about a year or more my password here was cracked.. it now has so meny key strokes in it i have to copy and paste it in...
ripper i use wordpad,for all my passwords. and save all my passwords to a flash drive,and a external floppy drive as a back up. example of a password i use i could never remember that..so i copy and past it in.. #rt%#Hf56b*()$&5*3*6@!HYim5
last words on passwords,i never keep passwords on a computer....all passwords made are on a computer that never see's the net.. now,back on toptic
I've had my stuff ripped off me a lot, check google and you'll see how many sites have copied my guides; its really annoying as you could imagine..
guys, i used this tutorial, i just used this tut, i decided to spread it, i didnt mean to copy it and get u guys all over my back for this shit
halofan0 when ye use someones tutorial you must post the name of the person that created the tutorial..........at the top of the post and give him the credit
He did ireland..but that's not the point. It's purely a duplicate post of information from a stickied guide. Wait for my suggestion in the appropriate place .. Here's a useful thing in these circumstances.. to be deployed as and when necessary..
no hes suppose to post a couple of lines of the tutorial and give credit and link the tutorial is what i ment.......... my trouble is i am posting in to meny sites at the same time..
For the attention of anyone who wants to lok into this further, seein as I can't search the forums for the tut as I'm not registered.... http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/447974#2705925 Loool ^^
This is what I meant ireland..there didn't seem to be any effort to claim ownership of the information, or he was too plain stoopid to realise the original author's details were all over it. We had some great fun with this one.. I'm surprised halofan0 risked crawling out from under his rock and posting again. Nothing personal, and a valuable lesson learned methinks. Think before posting.. 1. Is the information correct 2. Has it been requested or is it another surplus thread 3. Is it your info or pasted from elsewhere on this site 4. Is it from a stickied tut that is always easily available to all 5. Is it easier to just link to it if it's relevant as an answer... Sorry, but it just pricked a site-admin type nerve and I just had to respond by requesting wolves..also it kills any advantage gained from posting a pointless thread and then being unable to answer the 100000 questions that it will generate.. The mods need to be aware of this tactic for post padding, there could have easily been enough "uhh I dunno, check here" replies to make member just off this one thread alone... I could use the stunt myself if 2500 wasn't so far away..
u guys r such jackasses, i cant believe this, i decided to post someones tut on here, notice how i didint erase the written by azidreign!!!! LISTEN!!! I WAS TRYiNG TO SPREAD IT!!! I DIDINT EVEN NOTICE IT WAS AN AFTERDAWN FORUM ALONG TIME WHEN I GOOGLED IT, I SAVED IT aND I JUST COPIED IT ONTO HERE THINKING I WAS SPREADING A WORD!!! U GUYS R COMPLETE JACKASSES