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Windows 98 SE fails to start, RAM issue?

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Ptikobj, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    lmao..had me scratch'n my head too
  2. mrp73

    mrp73 Member

    Aug 29, 2006
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    My point was not to anger all of you but I notice far too many times when someone asks a specific question they are offered answers that don't address their original question. While there may be an irony that I am also not addressing the original question I am also not ending my message thinking I am helping someone when it turn I have offered them no information that pertains to what they actually asked. If I have offended you I apologize but I do believe I have merit in what I originally stated. Have you ever sent a letter of to a company taking issue with something they may or may not have done only to receive a reply from them that actually doesn't address the complaint or question you asked. That is what I am trying to state. I am not intentionally attacking to make everyone angry. It is also far from just being this thread or even this website. I often see scenarios like this that are often

    Person 1 : I need help making this program do this thing
    Person 2 : I hate this program. Try that program instead
    Person 1 : Sorry but I actually need help with THIS program.
    Person 3 : I agree with person 2. I hate this program. Try that one.
    Person 1 : Thanks for offering to help but I have my reasons for using this program and don't think I haven't wished I could use that program but again I really need help with this program. Thanks anyway though

    So yes I may not have offered any assistance to the person that actually asked so I may be no better than the observation I made but I cannot disagree or withdraw my original observation as it is still valid in my opinion and also one that isn't wrong to express. So please consider before replying to me telling me how much of a hypocrite I am that I have already made that observation myself and maybe admit that at least some of what I say has some merit. Lastly my original comment was not intended to cause anger but maybe help people to see that what they were offering up was not actually what he needed.
  3. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    You do understand why other OS's were mentioned yes?,they are not forward compatible it's that simple,the only way round it is install a later os & run win 98 inside a vpc,it's not till later we find out why win 98 was selected in the first place,regardless it was understood it was an uphill battle for 98 to even get running on such later hardware as ddp (the second poster said)"win 98 is not supported" (not only by ms the hardware manufacturers don't either),now with any luck you know why we suggested go to a later OS
  4. scum101

    scum101 Guest

    my grandfather always used to say "you can't polish a turd"

    win98 to my rememberings was a turd... most people went from 95 to 2k.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2009
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    not me as i stayed win98se till last year then went xp on desktop but already had xp on laptop for past couple of years.
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Years ago I used 98/98SE heavily, and went back to 98SE on a few machines as Win2K, while an excellent OS, broke badly for me a few times. Any BSOD's i had were fatal, requiring reinstalls (hence why i stopped using Win2K). Those same machines ran 98/98SE without issue from then on, and XP after those. In my long experience with those early OSes, 98/98SE were excellent, fairly frequent BSOD's yes, but no fatal OS meltdowns (requiring rebuild) like Win2K would do.

    Anyways, back in the day i spent inordinate amounts of time creating boot menu's in 95/98/98SE and myself and a few friends had it down to a fine art. I do still have some of those boot floppies somewhere but it's been quite some years since i used them so i can't remember the different combinations of HIMEM.SYS etc etc. I can't even remember the max memory i ever used under 98SE, i guess it was 384MB, it may have been 512MB.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2009
  7. EricCarr

    EricCarr Regular member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    There are a few options here to make 98SE work on this laptop.

    1. Buy a 512MB or lower stick of ram for it. Then use 98SE for an OS.
    2. Install XP. Then install Virtual PC from Mircosoft. Use Virtural PC to install Windows 98SE. select it to use about 512MB of ram when ask.

    I have a PC with XP and a virtual 98SE on it for my little girl's PC for her to play her dos based games and it works perfect for her.
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I didn't even think of trying a virtual solution. Haven't used Virtual PC but another suggestion would be Sun's VirtualBox, which i've used, but not with 98SE. Might give it a go sometime though.
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    EricCarr, edit your sig to conform to forum specs ASAP. yours is 7 lines of text.
    1. Text-only signatures should have at most 5 lines of text.

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