how did you find out he was gay?he didnt hit on you did he?but seeing as though you have nothing against gay people im sure you werent offended by that.if he did do that im sure you let him know in a polite way that you are not gay.and then you went down the street kissing babies and donating your time to charity. you dont have to be so politicallly correct that everything seems offensive.i dont go looking for gay people to hang out with.but i dont think im a bad person because of it.if you're not gay then dont worry about it...unless it peaks your curiousity?
"i'm all for gay long as both chicks are hot!" lol, just dropping an opinion by while i have one that kinda fits this topic. while i don't think homosexuality is 100% right, it's not my place to decide how other people should live their lives..and personally i don't have a problem with it. heheh...sound kinda self-contradictory, but aren't most of our beliefs that way? meh...i've got gay friends, and we understand the ways of each others' sexual orientation; although, we do fake some stuff to freak other people out lol
i think doggy_bot likes playing with peoples heads.he picked on retarded people when he was "little"(how old is he now?).and now he "notices" gay people in his classroom.and somehow that doesnt make him strange.
Me2! F*ck no...i'm not gay, he was kissing this other guy for about 5 secounds, and I asked him, he told me that he was gay... These things didn't happen in one day, ok, and i'm not messing with anybody, these are things that happen...
as long as he's happy, good for him. he won't have a need to express himself with Korn's offensively (and purposely-misspelled) titled song from their first album, centered on homosexuality and John Davis's conflicting thoughts thereof, created by the experiences of his youth and the following confusion.
On the subject of Korn, I was online the other day on sites i ussually visit and these two screens pop up for FREE XXX GAY PORN!!! Aren't I in the mooD! XD! I think pornography has doubled quiet recentley, do to the demand from addicts. I can't go anywere decent (except aD!) without seeing!
Ahhhh Ms. Abel... my 4th grade and 7th grade teacher that I had the hots for!!! Long red hair, beautiful body, just one hot chick. I always sat in the front row just to check her out... I never hated a teacher but I might have disliked one or two down the road. Who cares anyway since it's your attitude in life that will determine where you go with what you’ve learned...but a good education is and always will be the key to the big bucks for the most part unless you get very lucky... It’s your choice.'s time for a good headbanging to Korn before i watch the new episode of South Park coming on!
so what convinced you he was gay?the kiss or him telling you?if he kissed a guy then said he wasnt gay,would you beleive him?or if he said he was gay and you didnt see him kiss a guy would you think he was joking? i thought for sure the next thing you were going to say was that you followed him home and peeked in his window(;o).where you came across him having sex with a man.
i have a friend thats bi sexual i didnt hate him for it i just wouldnt sleep with him.i did get pissed off when he use to walk around the house naked.he was the type of guy that would screw anything on two legs.hes also alcoholic and has a bong occasionally.