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Work, Life, and Fun.

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by themind, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. chris1980

    chris1980 Guest

    Sorry, I quoted the wrong person, I thought I was quoting ps355528 (I wouldn't have been so aggresive if it was meant for you, it's just that ps355528 seems to post a lot of hypocritical bs). I still stand by my point though, but it does depend on why the person is seeing a therapist. If the patient is seeing a therapist for a minor issue then I do agree there is no point. But if they're getting over a traumatic event (such as a soldier killing someone), then it is vital.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2010
  2. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    I dont agree with paying a therapist,counsellor or anyone else a lot of money just to talk to them.then again if someone offered me large amounts of money to give them advice i wouldnt object.The best advice comes from someone who's been through hard times and survived and came good,not someones whos done a training course.
  3. ps3lvanub

    ps3lvanub Regular member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    I agree whole heartedly. Two weeks ago Richard McCann came into school to give us a pep talk on determination and everything before our final exam year got started proper. For those of you who don't know. Richard McCann's mum was the first victim of the Yorkshire Ripper. For those who don't know who the Yorksire Ripper is (because I don't know how familiar the story is outside of the UK) I suggest you Google it. Anyway long story short, his life went off the rails at the age of six and he got it back on track some decades later. The fact was that if that guy can pull himself of the shit, anyone else sure as hell can. And that guy didn't have any family left when he wanted to kill himself. themind, I suggest you aquire his book. You may find it inspirational.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  4. chris1980

    chris1980 Guest

    I can't really comment on the financial side of it as most of my psychiatrist bills have been payed by the ADF, but what good is money if you're dead?

    My psychiatrist served in Vietnam, I'm fairly sure that he knows what I went through.

    Here's a really good view of the psychiatric part of warfare.

    He would have seen a therapist.
  5. ps3lvanub

    ps3lvanub Regular member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    He did, but alot of the time therapists don't manage to salvage any of the person who is suicidle and they end up killing themselves.
  6. chris1980

    chris1980 Guest

    Of all my mates in the army, I only know one person who has commited suicide.

    Who here has actually seen a psychologist or a psychiatrist?
  7. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    ive seen both a psychologist and a psychiatrish plus i had counselling when i was younger.The psychologist was pretty much useless.The psychiatrist i see every 3months just to make sure im not having any problems with my medication and life in general.Actually stresses me out seeing a psychiatrist and i stress sitting in a small room talking to someone i dont know very well.after 10 minutes with him im usually out the door.
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    neither for me.
  9. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    shrinks are fun.. in 50 years trying they have never "cured" anybody like me... but certain factions still keep insisting they can and do.. evidence people.. or stfu.. is what I say..

    Shrinks?.. treat them with the same contempt you usually reserve to snake oil peddlars!!

    counselling.. blah blah blah.. what a load of crap.. you need to find out what the root of the problem is.. talking bollocks for weeks on end never achieves anything at all (see note above) These idiots "person center" whereas I always adopt the "problem direct" approach with much better results.. I mean.. if somebody is stuck in a shitty marriage what they need to do is smash it up and move on.. not jaw about it incessantly while still suffering and going further and further into a state of depression that ultimately leads to the same place.... The big bust up IS coming.. so it's better to get it over and done with.. maybe by solving things early there may even be something left to save?

    Thats my take on it anyway.. if somebody wants to end it for no obvious reason then let them get on with it and stop damn whining.. The people I knew who have done it (more than a few I can tell you) have all made valid and rational decisions to end their lives.. right down to picking a time and date and even making sure those left behind fully understand their reasons.
  10. ps3lvanub

    ps3lvanub Regular member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    My sentiments exactly. I suppose the people I know that have killed themselves (3) were pointless, dramatic tw*ts any way and were among some of the most selfishe people I have met so in a way... Good riddince.

    What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?
  11. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    a psychologist is suppose to treat problems with practical solutions.A psychiatrist treats problems with medication.
  12. chris1980

    chris1980 Guest

    To an extent that's true, but a psychiatrist also specialises in the medical reasons behind the problem, they don't always prescribe medicine. I've been diagnosed with a mental condition (technically it's a physical trait) called low latent inhibition. Because the aviation company I work for is often contracted by the government for military projects I'm required to see a psychiatrist once a week.

    Never cured anybody??? No evidence? What about me, my mates, and about half of the war veterans?
  13. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    if you have something that can't be cured (physical or mental) it doesnt matter who you see or what they do,the most they can do it help you to live with it and manage it to a certain extent.
  14. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    I think the problem with therapists is they charge alot (which sometimes isnt covered by public healthcare) and they usually just talk and not try and actually do anything (besides talk).If they are seen to not actively do anything people get a bad perseption of them.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  15. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    chris.. I said "people LIKE ME" .. not like you.. I know help is available for traumatised war vets.. and I'm very glad it is and that in many cases it seems to have excellent results... it should be free as well as I would class that kind of mental injury as a workplace illness.

    To answer the direct question "who has seen a psychiatrist or psychologist" .. yes thanks.. about 30 of them over the years since I was 4.. last saw one on Monday.. They have finally realised I qualified for their "treatment" over 7 years ago... so making me tick more boxes or jump through more hoops is very very pointless.. they aren't going to see any "changes" in me because they happened 20 years ago at least. Be aware .. these people aren't in it for the patient.. they are in it for their wallets and bank balances..

    My point was .. how can a genetic birth condition be "cured" by a psychiatrist?

    I have known more people than I care to count who have ended their lives to escape from ongoing pointless suffering for both themselves and their families and loved ones.. Never have they been whiners or drama queens.. they just quietly decided enough was enough and took the necessary steps. People who had suffered for 30-50 years in some cases.. only to be told "you are too old" or "you have another condition which means the last 20 years of suffering have now been rendered pointless" ..

    I know the feeling.. 30 years of crap and abuse from the medical profession and society for SOMETHING I WAS BORN WITH!!! and they still try to force me to jump through their artificially imposed hoops to "prove" I'm serious... strewth.. isn't 30+ years of hell enough to convince these morons this is me and it's how I'm made??? I wish I wasn't born like this.. but no bugger asked me if I wanted to be born did they?
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  16. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    try 51yrs with cerebal palsey next week. operated on twice on both legs when i was 4 & 10yrs old. only found out a few years ago what causes cp, a stroke while as a fetus.

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