WOW! 30 sec. from cam 100Mb file on computer?

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by born1974, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. born1974

    born1974 Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Hi there i have a jvc gr-d270u mini-dv cam recorder. I also have a ton of programs for converting files and all the newest codecs available. but so far i just use nero for the import of my movie. The first option it gives you is dv-1 or dv-2 both make huge files. it seems like 1 hour would be 15 gig's or so. but the quality is the best. Now my real question is u can also import useing avi and my codecs i have witch are xvid , divx , ffdshow , canopus , and some others. But when i use these , even at high bitrates like 8000 kbp/s the process takes longer but more important the qulity just sucks. unless the cam is not moving at all the motion almost blurs into a kind of animation look, like a posterize effect witch is weird because i've seem full movies in avi format as low as 800 kbp/s and it looks just as good if not better than my import. so far i've tried importing a 30 second segment i have at least 50 times useing various bit rates and codecs and the only one that looks good is dv 1 or 2. and last question. I want to import my movie at 23.96 fps. that way when comvert to mpeg2 dvd format i can use 3:2 pulldown, witch i've allways had sucess with. is there any way to import at 23.96 or (24fps.)? thanks a ton if you can help me out.

    TPFKAS Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    When you transfer from a minDV camcorder, always use DV. reason for that is that the video on the tape is compressed with a DV codec and when you do a transfer through Firewire, the video is just transferred and stored into an AVI container. There is no conversion whatsoever. The result is around 13Gigs/hour, there is no way around that.
    Some capture programs give you the option to import it using another codec. What actually happens then is that the video is transferred in DV format and directly recompressed using the selected codec. The issue here is that this then has to be done in real-time (at the speed the video comes in). Compressing video is a very demanding process and in order to keep up, low quality settings will be used when compressing in real-time.
    If you absolutely want to convert to another codec (like DivX or xVid)best is first to transfer to DV-AVI and recompress is at a later stage. This can be done very easy with VirtualDUB. Here's a simple tutorial:

    Why would you want to import at 23.96 fps? Standards for DV are either 25 or 29.97 and if you want to put it on a DVD you can just encode it using these frame rates.
  3. born1974

    born1974 Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    O.K. that makes scence. I was thinking about just getting a third hard drive just for big movies only. the reason why i want to do 3:2 pulldown is for some reason any program i use to convert 29 fps. to 29 fps. witch you would think would have no problem actually gives me a screen jerk for the result video. I can acually take a 25 fps. pal avi. and convert it to mpeg-2 at 29fps. useing 3:2 pulldown and get no screen jerk and the movie looks great. or even 24 to 29 fps useing 3:2 pulldown looks good. but 29 to 29fps with or without useing 3:2 pulldown gives me screen jerk and you would think that that would be the only one that would'nt do that. that's why i asked the pulldown question. if you have any idea why converting 29 to 29 fps gives me screen jerk let me know. and i've tried changing the interlaceing , and the top and bottom field order and still get the screen jerk with 29 fps. thanks for the reply.
  4. Gaurangp

    Gaurangp Guest

    u should change the quality of the cam

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