Hey all has anyone ever hit this url up was a good place to find solfware but for the last 2 week's I've not been abel to open the url up ??? a friend was trying to tell me that my ISP might me blocking it can they do that ??? I wouldn't think so going to try the url at my bro's today when I get up he use's a diff isp and see if it will let me open the url
Hey DGrayson, First, Welcome to AfterDawn! Second, I tried the link and it seems to be working, however, I don't know about the content and stuff on there, I am assuming that it is good stuff, but don't use many programs. I am not sure about you ISP blocking it, but you should be able to call them if you need to and ask them if they are blocking any sites. I really don't think they are even allowed to do that. Ports, yes! Sites, I REALLY don't think so! Hopefully you can get it to work for you.
well I wouldn't think they could stop me from going to any web page I wanted to but they must be as I can't get to it on with any of the 2 computer's in my house Bummer ( if not for charter being the olny cable IPS I can get in my town I'ed drop them
Got solfware! http://www.snapfiles.com/freeware/freeware.html http://www.download.com/2001-20_4-0.html?tag=hd.ts http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/index/0,00.asp http://www.sysinternals.com/index.shtml Edit Glad to see someone like me. ;-)