Seamonkey, is it possible to burn a game directly to your xbox using the mod chip. I have heard that you can. Can you let me know if this is possible and if so how do you do it. Thank REMOVED!
re: jco here's a very, very brief guide (see my site for detailed instructions and pics): putting games directly on the xbox harddrive is not too hard. 1. you need to install evolution x dashboard onto the xbox harddrive and set it up so it boots as the default dashboard, also make sure you configure the evox.ini file so the network is setup and FTP = YES and games DON't autoload. 2. Once you get the network part of the evox.ini setup, hook up the xbox to a router or use a crossover cable (this is alittle harder, you have to setup a static ip to the xbox to show up, try to ping the ip that the dashboard shows) 3. once you get the xbox on the network, just ftp into the xbox's ip (user name= xbox, password= xbox). Once you are connected, you should see 7 or 8 folders. Make a nice backup of the C and E drive (just in case something happens) The DVD drive is the "D" folder, puta game in and copy all of the files from the D folder onto your computer. 4. after you have the files on your computer, you'll need to create a games folder on the xbox in the "E" folder (leave the other folders alone in the "E" folder, they are game save states), then add a folder in the games folder for your game (ie splintercell) adn copy all of the files we copied from the xbox's D drive into the new folder (our example, splintercell) 5. now, you need to change your evox.ini file to let you load the games on the harddrive. once you do that, you can just load up your xbox and play the game directly from the harddrive. (again, see my site for details, too much to type and i'm lazy today ;-) 6. voila! games load faster, your xbox is a semi-portable game machine (who needs the disc when its on the harddrive!!) plus, if your up to it, you can replace the factory drive with a PC IDE harddrive (up to 120 GB in size). hope that gives ya a start!! oh yea, to get backup dvds to play on the xbox, just burn the movies with Stomp RecordNow rather than nero burn. peace seamonkey420 seamonkey420's guides: i'll hope to 10,000 hits this week!! oh yea, i apologize for any of the "website unavailable" messages from geocities, lots of visitors i guess..
Hey Seamonkey, is 120 gb the max size hd an xbox can handle? Also msdshboard doesnt load when selected, it reboots to evox with no skin and if i hit msdash again it goes back to evox with the skin i choose. it goes back and forth. no msdash. anyone have any helpful hints?
I started xbox with evox cd and the evox screen appeard i took out evo x cd put in rallisport challenge and connected with flashfxp i looked whats in D: only 2 files default.xbe and another small file i suggest this isnt the game anyone can help me?
Hey Blizz55, the two files you are looking at are the evox files, try hiting the refresh button at the upper right of flashfxp after you insert the game, hope that helps
hey Jco Evolution x is a dashboard for the xbox. You can download it and replace it with the microsoft 1. Download Evolution X at Look in the bottom left corner and click it thats how you download it. Ps You can download the Evolution-X D6 With Eject fix at Get a User name Click downloads. Click Evolution X. Click bios and look for Evolution-X D6 With Eject fix Good Luck dude
so you use the evolution x bios and download it to your mod and then install the mod onto the motherboard.
Yes, You Use WINLPC and program it to ur mod-chip. For full instuctions go on Also i'l be on FlameBlade67 on aol instant messanger if u have any more questions
didnt work with refresh button. its default.xbe and menu.ini (not evo-x.ini) someone suggested that i could have a too old version of evo-x could that be? cya blizz
does any one know how to download directly to the hard drive from the xbox. I was reading that you can do it using two programs called xboxcopy and boxplorer, but not quite sure. also is it possible to play a game without downloading once you put all these extra apps on your system.
Ok dude I got almost everything down. i'm getting my mod-chip soon from, i have all the programs i just want to know about XBOX LIVE Could I still play xbox live even if i did all this stuff. If So How! Please explain
hello everyone.. well, it had to happen and it did.. i exceeded my bandwith allocation at geocities.. so i decided to create an alternative site for my xbox guide.. here's a new link, i'll finish setting it up today.. RE: xbox live, you can get it to work, i haven't really tried to do this myself yet, but i have heard you need to either put a switch on your xbox to disable the mod chip or if you use the matrix mod chip, set it to mode 3 (you can boot the factory bios with an original game. however, the first time you connect to xbox live, it will update your dasbhoard files (xboxdash.xbe file), so make a complete backup of you C drive before you do it.. check out some more xbox forums for more details, try searching google for "xbox modding live" peace seamonkey420
I know you said that most games are 1 - 2Gb, but was wandering if you could give me some exact sizes of some popular games - like halo, splinter cell, mech assault, deathrow or any others you know.
you can backup games to cd-r. I have done it for a couple. There is a draw back though. Any cinematic sequences that are loaded off of the cd are slow and jerky. The best solution in my experience is to place the game on the xbox harddrive. As seamonkey has stated, the load times are much faster when the game is on the harddrive versus cd or dvd.