WoW 2.0.3 Patch problems (for a friend) help needed.

Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by magus7091, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. magus7091

    magus7091 Regular member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    The reason I'm posting this here is because I don't play the game therefore I can't post this on the WoW support forums.
    --Original Message--
    Alright, a friend of mine downloaded the trial version of WoW off the website and paid blizzard for a key to turn it into the full version (from what I understand, but not sure how that works as I don't play the game). He's been playing with no problems up until now but he hasn't been able to play since the latest patch came out. Here's what happens.

    At 99% the blizzard downloader stops and says "multiple errors have occurred while saving data" and gives a details option. As suggested on WoW support site we've tried disabling firewall, (minimal) selective startup, shutting down all possible background programs, running in safe mode (with networking), run a full virus scan (no problems found), and downloading the standalone patch off of 3 different mirrors (every time it starts to install then says it's corrupt). We've also tried running checkdisk with no errors and running a defrag, and uninstalling the game, deleting the folders, and re-downloading and reinstalling the game.

    All that being said, I do have access to the game discs and would be willing to copy them for him if that would get it working. If not I'm open to any suggestions that anyone has about trying to get this working. Just do me one favor please, and don't suggest that we do anything that we've already done, and don't post any unintelligent posts about not meeting minimum requirements, I do know how to check for that much. To sum up, read and think before you write. Thanks.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2007
  2. magus7091

    magus7091 Regular member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm starting to think it's his hard drive going out. Other dl's saying corrupt too. Anyone else have any thoughts? Useful or not anything would help. At least let me know that you say it.
    Sorry for the shorthand all. Posting from a wii
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2007
  3. arcturis

    arcturis Member

    Feb 13, 2007
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    I installed WoW from the trial CD on my desktop. It seems kind of strange that you are running into this problem since I was able to install the same patch you and your friend are trying to install. I had no problems installing this patch and he shouldn't either. In response to your last post about other .dll's being corrupt, I would definitly switch out the HDD and go from there.

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