InCanada The adjustable wrench is easy. Set it to the fully closed position, hit your self on the head really hard and if you start seeing stars then it is clearly American imperial, if you don`t see stars then you know it the reall metric thing. About cars, I love that you can go to a junk yard, pickup a car for $200, fix what ever for usually less than $500 and still comes in less then the insurance for the year. If it wasn't illegal to drive with out insurance, I wouldn't recommend it. Just hang out in Junk yards.
hey just to say i cant match everyones computing knowledge here but if anyone needs a hand with there motorbike im a trainee mechanic so ill try and give a hand as everyones has been so helpful
Cover about 50 miles / week in the [bold]undeniably classic Renault 11[/bold]. And 100 / week on a rancid pushbike
Well now I have gone and proven that I am thick headed. Tried the wrench thing and now it's bent. So is it worth more now that it's a custom offset adjustable wrench ? Maybe a few more whacks...then I won't have to worry about my other postings under the `mmmmmbeer' thread. Get that same buzz without the expense. But is it actually legal ?