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Why this site aint what it used to be!

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by lecsiy, Jun 17, 2006.

  1. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    lecsiy, just don't be a doggy_bot or glitch as i will have to ban you as i did them.
  2. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    this aint going to happen, there is no reason to close this thread. here's the way it's going to work, people are going to behave themselves or they will be removed, period. if someone is personally being attacked on the threads then a mod should be notified. and no i dont mean PM us with just "joeblow picking on me, make him stop." believe it or not, aside form the nick of joeblow, i have received many PM's that looked exactly like that and nothing more. if you want help, be specific, provide links and quotes, etc. we do not have time to track down every post from someone that is being an bumhole. the more info you can provide the better and faster we can deal with the issue.

    Dela, good points as usual, especially the last one. i've come across many threads where people seem to want to jump on the bandwagon with assaulting some poor sap. I recently encountered a thread where a user made a simple guide and was attacked for it. yes the guide was not really needed and i'm sure we probably have its contents covered many times here, but he took the time to make it and post it in an effort to redeem himself from a bad history with us and being banned a few times. Whether he was a total jerk and deserved to be banned or not is not the issue, the problem was he made a thread and did it cleanly with no problems at all and 4-5 people came in just to give him hell about it. if the guy was a jerk on this thread and they knew he had been banned before then that would be a bit different, but he wasn't. the way i saw it he was just trying to make an effort to be helpful.

    during the last year or so i've tried very hard to give people a second chance with they deserve it, unlike the way i used to be. one thing i have no tolerance for is abuse of members on any level. i see no problem is banning an entire thread full of people for it if needed. this is something we really need to crack down on, especially with the rise in BS we've had the past 6 months. i've seen us talked about as the "forum full of assholes" in a few circles and we never used to have that reputation. time for another house cleaning maybe, i dont know. I do wish people would learn to control themselves and act like adults, life would be so much easier on everyone.
  3. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    @ Dart, I saw the thread that you are talking about, I thought it was quite useful, but as you say, a few went on an all out attack. I thought it was a tad unwarranted. Shame the guy tried to make up for his past & to get flamed for it.
  4. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    I basically agree with the original complain, but also agree whole-heartedly with Dela's response. Virtually none of you were here when Dela and I were answering to users' questions back in 2001 or so and for me, the "good old times" are set to around 2001 or so :) So, its always about the point of view for everybody what you think as the "good times, before everything started going pear-shaped". For some, its sometime during 2005 when "everybody were friendly and things were good", for some, "things started going downhill around January 2002", etc.

    The fact is that the forum is now a place with 1.5 million messages, 550,000 users, etc. Imagine a city with half a mil people and compare it to a small village in somewhere Midwest U.S. with 500 people. Back when we had 500 users, I personally replied to virtually all of them, knew their real first names, etc -- probably the same way citizens of a 500-people village would do. And in a city with half a mil people, that just wont happen.

    So, as we get larger, people need to adapt. We have few tricks coming up during this year that hopefully make some of you feel slightly more comfortable with the rapidly changing world, but we'll announce them when they're ready.

    Meanwhile, help our mods by reporting problems and trying to ignore the occassional ***holes that pop up every now and then -- it wont do any good to start playing a cop by yourself (most people prefer to call 999 / 112 / 911 when there's a robbery, not try to go there and start arguing with the bad guys..).
  5. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Does he really deserve a second chance though? No, not really...he threatened and made menacing comments to a few memebers, myself included. This might look bad on me, but yeah, im holding a grudge, and him making a tutorial that has been done before many times, isnt gonna make me say "good job, good to see you back". Sorry.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2006
  6. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    He didn't deserve to be flamed in that thread,fair enough he was a kn*b head and said something really offensive to you and yes, he did get banned for it, he came back & got banned again..and again...and again....and again, for reasons I don't know.

    But when he came back under his newest nick it was kinda out of order to flame the guy, even if the guide was only for print screening and hosting it somewhere, a guide's a guide and I can bet you it would've helped someone, I'm not saying you have to leave it in the past & continue, you can be mad at him if you want, he probably deserves it.

    This guy however, he's just a really bored retard who want's to have something cool to show his friend's so he decides to see what happens when he creates a random dumba$$ thread:


    Kinda funny when ya think of it, but goes to show you just how sad some people can be, theres alot going on here at aD, alot of its good stuff and thats what brings me here day after day, unfortunately there are the pr*cks you get occasionally but you get them everywhere, if they really are muppets then they obviously won't get far, people should realize that some people are like this, I really cant see this causing aD to float down the drain....its just a fact of life really, there are some people who you won't get along with and can piss you off at times but if you keep reporting them and they are dealt with by the forum moderators, everything should be cool and we will continue to browse happy!

    Thats what I think about the matter, thought I'd add my two cent's, some people take little thing's over the Internet way too seriously sometime's,not everything's picture perfect, reporting what you don't like usually does the trick.
  7. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    I must admit the chap was a complete & utter jackass. I do recall him threatening to use his black belt karate on people.
    I do understand why many would not want him back again. Whether I am one of those members is debateable.
  8. lecsiy

    lecsiy Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Guys im sorry for starting this thread and the last thing i want is to get banned. I was a lil pissed of that day and just thought making a thread about something else may help me. And i do see that was stupid and in a way what i was trying to campaign about.

    Also GrandpaBW im sorry if the threads you read were pointless and recently im trying to be a little more techinchal. But i have taken your Criticism. But sometimes i help.
    Thanks Lecsiy
  9. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    rav, i understand what you are saying, and i wasnt one of the guys who flamed him in that thread. however, if oyu were in my situation, wouldnt you feel differently?
  10. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    If he said to me what he said to you I would feel exactly how you do, you have every right to be mad at him, for aslong as you want DVDBack.

  11. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    I happened upon a site called Barryboys.co.uk, I enjoyed the mickey taking of really badly modified cars. I inadvertantly made an incorrect post, the next thing I knew was, I was being accused of being someone else! Then the flaming began. Despite the fact I apologised, they still went for me. I asked why, they said that my IP address was "similar" to the others' IP address.
    I couldn't believe the abuse I got, they would not believe who I was. I e-mailed their Admin about it, up until now I have not had a reply!
    I am quite bemused as to the reactions I received. I am not too upset about it, my skin is thicker than that, I didn't lower myself to their level & refrained from any retorts.
    Lesson I learned was if you think this site is bad for flaming, just be grateful that it isn't the site I went to this morning!
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2006
  12. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Pulsar is 100% correct. This sites mods and admins usually go easy on those that bend the rules slightly. I belong to several FTA sites. One has a BUY/SELL section where a member listed a receiver like I have for $200 used. I paid $159. for mine new and the site sponser had an ad directly below the selling post for $179. I posted to the member that his price might be a little high for a used receiver. Another guy posted after me and stated the same thing. A senior member jumped us both and told us to mind our business and negative repped us both. I e-mailed the admins to look at the posts but never got a reply. I also asked them to close my account and again never got a reply or account closed. There was no ill intent in my post except to advise the guy selling that his price was above the site sponser's price listed right below his post. So keep this in mind if you think AD mods or admins get out of hand. Most senior and above members try to keep their heads on straight when replying to threads that MAYBE shouldn't have been posted in the first place. We don't jump in to flame someone just for fun, there usually is a reason.

  13. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Well I am glad to see some people pointing out that other forums are far more tough than AfterDawn. In a scale of things, aD mods are very tolerable to a lot other sites simply wouldn't allow. I occasionally search through other sites for comments made on AfterDawn and more often the comments are positive - I've seen many threads on other sites along with dRD where a user being flamed said something along the lines of "this is why i prefer afterdawn".

    Now I do find negative things about aD too, sometimes true, where people were mistreated here and left. However, most of what I find is 100% nonsense. I've seen people say stupid sh** like "On AfterDawn, every secpond thread has a link to download something pirated" - Why people do this on publ;ic fporums I don't know because I uisually end up stomping out their claims in front of their buddies and watch them then pretend like nothing happened and see some of their posts edited..... what a coincidence.

    The point dRD made is a very good point, one to remember. Everyone here has a different list of big users, or regular users or old skoolers, whatever you want to call them. They vary based on when you were most active on the forum. I agree with dRD on that and I also see the "good ole times" as being around 2002 - but thats just cause they were the good ole times to me. It's like we go through cycles of members - people post here and get fed up or tired of it, that's just normal. The fact that they disappear doesn't mean the forum sucks, it meanjs something else in their lives have taken up the time that they used to spend here.

    In terms of rule breaking, probably the most offending forums now are the console forums. They are by far the most likely to see some tough actions and restrictions soon, but I can fully explain why they have become that way. When aD added those forums, there were (and still are) loads of other console sites. The only problem was, those sites had a reputation for being home to complete assholes (among good members of course, but they werent being cracked down on) and suddenly, a flood of users fed up with those sites came to afterdawn.

    For a long time the forums stayed clean and gathered their own regulars but now we're seeing some users bringing the bad attitudes to afterdawn (even tho many of the sites that existed then have either closed, cleaned up or changed completely) and thats why we get some many complaints about users on the console forums. Another reason we gather undesirables is google, if u search for game backup info, AfterDawn threads are popular in the results, so we get a lot of kiddies coming to the forum anmd acting like fools.

    But ye, it's being worked on. I think the best thiong to do is ignore the idiots and just have a good time cause thats what you're supposed to do on these forums.
  14. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Now I agree with every word said here so far. As a regular prowler of the xbox forums I can see that there needs to be a bit of stomping done because things are getting out of hand, especially in the psp forums but it's spreading out into the general threads too. Maybe it's because some of the sites full of nasty people have closed, or maybe it's just because the generation of spoon fed spoiled little brats have got to the age of owning their own computers, I really don't know.
    As to people who come from other sites and cause trouble well.. I know some real horrors in the console modding field. More like private members clubs than tech forums. Watch you don't ask the wrong thing or the ban button gets hit...and then the person gets flamed by all after they have no chance of comeback.So maybe somebody comes here after getting treated like that and is already on the defensive, and without really meaning it starts a slagging match with somebody who was only asking them to please explain more clearly, or to use (or at least attempt to) use real English. That's where a lot of it seems to come from..some days it's like walking on broken glass in the console jungle. Then I go and do some work instead and leave it until it all cools down again.
    I'll admit I will use a bit of sarcasm sometimes, but nobody ever spoonfed me anything and I don't see why I should explain the blatantly obvious to somebody too lazy to even try looking for the answer.
    Yes, the same questions have been answered 1000's of times before. But if it's a genuine question from somebody polite and intelligent enough to appreciate a clear and thoughtful answer then I will move mountains to try and help them. As will all the other genuine members of AD.. Of that I have no doubt.
    I just hate txt spk..it really gets my back up..
    just my 50 cents.. lol

    @lecsiy.. Thanks for starting one of the best threads this week..cheers

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2006
  15. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Just had a look on the stats on the site that flamed me, they have 10690 members, but it is more like a private members club.
    A new member introduced themselves, she was a young lady, I was astounded at the comments made by some of the members. All they were saying was "show us your t*ts". Even when a mod came along (a friend of the new arrival), another girl, all she said was "just ignore them"! The complete disrespect shown to newbies is a disgrace, it was embarrassing.
    I can only imagine what they would say to Jan is she posted the piccy of her in her profile page on that site. It was a relief that I discovered that most of the members there are jackasses. if that is how they treat people, then I do not wish to be a member.
    Once again Afterdawn shines above the rest!
  16. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    well said!

    people just need to step back and realize this is the internet, not real life. Which is more silly, for someone to say they will use karate on you, or for you to take it seriously and get offended? i mean come on people lets take a little tighter grip on reality. the ones that try to play uber |33t h4x0r guy usually have no clue and are making poor use of their 1 hour limit on mommy's compaq, again nothing to take serious. the guys to fear are the ones that dont say a word. we've had some strange things going on the past few years, all of which could have been avoided if people would wake up and realize that if they dont like it here, move along to somewhere you feel more comfy. no one is making you stay here, just as no one is making you comment on a thread that you might think is pointless. We all play certain roles here, dRD is the head cheese, the writers keep you from being bored to death at work, us mods are the ones you decide whats pointless as well as who breaks the rules and needs removed. the members role is to be helpful and informative, polite and respectful, and most importantly is to be human for christs sake. so someone screws up, big deal, we're all entitled to it once in a while. say you got malaria and started acting all crazy and signed in to aD, wouldn't you want the chance to redeem yourself after you begged Neph for whip cream photos in a crazed malaria enduced stupor? See, we'd give you that second chance, cause we're good people. beside we all got those pics last year at the xmas party ;)
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    where is my copy as i never got 1.
  18. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    hmmm..he did alot worse than that, i wouldnt care if some 13 yr old threatened me with karate from 1000 miles away over the internet like he did, he insulted me and my loved ones, thats crossing the line, internet or not.
  19. mcalister

    mcalister Regular member

    Mar 6, 2004
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    Well I'm not sure if this is what it use to be but, help from aD forums sure has gotten me out of alot of jams in the past.
  20. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    & still will in the future. teach & learn

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