That is what you get for buying a dell. The only windows Cd that will load on there properly is from dell. You have to trick the computer if you are loading a non dell Windows Xp cd.
I'm sure there's a way to fix this problem without spending any money. ????? If your talking about useing a recover cd, hp,ibm,gateway.ect.. you all have to use cd.
rihgt682, what error codes are you getting?? can use a regular ms windows xp cd with no problems except for some drivers. use a pencil eraser on the gold contacts of the ram sticks than reseat the memory.
The computer is not working probley when i put the dell reovcery cd. I have a windows xp home edition. But it won't let me use it. It said it can't not reconizge the hardrive. What?
if it's not recognizing the hard drive, that could be dying. any stranger noises? grinding, clicking, etc? check your ide cables from your motherboard to hard drive. might be a good idea to replace them. do a low-level format and try a fresh copy of windows. that dell recovery cd is all but completely useless.
press F2 at dell logo...enter BIOS and check if the primary HDD is detected....if detected insert the driver and utilitied cd and run the debug script in a dos session : C:\>debug -F 200 L1000 0 <enter> -A CS:100 <enter> xxxx:0100 MOV AX,301 <enter> xxxx:0103 MOV BX,200 <enter> xxxx:0106 MOV CX,1 <enter> xxxx:0109 MOV DX,80 <enter> xxx:010C INT 13 <enter> xxxx:010E INT 20 <enter> xxxx:0110 <enter> -g <enter> ctrl+alt+del This will delete all partitions on your HDD...then try OS installation.......This would only help if your HDD is detected in the BIOS....if not detected...take out the HDD and put it back in again and see if it is detected then otherwise contact Dell technical support...though your computer is out of warranty they will still provide you technical support
Did you know that the person who has india accent is actully in india. I ask where are you guys located and they said india. I bought a U.S computer and they trasported me to india. WTF!!! BTW they were no help.
Did you try the debug statement I showed you. It clears even the partitions on your when you format you are actually recreating the partitions as well.....If this does not work out then you would have to purchase a new HDD.....and by the way I am also a dell certified tech from India....
enter the blue cd that says drivers and a dos the command prompt run debug script as stated aboove...after you are finished with the debug script you can start an OS reinstall...
rihgt682, download the utility software from the hd manufacturer. should allow you to low level format the hd so than can load windows.