Just funning guys. No offense. Hope none taken. But I can't resist kicking a dead horse. Neph seems to have a great sense of humor. He pokes more fun at himself than anyone else. Must be a pretty good guy. ddp, I haven't zeroed in on him yet. Wyoming is similar to Canada, but a whole lot less people, 450000 for the whole state. Seems very dedicated though. Ireland, guys a kick. If he's not really from Ireland I'd be surprised. Quick to action, but good humor. I'm scotch, Irish myself so I try to relate. Creaky, haven't interacted with you much. I guess that's a good thing. At least I'm not on your sh!t list. Herbsman, you can tell he's been doing this for a while. Says what he has to say and thats, that. I know there are more mods, don't know all of them yet. But the mods make the site. The site is good, some of the little crappers try to stir things up, but, they seem to get what they deserve. Just a brief synopsis of the past few months since I joined. The forums ok. It ain't what it used to be because things constantly change. You just have to accept it. I'll get off my soap box now.
I want I want I want! http://www.asseenontvnetwork.com/sweepnmop/?cid=158363 You sweep, then you mop. It's amazing!
Oh Yea! Technology at it's best...I've read it's been tested by NASA for use on the shuttle! (dirt + water = mud) LOL!
damn Neph, think of the glare we could achieve off our nuggets with that baby! probably have the coast guard chasing us thinking it was a distress beacon!
Floam? That stuff hardens after a while. Well that's ok, one less thing to have to wash. A little end dust. No prob. Just think how impressive he would look walking down the street in "Aridzona." Girls would be following him around like he was a prize bull. Now Neph, don't get any big ideas. You would really be screaming in pain, having the emt's cut the crap off, while fox interviewed the neighbors.
Oh God, not Floam! People cover there houses in that stuff, can you imagine having a bath in that multi colour play doughey thing...errr. The sweep 'n mop however, may be of some use, should be a good investment.