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windows vista

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by dragondog, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. dragondog

    dragondog Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    do i just burn the iso image onto a disk r does it have to be broken down i use img burn and i went to build and it burned the iso on a disk will that work? and from there what do i do next is it the same as installing windows?
  2. dragondog

    dragondog Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    ok i googled i got it installed but now just need to know how it works and how to use it just like im trying to learn how to use vista
  3. dragondog

    dragondog Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    where and how can i get the 3-d desktop for ubuntu and is it free
  4. Morph416

    Morph416 Active member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    We're more then willing to help you find the door, and even open it up for you...but all the answers to the questions you are asking here, can be found on the Ubuntu site. What's even better for you, is that the Ubuntu forums are filled with experienced users that can get you going really quick.

    Ubuntu is easy to use, easy to navigate around and a lot easier to find what you are looking for then Vista. Vista, like all versions of Windows, still tends to have much needed features buried under several clicks and windows.
  5. bunny_c

    bunny_c Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2007
  6. xhardc0re

    xhardc0re Guest

    well let me say it's a bit PITIFUL that everyone is all up their arses about playing around with Bi11 Gatez new toy. To Hell with Windoze Vistor. Does anyone read the tech blogs & see where ppl are saying it has "Draconian DRM inside"? I mean WTF....get Linux, keep using XP or get a MAC. STFA from Vista. You will be sorry. (throws .02 at Steve Ballmer's bald head)
  7. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Point being missed somewhat.. There is no need to even install anything. Just go here http://www.frozentech.com/content/livecd.php pick a download, burn it.. leave it in the drive and reboot from the CD. Easy?

    bunny.. the new ubuntu is looking good. They seem to have cured a lot of the security issues. It caused a few weird bugs with my old and strange hardware (Alpha twins) that's why I don't recommend it. The ubuntu forums are nice and newb friendly, then again so are most of the smaller distros...

    Remember.. the internet is full of linux, guides/forums/downloads/bugzillas..and most of the websites are hosted on one flavour or another (mostly gentoo TBH, or the sites with 404 errors are.. lol) It can be as easy or as complicated as you want it to be..
    The only thing to forget is the M$ spoonfeeding attitude. Linux helps those who help themselves. A little knowledge goes a long way.

    Is it caps lock friday?
  8. dragondog

    dragondog Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    drm? so all the downloading music files and burnning them to mp3 will be no more?.........if thats so.... all right more buisness for me im sticking with linux and xp when it comes to all that....and hope ppl do get vista.....but keep this on a downlow.....does that mean there will be a stop to dvd burning too?
  9. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    If the DRM is fully implemented there will be a stop to using anything M$ don't approve of, be that other region dvd films, free software and as far as drivers for your graphics and sound cards!!

    You will not have the say what you do with your property. That's what everybody who can see past the end of their nose is angry about.

    The really big danger is.. If they get away with putting this rubbish on every film, music track and piece of software then they will take away the choice from those of us who DO NOT use M$ products at all.

    What is fair about that?
  10. dragondog

    dragondog Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    you think someone will come up with something to bypass all this? so far they have done a good job with comeing out with softwere that can rip hack burn and decode (decrypt) some even figured out to rip movies just buy blacking out spots with a fine point sharpie i think there will be a way just as long as its not done wile being online....sending gov. things you dont want them to know or even M$....hopfuly it wont get that strick where we would acually have to buy our dvds and cd like b4...lol

    if it really comes down to it microsoft will lose .....bad thing the linux world will rise and linux users or some pretty good hackers so there goes the evolution...microsoft will bankrupt i dont think microsoft wants that im pretty sure they know there is no stopping the world of ripping cuz there is always win 98 (no updates) 2000,
    and xp....and the huge wourld of linux...all will go back too if vista takes over your own pc.....witch by the by i have vista on laptop and have had no prob.

    there will be no stop to piracy just like there will be no stop to roberies even tho the world wants piracy to stop the same world still wont allow it....they can try but there are more brains put together on finding ways to bypass it all then there are into stoping it
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2007
  11. bunny_c

    bunny_c Guest


    I don't think you realise how rich Microsoft are,there a million miles away from bankruptcy.

    All people who come to sites like afterdawn have a certain level of knowledge on computers,otherwise they wouldn't be coming to a tech forum.
    But you all need to understand that only 5% of human beings know what Linux is and another 30% know the difference between Mac and Pc.

    So for now,99% of all computers sold are sold with xp or vista on them,meaning that ,for now,PC wins.

    BE happy with what you've got because unless you're ready to go knocking on peoples doors and giving out a free copy of Linux and explaining what it is,windows will succeed.
  12. xhardc0re

    xhardc0re Guest

    If the *nix scene ever wants to take over the SW world (which I hope they do) they need to resolve 3 fundamental issues:
    1) Release a Linux/FreeBSD driver for every piece of HW from 1990'ish to present
    2) Design a version of *nix that looks & has the same layout/ease of use as Windoze
    3) Offer support services to major companies, whether it be outsourcing to India or whatnot, as well as personal service here in the States

    Businesses could easily push Linux past Windoze & make it a profitable venture. For those with deep pockets, investing in the business side would be the best choice & yes Microsoft could be beat!

    As for home users, if they don't have their spoonfed downloads, drivers & ease of use with a phone call to Radeet in India or Sanjule in the Phillipines then they will cry like babies. The Windoze massive is so lazy & inept, why do you think we have all these hacked zombie boxes on the Net? I bet the average IRC user doesn't realize that IRC is the main way that most zombie computers are controlled by these script kiddies. Thank Bill Gates for NetBIOS, NetBeui & full socket support in XP

    As an example, see this for an easy way to crack someone's Windoze box & exploit the hell out of it.
  13. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    i have a question: will vista drm crap run on my TANDY 1000 cpu Intel 8088.and do i need to upgrade me ram,i have 128kb of ram now

  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    dragondog, what is the matter, don't know how to use the edit button? no need to post 3 or 4 in a row as can just edit 1st post. don't do it again!!
  15. dragondog

    dragondog Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    my bad ddp i did not know as you may have noticed i just bumped up from being a newbie......... ill try to remeber that sry
  16. dragondog

    dragondog Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    DRM IN WMA files......has anyone figured out how to play these songs.....is there a way to convert them to mp3?.....is there a microsoft update thats needs to be deleted?......can i burn the song and play it on a music cd?

    and im not going to buy a lincense

    i heared u can burn then rip to mp3
    but that takes me to ask how do i burn DRMs without a license

    p.s i dl from p2p
  17. dragondog

    dragondog Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    i here bi11 is getting sued left and right because of vista....is this true?.......any more info on this plz do tell and discuss
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2007
  18. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    M$ are shaking a little as big businesses snub vista and take a long hard look for the cheaper open source alternatives. The US department of transport have binned it.. In the UK a large number of really big businesses have done the sums and realised everything they do can be done better, faster and cheaper with some flavour of linux (not forgetting the lack of know how of most users secures the hardware from abuse)

    People seem to be still under the impression that M$ can't make any mistakes.. Windows ME anybody?

    Didn't want to say "I told you so" but....

    Microsoft admits Vista failure

    Actions speak louder than PR

    By Charlie Demerjian in Beijing: Saturday 21 April 2007, 12:20
    WITH TWO OVERLAPPING events, Microsoft admitted what we have been saying all along, Vista, aka Windows Me Two (Me II), is a joke that no one wants.

    It did two unprecedented things this week that frankly stunned us.

    Dell announced that it would be offering XP again on home PCs. The second that Vista came out, Microsoft makes it very hard for you to sell anything other than Me II. It can't do this on the business side because it would be laughed out the door, but for the walking sheep class, well, you take what you are shovelled.

    This is classic abusive monopoly behaviour, Microsoft wrote the modern book on it. It pulled all the major OEMs in by twisting their arms with the usual methods, and they again all fell into line. Never before has anyone backpedalled on this, to do so would earn you the wrath of Microsoft.

    But Dell just did. This means that Me II sales are at least as bad as we think, the software and driver situation is just as miserable, and Dell had no choice but to buck the trend. If anyone thinks this is an act of atonement for foisting such a steaming pile on us, think again, it doesn't care about the consumer.

    What happened is, the OEMs revolted in the background and forced Microsoft's hand. This is a big neon sign above Me II saying 'FAILURE'. Blink blink blink. OK, Me II won't fail, Microsoft has OEMs whipped and threatened into a corner, it will sell, but you can almost hear the defectors marching toward Linux. This is a watershed.

    The other equally monumental Me II failure? Gates in China launching a $3 version of bundled XP. Why is this not altruism? Well, it goes back to piracy and how it helped enforce the MS monopoly. If you can easily pirate Windows, Linux has no price advantage, they both cost zero.

    With Me II, Microsoft made it very hard to pirate. It is do-able, you can use the BIOS hack and probably a host of others, but the point is, it raised the bar enough so lots of people have to buy it. Want to bet that in a country with $100 average monthly salary, people aren't going to shell out $299 for Me II Broken Edition?

    What did MS do? It dropped the price about 100x or so. I can't say this is unprecedented, when it made Office 2003 hard to pirate it had to backpedal with the student edition for about $150. This time though, things are much more desperate.

    If you fit Microsoft's somewhat convoluted definition of poor, it still wants to lock you in, you might get rich enough to afford the full-priced stuff someday. It is at a dangerous crossroads, if its software bumps up the price of a computer by 100 per cent, people might look to alternatives.

    That means no Me II DRM infection lock in, no mass migration to the newer Office obfuscated and patented file formats, and worse yet, people might utter the W word. Yes, you guessed it, 'why'. People might ask why it is sticking with the MS lock in, and at that point, it is in deep trouble.

    So, it did the unthinkable, and dropped the price. I won't bother to hunt down all the exec quotes saying how people can't afford clean water would be overjoyed to sell kidneys to upgrade to the new version of Office, but they are out there. This was a sacred cow, and it is now hamburger backed up against the wall.

    These two actions by Microsoft are proof of what I suggested three years ago. Microsoft has lost its ability to twist arms, and now it is going to die. It can't compete on level ground, so is left with backpedalling and discounts of almost 100 times.

    What we are seeing is an unprecedented shift of power. It is also an unprecedented admission of failure. And the funniest part about the moves made? They are the wrong things to do. Microsoft is in deep trouble

    What I really like about that story is the source... http://tech.netscape.com/viewstory/...ww.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=39087

    I thought M$ had bought out netscape?? I smell a revolution afoot somewhere.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2007
  19. dragondog

    dragondog Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    good im glad bi11 is feeling the belt on his ass i herd he used some things in his vista that is earning him money, things that he did not have permission to use in his os and now the creator or company of this thing is sueing him so now he losing more then hes making not to mention the downfall of the whole os....if this is true i hope that ugly looking snob loses what he dosent deserve his MONEY....

    like bunny said there millions away from bankrupcy...i dont believe it i think its time bi11 changes his way cuz hes falling
  20. dragondog

    dragondog Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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