XBOX classic HD replacement suggestions ?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by technoob, May 21, 2020.

  1. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    triggers TSOP flashed to me Scorp.. been so long and my big folder is at the other house.. E5 can also be a naff IDE cable fyi.. will keep an eye on thread tho
  2. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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  3. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Download hexen here using torrent it's a 400mb download. The file is where it says download options to the right directly below top banner

    Once you have it install the new hdd then boot up the box with hexen in the drive & format the hdd. This will create all partitions automatically. You then follow the tuts on how to get it too boot to the hdd

    member ps355528 above would be better to instruct than me. She is the boss when it comes to xbox's
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    not boss but Queen.
  5. technoob

    technoob Member

    May 21, 2020
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    well, updates.
    I got the adapter for the HD and all I need now is alight-weight auto installer to upgrade the HD.
    I tried burning SlaYers_EvoX_Auto-Installer_2.7FINAL.iso on a CD-R, then on a CD-RW, then on another CD-R, tried as data disc, normal ISO and converted to XISO... no results, the xbox just doesn't read it.
    Unfortunely, I have a really bad internet connection, so all I can do is to download small files (maximum 1GB)... from a wi-fi spot far from my house, so I have limited time, and limited resources (as Megaupload had the brilliant idea to force Android users to download an app that is not compatible with my smartphone).

    What I would need is a ISO I can burn on a DVD, like AID Lite or Hexen (I know these files are below 1GB)
    I would need that hosted on a site like Rapidfiles or something like that. I know this sounds bad, but it's my only option. Megaupload doesn't just work for me, neither Googledrive. It's a real problem, I know, but I can't do anything else.

    Any help is appreciated.

    for some reason the browser didn't show the last messages. now even the cache is giving me problems, great.

    Anyway, I'll see If I can download the torrent with my smartphone and I'll upadate about it, thank you so much for the help so far
  6. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    righty.. now we are on more solid ground.... failure to read any kind of cd-r is down to your dvd drive...

    whatcha got in the box?

    secondly.. do you have a copy of splinter cell?.. the black spine one, not the classics splinetr cell?? .. one trick is to softmod your box using the .. err.. name escapes me.. (scorp.. help/.) save exploit, then use xboxhdm to literally build a new drive outside , lock it, and plug it in..

    then I think the trick was to make sure the game save exploit files were there in the right place.. and cold boot the game and run the exploit again..

    please note.. must be more than a decade since I did anything with an xbox.. living away from home right now.. and my memory ain't what it used to be.. family Alzheimers is starting to kick in..

    being 54 sucks.. but Janrocks rides again.. eh?
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    almost 7yrs older then you are & having CP most definitely sucks at that age.
  8. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    He has all the files from his original hard drive that is modded i.e C & E .I assumed he wouldn't need an exploit as he already has them from the ftp to pc which he did ?

    The thing that escapes wouldn't be xboxhdm. Its in a link i gave him in pm to my mega account. Most if not all files he'll need are there except the splinter cell

    Had a quick look at the xbox software i have it appears there's a full video tut that shows how to do the splint exploit.

    There's a whole lot of vids on it[720p]

    Edit: 55 y/o here & feeling it. Usually every morning before the joints get properly lubed
  9. technoob

    technoob Member

    May 21, 2020
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    updates, sad updates:
    I've been able to burn Slayer 2.7, after a couple of tweaks, I was able to make it recognize the hard disk and even load the dashboard, but it was all unstable: sometimes apps or games didn't load (they returned to dashboard).
    Now it doesn't even recognize the HD, which is a 111GB adapted SATAtoPATA.
    It currently shows "0" at each partition on the Slayer 2.7 main screen.
    I don't know what to do, probably I messed some settings, I think I need a specific guide to install the dashboard/apps properly. Maybe the adapter doesn't work, maybe the HD screwed up (but it works on windows, though). If anyone knows what's proper to do, please let me know.
    So, currently I switched to the old/original.. at least I can play burned DVD's... meh

    btw, 33 years old here, same age of Christ when he was crucified (which is what this black piece of junk is doing to me today lol)
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
  10. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    The link above your post has the vids needed
  11. technoob

    technoob Member

    May 21, 2020
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    I think I give up, there's no point in this battle.
    I'll just run my games from Discs and that's all.
    All I want to know is: I know there's a difference between ISO and XISO.
    How to recognize them ? I mean, if I download a game from a roms site (which is isn't allowed, it's severely prohibited, unless you got the original, ok, but sometimes the original is scratched you know), what do I have to do to burn it properly ?
    So far common ISO's worked (specifically Hexen and Slayer's installer)... but what about ISOs from the net, do they come already " burn-ready " or do I have to check them/patch them before burning them ?
  12. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    nearly there actually.. the thing is.. even a tsop flashed box might well be running what we call a "shadow C" .. basically a softmod but with the bios modified in such a way as to defeat the hard drive lock requirement.. right now I have nothing to compare this situation with..
  13. technoob

    technoob Member

    May 21, 2020
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    I don't know what flashed or tsop mean :/
    maybe I just messed with the installer or most probably the adapter was faulty, I don't know
  14. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    There's a tool called NKPatcher which nulls the eeprom it's included in rocky's softmod tool below

    flashed is what all cpu's have done to them to initiate the boot process. TSOP is a combo mild hard/softmod (hard meaning a modchip however in tsop there isn't one just soldering of wires from the cpu) .

    Should remove the dvd drive & see if anything has been soldered as you'll see some wires going from point to point. Can't remember if you said you had the dvd drive out to check

    you can test the adpter by using an external housing or by direct connection to the pc . As it will have spare ports or just disconnect it's dvd dive & connect the hdd. If it works you should see the hdd in computer management under disk management

    There should be tuts on how to work with xiso.

    It's best to watch video's on upgrading hdd's & keep watching till it all makes sense in regards to the process.

    I do actually have an un-modded box here. When i get time i'll see what will happen if i try what your doing. I can use the modded xbox's to extract eeprom from it . Rocky's softmod software can do it without the eeprom if i'm not mistaken but i don't know if it can do what you want

    You should also check the clock capacitor for leaks & remove it if it is. There's vids on it on youtube. You don't need soldering tools. I just gently rocked it back & forth till it broke off on mine
  15. technoob

    technoob Member

    May 21, 2020
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    too much work, scorpNZ, honestly. I'm not a big expert and I just want to play you know, it is interesting to know all the stuff that has to be known but I know my limits and I just basically bought another hard disk, using the last one I tried as external PATA usb drive. Really don't want to mess with the console, I'll just try the new hard disk + Slayer 2.7 which seemed to work. In my opinion, it's the adapter or hard drive model I used before, the HD I ordered is a normal big PATA HD so there could be chances XBox reads it better than the previous one I tried (who seemed to work in an instable way, so it's better not to risk further... I'm kind of a caveman as regards assembling/disassembling so it's better for me not to try anything stupid XD I know myself lol).

    About the links you provided, I think you should make them public.
    I've been lurking a lot on the net for AID and similar softwares and I saw many links on many forums or other sources being offline, making your links public or publishing them would be a real benefit for those looking for the same stuff (which seems to be available only from torrents as regards my experience). Surely other people will not have the same problems downloading them, as much as I have mentioned about.

    Yeah Xbox classic may be a little forgotten, but there's still people enjoying it ;)

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