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why do ppl think that bluray is so great?

Discussion in 'HD DVD discussion' started by tomfitz, Jun 28, 2006.

  1. tomfitz

    tomfitz Guest

    I just want to know why we need it at this stage? Current dvd movies are fine at the moment. The picture is perfect on any half decent tv so why do we need to spend more money on a (new dvd type) that will only slightly improve movie quality? Personally i think that the slight improvements are not worth the ridiculous price tag attached. Bluray and HD DVD's are not needed at this point in time.

    Also as i have stated many times before in depth they are not needed in games and i promise you will not be used for PC gaming. In short a DVD can hold up to 8.5GB. That means it can hold two big games such as GTA SA and Elder Scrolls 4 (trust me i have checked). As games get better and bigger so does the compression software reducing the size of a game file. It will be a long time until bluray is actually needed for gaming by which time the new generation of consoles will have emerged (the xbox ?, nintendo ? and playstation 4 with its ever exciting name). When this does happen i think that HD DVD will win simply because it is cheaper and has the backing of the largest and most influential computer company in the world (microsoft).

    Finally i think that the name bluray might scare some people off. People do not like change, upgrades yes but not change. We have grown accustomed to DVD's and feel comfortable with them. Many people who are not technologically inclined will be confused by the name and thrown off and might simply go for a HD DVD player due to the familiarity of the name. I know that i will be sticking with my DVD player for years to come and when i do move up to the next generation of disks it will be to the one that can give me the upgraded quality at a lower price. I do not care if bluray has a capacity of 50GB, all i need is 5 and if it drives the price tag up then i will steer clear.

    PS. Sorry that it is so long, i just got caught up in what i was saying :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2006
  2. lmtlmt

    lmtlmt Guest

    thats not long you should see my ****
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2006
  3. tycobb

    tycobb Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    It's not that we need it. It's that we want it.Hdtv is becoming more excepted and more people jump on board everyday.Those people who shelled out $1200 for an hdtv want to take advantage of it by watching high-def movies.The new formats are alot better in quality not a little.The prices will come down, remember your beloved dvd player when it first came out?

    The rest of your post is mostly opinion.Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.Know one knows who will win yet but I don't think the name will influence anyone.I think the name bluray sounds fresh and new and it will probably be BRD and not bluray.Dvd stand for Digital Video Disc but it was cut down to dvd to make it more consumer freindly just like vhs.Agian only my opinion nothing more.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2006
  4. Jkhmmr

    Jkhmmr Regular member

    Nov 5, 2005
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    Wow that was a very long first post. Well actually there's one RPG for the XBox 360 that uses 2-3 DVDs. It was Japanese and has a stupid name so I can't remember it right away. And also hardcore users of large discs, ie companies for storage purposes would probably use it or possibly that much largerone people mentioned in the HD-DVD and Bluray forum here. And also Microsoft backing doesn't really count. The best they can do is make drivers for HD-DVD ones only but Sony can make their own drivers(for use in PCs). Also although Microsoft supports HD-DVD a lot of their customers support Bluray. And the name might scare people off but it ight also be an advantage because Bluray sounds like it's something new compared to HD-DVD which sounds like it's a DVD expect better. And people keep focusing on the large size of Bluray discs and seem to forget that they come in smaller sizes too. One in the 10 and 20 range. And also disc size is important in games. Games like GTA SA take up what about 4-6 CDs. It'll be the same with Bluray and HD-DVD. With all that extra space developers will just cram in lots and lots of pretty looking models, textures, huge maps that might eclipse what Supreme Commander is offering and fit that all into one disc. It lets them not worry so much about not fitting it into one disc and haveing to make it more expensive because it's a 2 DVD game.
  5. tomfitz

    tomfitz Guest

    its just that though. People are moving into HDTV and they might pick up HD DVD rather than bluray due to its HD name.
  6. hade

    hade Regular member

    Jan 12, 2006
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    i seriously doubt that, considering stores 'strategically' place items. im sure anyone going to BEST BUY at some point in their adventure is going to pass Blu-ray placards, movies, players etc....if anything it seems only human to question things...so when someone sees "BLU-RAY!!" im sure their natural reaction is going to be "what the hell is that??" $500 is not petty cash for most, and when already spending a few thousand dollars on a new HDTV, im not sold that people are going to be willing to drop another $500 on a player that they probably did not intend on buying....not to mention those pesky sales people, who im sure will be trying to show you both formats....
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  8. ryan_esx7

    ryan_esx7 Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    aren't bluray's able to hold something like 20GB

    thats what i heard sony ps3 are giong to use, should mean loads more levels and better graphics if u ask me

  9. mudearies

    mudearies Guest

    for me the name alone sells the product its without a doubt the coolest name i have seen in any product in my life.

    also ofcourse the 25gb per layer ,harder to scratch ,1080p,made by sony the most trsuted electronic compnay in the world ect. so many good features its the best choice. there no reason to hate blu-ray.
  10. Jizmak

    Jizmak Regular member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    Personally I would rather stick with the good old DVD format,
    But I would give the edge to sony and blu-ray having the ps3 come
    with a blu-ray player is going to open the mmarket to people
    that wopuldnt buy the stand alone player by itself.
    Blu-ray FTW~
  11. g33k5

    g33k5 Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    I think that the fact bluray is being heavily marketed is due to the drm protection it will offer the big film companies. I believe film companies are starting to roll out some blueray titles this year.

    I think that your blueray players require a web connection which verifies every film before allowing it to be played. <<< If someone could verify that for me as im not 100% on that.

    I think the blueray would be really useful for larger files but as far as im aware the HDDVD have pretty good storage with good scope for increased capacity as the technology matures.

    I have to disagree with a lot of what tomfitz says here. He says that he can fit two games onto one double layer dvd so he does not see why there is a need for more space. With more space you will have a greater capacity for textures and models so that games will not have to reuse so much. This will become more and more important as computers power increases as the storage will be able to soak up arger higher quality models and textures which i believe we will start seeing in these new gen conoles.

    I also dont think the name will scare people off of using it. Infact its an easier name to market than HDDVD. I remember the good old days when cd writers and blank cds were so expensive. In time Bluray costs will plummet if sonys ps3 and the big movie companies push the technology hard enough.

    Saying that I am keeping my pennies firmly in my wallet until I feel comfortable who will dominate this new technology so that I do not spend money on some tech that might become redundant quickly.
  12. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    That is totally a rumor. the Ethernet connections on Blu-ray and HD-DVD players or for streaming extra content. All HD-DVD players will have ethernet ports. Not all Blu-ray players will (ie the Samsung player).

    Also both formats use the same copyprtection schemes and both use a couple of added proprietary schemes aswell.

  13. dizzyduck

    dizzyduck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    Here is my two cents on the subject, As far as Blu-Ray and HD-DVD are conncerned. I think it's bogus. I have a Sony HDMI DVD player, which cost around $80, paired with a 32" Samsung LCD TV. The DVD player is capable of upconverting to 1080i, but the TV only supports 780p. Nonetheless, my picture quality, in my opinion, is equal to, if not superior in some cases, to the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD. I've seen these Blu-Rays/HD-DVDs in action on a 42" top of the line Sony LCD TV and was not impressed one bit. As for now, I'm gonna stick with what I've got.
  14. g33k5

    g33k5 Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    diabolos: Thanks for clearing that up for. Time for me to look more into these new formats I think.

    Do you know any good factual write ups for me to browse over. Obviously the mag I read was not fully clued up.

  15. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    What mag where you reading?

    Here is a good artical on the Toshiba HD-DVD player. Noone has reviewed the Samsung player yet.

    S&V on HD-A1/XA1...
    Link on bottom of page!

    I read:

    Sound and Vision (S&V),
    Widescreen Review.

    I also do alot of research at:


    How Stuff Works,

    Projector Pros,



    Don't forget about other forums like AD,
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2006
  16. sully_2u

    sully_2u Regular member

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Too bad he's gone :( I just loved how he made his opinions into cold hard facts of life. ( Sarcasm )

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