winfast tv 2000 xp - cant capture vhs but live tv works fine

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by sigpop, Nov 13, 2003.

  1. onestop

    onestop Regular member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Yo mbanx, your PC should not have any problems at all but just make sure that you have enough HDD space for AVI encoding (approx 18GB for 1 movie). Hope that you are running on WinXP and you will have no restriction on the size of file and DMA problems. I heard that the Canopus ADVC is great for producing good video and will not have video/audio synchronization problem but it is costly and unless you are doing video converting business.

    Like I said earlier, I tried video input from VCD to Mpeg-1 and the result is almost as good as original. I will be doing backup of my VHS to DVD once I get a macrovision remover and I believe that the result should be GOOD as well. Honestly, we are talking so much of the WinFast TV2000 XP Expert not because it is 'CHEAP' but we felt it is way ahead of some even more expensive video capture card and not much known buds so far.

    Just bear in mind that TV2000 XP Expert has to link the audio input internally to your PC's audio card and not like the others which is link but an audio cable externally (better for me - not so messy). To avoid errors, you have to download latest driver and PVR software from instead of using the given installation CD. Remember to change master sream to "audio" instead of the default of "auto" and you should not have any audio/video synchronization problem.
  2. mbanx

    mbanx Guest

    Your right I dont think the card is cheap but it is one hell of a deal for a card that does so much. You lost me with the Master Audio Stream stuff. Can you elaborate please
    Thanks alot for your information.
  3. onestop

    onestop Regular member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Don't worry mbanx, once you have the PVR software installed, you will see the 'master stream' option in the first folder when you click on the configaration of the PVR. In situations of audio/video synchronization is out e.g audio about 5 - 10 secs before video, changing the 'master stream' from auto to audio will eliminate this problem. Hey, this happen to many video capture card and Leadtek has over come it. I totally agree to "one hell of a deal for a card that does so much" when you install the Ulead DVD Movie Factory, it is a bridge for your PVR to have VCD & DVD direct burn and it replace 3 of my DVD software : Sonic MyDVD, Arcsoft Showbiz and TMPG DVD Author. Well, FearTec suggested a freeware VirtueDub but I prefer TMPGEnc Plus for video editing. You can download TMPGEnc for free but it can only editing MPEG-1 and TMPGEnc Plus (Purchase) can do MPEG-1 & MPEG-2.
  4. FearTec

    FearTec Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    It looks as if the "Master Audio Stream" option is defaultly set to Audio (not auto) with the latest drivers.

    Im using RCA cables from my lounge room to my computer room (about 7 meters), i could not be bothered to re solder a svideo cable.
  5. onestop

    onestop Regular member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Yo guys, I have converted my son's VHS Toy Story by Walt Disney to DVD using the TV2000XP Expert. Well the result is the same as using my Sony TRV60 camcorder as the bridge. I tried playback the created DVD on a 43" TV and I should say that the result is more than acceptable. Oh I forgot to mention about the 5mm flickering border at the bottom of the screen and that happens whenever I try to backup a VHS using either digicam or the TV2000XP Expert. Anyway it didn't bother me much because I actually trim it off using TMPGEnc Plus. I guess that might be caused by macrovision protection and I will try again when I got a remover.
  6. mbanx

    mbanx Guest

    Hey onestop that is good to hear that is what I am looking to do. Although I am not sure what you mean by using your Camcorder as a bridge.
  7. onestop

    onestop Regular member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Yo mbanx, the later range of DV camcorders actually have analog video input and transfer to PC by firewire (IEEE 1394). In other words the DV camcorder is really acting as a bridge to convert analog video into PC. The only setback is that you can only input the same video system (PAL or NTSC) of your camcorder e,g digicam is NTSC than VHS must also be NTSC.
  8. mbanx

    mbanx Guest

    Well I have my card installed not to many error message but I dont have anything except a blue screen. I have it hooked up to a flat screen and my resolution is set at 1024x768 not sure if that has anything to do with it I tried at 800x600 and had the same problem. I dont see alot of options on my control panel that I might have missed. Also no audio I have coax ran into the card and the panel says live tv and acts like it is doing something but I cant see it. Any suggestions?
  9. mbanx

    mbanx Guest

    Allright I got tv picture but still no audio. I cant find the audio in on my mother board. The closest thing I seen was a 3 prong plug coming from my board and I am not sure what it is. coming from the xp card it shows to be 4 prongs, my audio is on board but I cant seem to find where it is to hook up.
  10. onestop

    onestop Regular member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Oops! couldn't find audio in huh? Ok, it is normally on the sound card of your PC but on some cases that it is embedded together with the motherboard. Well, if you belong to the 2nd situation, the easlier way to trace is to look at the audio wire from your CDrom that goes to the line-in of the motherboard and there should be another similar socket call the "Aux". Remember that if you link to the "Aux" than make sure that the "Aux" in volume control is turn on or else there will be no sound again.
  11. mbanx

    mbanx Guest

    OK I have sound and I captured a video to my hard drive ran it through TMPgenc to MPEG2 format, now I want to try to burn it on DVD but none of my software sees it. CloneDVD, CopytoDVD, and Nero but they do not appear for me to burn. One app. said something about .IFO what am I not getting here? As far as I know is that my file is in DVD format ready to burn.
  12. onestop

    onestop Regular member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Yo mbanx, 1st of all is your MPEG-2 able to playback by any DVD player software like PowerDVD, WinFastDVD or Windows Media Player? If yes, lets forget about all other DVD burning software and just use the Ulead DVD factory given by Leadtek. When you are using Ulead DVD factory, during the 2nd folder when you are adding video, look at the left side middle where you see an arrow, click on it will allow you to choose whether or not to use chapter function. Just curious what format did you encode in the ist place? I would susgest that you use the "DVD NTSC" in the WinFast PVR rather than those MPEG-2 functions.

    Strange to me that you mentioned about .IFO because you should burn MPEG-2 using Ulead DVD Factory which will do the image stuff automatically. IFO stuff is what that will be rip out from an DVD and they must all be put to a VIDEO_TS folder (create yourself) and than burn in DVD by Nero, RecordNox Max, etc. Well you could read up more about ripping DVDs in this forum too.
  13. FearTec

    FearTec Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    LeadTek have released a new version of the PVR and FM applications for the TV2000XP Expert Range.

    MMCD v3.4 (2003/12/16)
    PVR v3.0.9.28 & vFM 1.55

    TV2000XP Expert Drivers Page:

    Download Application:

    Also the application says it is only for 2K and XP, I have installed it OK on Windows 98 SE.

  14. FearTec

    FearTec Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    LeadTek have released a new version of the PVR and FM applications for the TV2000XP Expert Range.

    MMCD v3.4 (2003/12/16)
    PVR v3.0.9.28 & vFM 1.55

    TV2000XP Expert Drivers Page:

    Download Application:

    Also the application says it is only for 2K and XP, I have installed it OK on Windows 98 SE.

  15. FearTec

    FearTec Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Sorry for the duplicate posts (Me.LowOnCaffeine = True) + after I typed the first reply the forum returned to the 1st page of replies.
  16. onestop

    onestop Regular member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Yo FearTec, is there any major difference in the new PVR and FM?
  17. FearTec

    FearTec Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    No visual change but appears to run 20% faster? Does Leadtek have a version log?
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2003
  18. onestop

    onestop Regular member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Oh I See, I've downloaded the newer PVR and probably write to Leadtek to ask what are the improvement. By the way, in what ways is it faster? during mpeg encoding? Gee, kind of lazy to do the upgrade and setting up the TV & FM channels.....
  19. FearTec

    FearTec Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    There is no need to reset the channels, just install over the top and all will be ok.

    it seems to use 20% less of my processor when watching TV.
  20. javed13

    javed13 Member

    Jan 12, 2004
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    I have two problems. First the sound cuts off after a few minutes, i've updated the drivers and the software. I read somewhere to turn on auto protect on norton antivirus. I've done that as well. it still goes out.

    Another problem is that if i record something on my tv card, my computer doesnt play the sound, i tried to play it in the software it came with and windows media player. Windows media player looks for a codec, then doesnt find it and finally just displays the video.

    If ne one has ne solution to these problems, let me know. Thanks

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