had excellent luck with it. It gives a high contrast to the finished product and that exaggerates flaws in the older movies, i.e. flash and spots. The only time I ran into pixelation was not a problem with the program. A bad disc and poor editing was my problem.

    I use the Recode2 from the Nero suite to record the older movies. I like the Nero controls and it is faster and easier to use than Shrink. If you're looking to save a few bucks though, Shrink is better than some of the retail products out there.

    The learning curve isn't that high for the RB/CCE. You just need to take your time and follow the directions setting it up. Once it's set up, it is just a one button operation unless you get into editing.

    So, your initial choice of DVDCopy2 is a good choice. Just realize you will see the flaws in the older movies. It works great for the newer stuff in good condition. If you don't want to purchase a second transcoder for the older stuff, use the Shrink. Me on the older videos, I'm guilty of using the DVDCopy2 on those to. If the flaws are that bad, I'm usually looking for a better version of the movie anyway. On the newer DVDs it's great and the speed is fast and minor editing is easy.
  6. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Siber warned you about all the good help! LOL

    Like siber, I also have DVDcopy2 and yes what Doc said about old movies being a potential occassional problem is also true. I don't use it as much as I used to since batch processing became available with RB/CCE but it's still in my arsenal and like siber I use AnyDVD with it. You don't need to buy AnyDVD because as bigorange stated DVD Decrypter is free and is just as fast, and you can download DVD Decrypter here at AD also, in fact when I post this it should give you a link.

    A big misconception with using RB/CCE is that it has a huge learning curve, but the truth is you only have to set it up once and then it's as easy as the other one click transoders. There is a very well written guide on how to set it up right here on AD. If you're curious then follow the link below but if you think you should just go with your first choices then you go ahead and we'll be happy to assist with those as well.

    The link to the guide for RB/CCE is below.

  7. terrytj

    terrytj Member

    Aug 17, 2004
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    64026402: Hi. Glad you like "my" choices but then I couldn't have gone too far wrong after reading this thread from you guys (as long as it was)...it was basically a no-brainer to work out which programs were the best ones in their own right. <g>)

    I note what you (and others here) have said about the RB/CCE learning curve and that, coupled with bigorange's advice to steer clear of the trial version of CCE (and why), has caused me to revise my slanted thinking of RB/CCE.
  8. terrytj

    terrytj Member

    Aug 17, 2004
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    Brobear...Hi. Well, I've now received advice from all the big guns of this thread, other than Brian100, so how can I go wrong. <g>

    I note what you and others have said about Nero generally and Recode in particular so as I already have it I'll play with it. (Like I need some more stuff to get my old head around <g>).

    I think your comments and those of the other guys about DVDCopy2 has tilted me towards it as the program that will do what I want, the way I'd like to do it...having being advised here of its strengths and forewarned of its weaknesses.
  9. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Keep in touch and let us know how it all works out. We all went through it too, it's become kind of a "rite of passage."

    Good Luck!
  10. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    terrytj, that dang brian went and got a job, said he needed money or something or other. I don't really understand it, isn't burning all there is? LOL
  11. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    [bold]The latest Revision of AD Rules:[/bold]


    Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2004
  12. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    hey soph, how's school? My wife ain't happy, they have some kind of new verification thing they have to do, all their in services, qualifications, degrees, any subsequent classes, etc. all notarized, she's not a happy camper. She's been teaching for 13 years, since she got outta college. Says how do remember all that stuff, especially in service!

    yeah, I saw the new rules the other day, I thought I sent you a PM about it.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small][​IMG] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SOHW 832S dual layer[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2004
  13. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    The same stuff here too. It's all because of the new "No child left behind laws," and "Adequatel Yearly Progress." compliments of GWB. It's not enough to be a teacher now you have to be a highly qualified teacher. Example you took your teaching degree directed to teaching math, now to be highly qualified you also have to have bachelors with a major in math to be "highly qualified."

    I haven't been in the classroom lately because our school has almost 500 computers and our tech don't know merde (French). So I've been temporarily reasigned to get the labs up and running and to fix what isn't working. Am I ever having fun! LOL

    Fixed 11 laptops this week alone.
  14. terrytj

    terrytj Member

    Aug 17, 2004
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    Sophocles...well I did ask for help, and that's exactly what I got and heaps of it. Seriously, at first glance it is a bit overwhelming to a newbie...dvdcopy2, IC v8, rb/cce, nero recode, dvd2one, shrink, decrypter, anydvd. But at least they are the best (or at least, good) in what they do. With the help of you guys I didn't have to sift through the whole marketplace to find something good to get/buy.

    Let's see: I've now already downloaded and installed DVDShrink and DVDDecrypter along with some user guides from this forum. I have Recode with my Nero 6. I've browsed and then bookmarked the dr/cce guides (vurbels: basic and advanced) you mentioned. This morning I'm going to download trials of DVDCopy2 Platinum and AnyDVD.

    And, now I'm going to have a cuppa coffee and re-read all the replies I got. Don't think I've missed anything.
  15. terrytj

    terrytj Member

    Aug 17, 2004
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    [bold]sophocles[bold]...I certainly will keep in touch, with all this stuff to learn how to drive I know I'll need a navigator at various stages.

    [bold]bigorange[bold]...what a shame about brian100, some people just don't get their priorities right <g>.

    That cuppa coffee is definitely calling me...
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Now go have some fun!
  17. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    [bold]ATTENTION! EVERYONE![/bold]

    Double “D”

    Ddlooping has challenged us (you know who you are) to a friendly dual of sorts, to put RB/CCE up against DVD Shrink. He’s even going to provide us with web space to upload our results. Sounds like fun to me.

    Vurbal and jdobbs, it would be especially of interest if you both joined us as participants or at least as advisors.

    Here’s the link with the discussions we had.

  18. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    That's like racing Secretariat against Mr. Ed. That boy has been drinking too much coffee! LOL
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small][​IMG] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SO[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2004
  19. terrytj

    terrytj Member

    Aug 17, 2004
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    TO YOU ALL: Thanks for your help, much appreciated. I'll disappear for a little while and see what damage I can manage by myself with my new toys before surfacing again with cries of "Help, I'm drowning, not waving."

    Good luck with the duel with DD. Sounds like pitting a champion sprinter against a champion marathon runner...both are runners and both are champions at their respective disciplines. Does a race between the two tell you anything meaningful? But, Hey, what would I know, I'm still on my Learner's plates.

  20. siber

    siber Regular member

    Jan 1, 2004
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    Terrytj: very pointed comment, I think I am going to like your contributions, "old man".

    I have very little interest in this challenge. I can already imagine all the stuff I have already read so many times before. "bla bla bla shrink at 5% is so much better than RB/CCE at 6% bla bla bla, RB/CCE has 'mosquito noise'(!!!?) and shrink is just so wonderful/great/perfect/superior/convenient/versatile/bla bla bla..."

    I like both programs. I use both programs. Period. Thank you.
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