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Why No known suppliers of Eurovox Ex6000sd

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by e45, Oct 20, 2009.

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  1. mmir

    mmir Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Any large Genuine retailer must give their full address and landline number. The retailor should then clarify that the orders and inquiries would be dealt with via Email address only. I think it is a legal requirement in England for the Large Traders to provide their Trading address, telephone numbers, Vat registration number and if they are a registered company or not.
  2. bollyboy

    bollyboy Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    It’s common knowledge what info should or should not be available via retailers what conform to DSR, the original questions were not relating to Legal obligations but the lack of contact options.

    Not sure how we digressed to Vat registration, etc
  3. mmir

    mmir Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    I mentioned Vat simply to stress the point that the business that is registered for vat is likely to be more trustworthy, as the company would have income of £68000.00 (Vat thresh hold)or more PA. All detils of the company could easily be traced and company sued if it failes to houner trading agreement with its customers. Thats all.
  4. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Perhaps its because its not sold by Eurovox themselves,and will not be supported by them, and most of the trusted suppliers don't seem to be stocking this themselves, and only the 2 suppliers we have mentioned above are, what does that say.
  5. bollyboy

    bollyboy Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    I would agree that a Vat Reg Company/Sole trader would have to follow more legislation than one that is not. Although I have to disagree they are more trustworthy than a non-vat business due to a higher turnover.

    Statistics unfortunately show that most business fraud is commited by those Vat reg due to the attraction of fusking HMRC for huge amounts of £, I think someone involved in Vat Carousels gives little or no thought to being sued due to breaking a trading agreement with a customer.

    After all he has the Queen biting his arse for her little share of his £

    But as you have said earlier a little common sense should be used when purchasing from online websites & retailers.

    Best regards
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2009
  6. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Best way, if you have previously bought boxes from a supplier, use them to purchase further units from, if they dont stock that box ask them why, they should know why they are not stocking this, its always best to stick to your trusted supplier, at least you know what you are getting.
  7. lincsat

    lincsat Member

    Jul 11, 2008
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    None of the boxes are sold by Eurovox themselves - Eurovox was owned by Rayyonics and they ceased trading after a well reported raid last Year.

  8. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    I am well aware of the case in question, although Rayonics ceased trading, others have taken their place,and been supplied by Eurovox, how do you think all the other suppliers are getting the Eurovox brands, but the big question is, why have the suppliers that are selling the other Eurovoxes not buying this one, except for the ones we have seen above, as i and mmir have not seen this on any other supplier site as i have said except for them and flebay.

    I will stand corrected, if you can post a list of suppliers, apart from lincsat and dvbRevolution, which have only set up this company as per post earlier.
  9. bollyboy

    bollyboy Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    Eurovox is owned by Rayyonics is it not ?
    How can they be getting them from Eurovox, are you saying there getting them from Rayyonics or elsewhere ?
  10. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Rayonics Uk where yes, but someone else has taken over their distribution services, how do you think the Eurovoxes are still been distributed to the suppliers, its not been distributed by the makers of the ex6000 that's for sure.
  11. lincsat

    lincsat Member

    Jul 11, 2008
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    Exactly my point, there is no official Eurovox, just 2 different factories producing boxes that they have branded Eurovox. Integra producing the EX1100 & EX7000 and the new factory producing the EX6000SD.

    There are reports that the producers of the EX6000SD have permission to use the Eurovox name and Integra do not - if that's true, the EX6000SD is the only official Eurovox. Although I tend to believe that as a previous official subcontractor, the Integra boxes are as official as they could be.

    One thing is for certain, there are cheap clones available of all Eurovox branded boxes except the EX6000SD.
  12. bollyboy

    bollyboy Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    I'm confused !
    Are you saying there importing them on behalf of Rayyonics (meaning there trading still) or without there knowledge as the IP owner, therefore illegally.
  13. lincsat

    lincsat Member

    Jul 11, 2008
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    Someone else has, but not Eurovox. There are reports that the makers of the EX6000SD are the only people authorised by Rayyonics to use the Eurovox name
  14. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Well if that the case why is other suppliers not stocking or supplying the ex6000sd.

    lincsat you and me both know that their had to be someone to take over from Rayonics, unofficially.

  15. Zemme

    Zemme Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    This negative controversy against the Eurovox EX6000 SD is really getting out of hand now.

    Honestly, its gone from being called a cloned box by E45, and Mmir is now talking about VAT legislations. I have been on the forums since 2005 and this is the 1st time that so much controversy has been added to the party from people who frankly are hearing chinese whispers & posting random messages.

    Lets get this straight ONCE again. The Eurovox brand name is the Intellectual Property of Rayyonics Limited. They own the trademark to the name Eurovox. The Eurovox name cannot be used on any DVB equipment without there permission.

    Now please take time to read this properly. Do not rush through it as it mentions important facts.

    Rayyonics was forced to cease trading due to being raided by the Police & Trading Standards. They always sold blank boxes & abided by UK & EU legislation. They were VAT registered, sold Blank boxes with no firmware installed, Always sent up to date & correct VAT returns to the Inland Revenue. MMIR, this question is directed to you, please do not take any offense. Why did Rayyonics get raided when they did abide by the law & ran a legitimate business? The answer to that questions is that they could be too easily found. When you become too easy to be found, it will be only a matter of time before you are found. The Police will bang you up even if they find blank boxes in your pocession. They charge you on suspicion of possible intent, i.e. Intention to supply a product that may be converted to watch free cable tv.

    You guys all want to watch free cable TV, but we traders take all the risks. Dont get me wrong we benefit from the sale of the product, but we take the risk also. So there will always be a possibility that even a legitimate company could stop trading tomorrow if they get raided.

    You know who the most reliable traders are? They are the ones that hide there identity. This may sound bad, but believe me it actually safeguards the customers personal details. if the old bill cant find you, then they cannot summons you to hand over any customer details.

    The reason why the majority of the online traders are not currently stocking the Eurovox EX6000 SD is because the current importers of the Eurovox EX1100 USB, EX7000 HD+ & EX5100 PVR are posing as Rayyonics under a new company name of Plutronics. When we ask the online traders if they want to buy stock, they say that we are buying from the "SECRET" Rayyonics company called Plutronics. This company Plutronics is confusing the traders by posing as Rayyonics.

    Rayyonics have there court case going to trial on the 1st week of January 2010. Rayyonics are not happy that Plutronics are posing as them. This will hinder there court case, as VM will think that they are still trading when they actuall are NOT!!!

    You know something? You guys on the forums are more educated about the Eurovox products than the vast majority of traders. I keep telling the traders to come on the forums & find out whats going on in the cable scene. And to stop listening to the importers of specific boxes. The guys on the forum have the knowledge.

    The Eurovox EX6000 SD is a brand new box from a new factory. It will take a few weeks to gain the traders confidence.

    I am not going to debate about this anymore. We have told you how it is, and now it is up to you to go and find out what the truth is. We have defended ourselves & frankly given you information that we should not be telling. We do not tell you how to run your household, you should not interfere in how a trader runs his business.

    The most important thing is to ensure that a trader safeguards his customers.

    The majority of online traders use fake names & addresses on there website to safeguard there business. Those who choose not to display any fake names or addresses are not bad businessmen. They dont want to be found. If you get raided & arrested for selling blank boxes, do you really want to be found?

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2009
  16. bollyboy

    bollyboy Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    In you own words, the 1100, etc are being sold/imported unofficially.
    Think that sums it up.
  17. bollyboy

    bollyboy Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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  18. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    You are defo not confused that for sure, as you know what im on about, when Rayonics was raided of course they ceased trading, so someone else had to be found to distribute the eurovox, nothing to do with Rayonics.

    Its called Business!! just because one importer stops, does not stop other importers from taking over, just like any business as a going concern.

    And im sure as a good friend of zemme, you are well informed on this matter !!
  19. bollyboy

    bollyboy Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    So as you say, Nothing to do with Rayyonics (Eurovox) there being importer without permission, and using the brand name illegally.
    And you preach that the 6000 is not official....

    Yes like you say there are various importers as we have said all along.

    BTW i'm well informed as i'm a good friend of Rayyonics so i'm able to quote facts and not not be spoonfed lies.

    I think the best thing is to now let people make up there own minds as it's fairly clear now what the facts are.

    Last edited: Nov 8, 2009
  20. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Yes i have said this before let the punter decide, and as i have also said previously, if you have been dealing with a supplier in the past, my advice would be to stick to that supplier, as you know what you are getting from them.
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